Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2270 Moment of Destruction (Part 1)

Chapter 2275: Moment of Destruction (Part 1)

There was no ammunition to explode and no fire to burn. The huge and heavy wreckage of the King Tiger lay on the ground like a mountain of steel corpses. The corpses of the German armored soldiers whose chests were shot through by the Mosin-Nagant were hung across the turret. He lowered his head, and the fierce battle beside the remains of the steel and flesh corpses continued.

"Onward! Comrades! For Stalin, Ulla!!!"


The battle has reached its final moments. The siege troops of the Leader's Division, attacking from both sides from the east and west, have penetrated almost all the defensive strongholds and key support points outside the core area of ​​the station.

The original core triangle defense of "waiting hall-goods yard-dispatching building" has now been destroyed by the leader's fierce and swift offensive. The goods yard and dispatching building have been occupied or directly destroyed, leaving only the last A core area, the waiting hall, is still making its last desperate struggle to support itself.

"Cover the infantry charge! Suppress the entrance to the waiting hall with fire, load armor-piercing bullets on the machine guns, shoot through the wall and kill the guy behind the wall!"

After the initial heavy armored assault, the follow-up support troops of the Leader Division quickly brought more diversified technical weapons for siege. For example, they were not suitable for head-on confrontation with tanks, but they were very suitable for use. The bp43 infantry fighting vehicle is used for anti-infantry and anti-fortification bunker fire suppression tasks.

Although this 25mm machine gun has a small caliber, it can do a lot of things.

The 25mm machine gun, which uses magazines inserted directly into the hopper to feed ammunition, has very good firepower sustainability. Dark red tracer armor-piercing bullet chains are fired out in a dense cluster, crackling the outer wall of the entire waiting hall and leaving debris everywhere. fly.

With 25mm armor-piercing projectiles that can tear through even light armor, it is not a big problem to break through this kind of civilian-grade exterior wall defense. Although the exterior wall has been reinforced twice by German engineering troops, civilian exterior walls are still civilian. As for the exterior wall, it is a fantasy to expect that with a hasty temporary reinforcement project, it can be repaired to the level of the French's Maginot Line defenses.

Well, indeed, although the French surrendered quickly and broke the world record, the level of fortifications they built on the Maginot Line was indeed very good, but it was useless.

Most of the 25mm armor-piercing projectiles that penetrated the wall had rolled and deformed, but they still retained considerable impact kinetic energy.

Being hit head-on by such a severely deformed warhead, all I can say is "good luck to my brother and a happy death."

It ranges from having an arm broken by a single shot, half of a leg flying off, and blood and flesh flying everywhere; at worst, being chopped in half on the spot, or having his head shot off on the spot, and his brains exploded.

Being hit by a gun is not terrible. Some fanatical Nazis can even face the incoming bullets head-on without fear of death. The worst is death. Anyway, you will risk it. What is really scary is the horror of being hit by a machine gun. The way one dies.

But no unlucky guy who died under the bombardment of the machine gun could leave his whole body intact. Even the most fanatical Nazis saw the living comrades next to them and were killed by a group of people who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The lump of high-speed metal was transformed into this shape in an instant, and he died on the spot. Most of the time, he didn't even have time to scream, and the minced meat, blood, and internal organs were scattered all over the ground, and he died suddenly at the speed of light.

There is a saying, even if it can't make the most fanatical shit-headed bastards feel scared, it is enough to plant a trembling seed in their hearts and sprout an empathetic thought.

"Will I be the next one to become like this? What the hell is this way to die?"

Yes, that's right, it's a hell of a way to die.

If a live camera could be set up in the waiting hall to play the footage, then you would definitely be able to see that the scene in the waiting hall at this moment does not look like a war, but more like the slaughterhouse of the undead where the Hell Butcher has just opened a new store with a big reward. The kind that specializes in killing Nacui.

Broken limbs, arms and legs flying around, brains and blood are in unlimited supply here, visible to the naked eye, all over the floor, and you can get as much as you want.

There are no incineration flames of flamethrowers, no violent bombardment of large-caliber high-explosive bombs, only the bloody wind created by the non-stop firepower for one minute and ten seconds. There is only metal, metal and death storm here.

"We're finished! The Russians plan to beat us to a pulp, and they don't even plan to occupy this place! They will use artillery shells to destroy the waiting hall!"

"Shut up! We haven't lost yet! The armored train on the platform hasn't been lost yet, and we still have cross-fire points where we can take care of each other! The Russians don't dare to rush in, so they waste ammunition from a long distance. This is an advantage! Our advantage! Cheer up and keep fighting!"

The same thing will have different understandings and views in the eyes of different people.

In the eyes of normal people, the Germans are struggling to their death, with only one breath left to hang on. But they themselves still feel that I have the advantage. It is because you, the Russians, have no work to do. They don’t dare to attack by force, but only dare to stay away. Distance is the lousy job of wasting shells.

So how can we dialectically prove whose perception is correct and prove the authenticity?

Simple, come on, tos1 give him the whole job!

"The trains on the first and second tracks below the platform, right in front of the waiting hall door! The German armored trains are looking for death, focus on destroying them with fire!"

The battalion commander who personally led the attack shouted loudly on the radio channel and called for artillery fire. The three TOS1 vehicles that slowly drove into the shooting position responded to the call quickly.

"Dangerous distance, pay attention to concealment! The target is the German armored train under the platform. Each of the three cars will fire a half-box salvo, open fire!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

When these huge and bulky fire-breathing monsters fire in salvos, they are so loud and full of fire. The tail flame emitted by the "Andlyusa" heavy rockets with a diameter of up to 310 mm is far greater than that of any large-caliber rocket. The muzzle flash when the howitzer fires, and the sound when the butt of this thing spits fire and flies out, even if the 203mm Father's Hammer comes, it can only be defeated.

Not to mention the scene of a half-box salvo, which is 310 mm multiplied by 8 times of happiness. If you include the three-vehicle salvo, you have to multiply by another 3 on the basis of the previous one.

A total of 24 310mm rockets were fired in a salvo, and the movement caused by it was simply a fire storm with strong winds blowing from the Flame Mountain. Soldiers who are slightly closer to the TOS1 launch vehicle can even feel that the surrounding air is burning and invisible heat waves are churning. The instant change in the scorching heat of winter is so abnormal and exaggerated.

It is no wonder that some soldiers have given this thing the nickname "Fire Breathing Tank" because she is indeed worthy of the name. On the contrary, those serious fire breathing tanks carrying flamethrowers seem to be trying to do what they want compared to her.

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