Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2283 The transfer order comes again

"What's wrong? Why do you look like this? Do you have any special orders?"

Malashenko, who was holding the telegram in his hand, had a very strange expression. It was so strange that the political commissar could guess at a glance that there was probably something unusual written on the telegram, otherwise Malashenko's expression would not have turned out to be the same. so. Google search reading

Faced with the question from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko blinked and thought for a moment, then raised his hand and scratched his head like a monkey. After being quite puzzled, he spoke. .

"Can you believe it? We are being transferred and leaving East Prussia. The war here will have nothing to do with us from now on."


Now not only Malashenko, but also the political commissar comrades who heard this looked surprised.

"How is that possible? We've all been interspersed here, why are we being transferred now? Where are we being transferred to?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's written here. You can see for yourself."

Malashenko, who was also puzzled, did not continue and handed the telegram in his hand to the political commissar.

Political Commissar Petrov, who received the telegram, quickly read it at a glance, and the expression on his face immediately suggested something of understanding.

"I see. If that's the case, it's understandable. It's better to say it's an expected thing, but we didn't realize it beforehand."

The contents of the telegraph paper generally boil down to only one meaning.

Comrade Lao Wa sent a telegram saying that the next battle in East Prussia has nothing to do with the leadership division. It’s not that you guys didn’t fight well or that the battle has reached this point and you are not needed anymore, but that the Supreme Commander The ministry decided to give the leading division a new mission: to break through the last defense of the German army, insert the sharp knife into the heart of the Germans, end the evil, and completely end this protracted war.

Simply put, it was the vanguard of the Red Army's final offensive that invaded Berlin.

This is not just a military mission, but also a political mission.

The unique honor of the unit makes this supremely glorious task unsurprisingly fell on the head of the leading division.

Making history in the name of Supreme Leader Stalin, witnessing the final moment of the Great Patriotic War, freezing this final moment, firmly engraving it in the history books, and going down in history together with the name of the leader, this is the Supreme Commander of Moscow This is the final task assigned to the leadership division by the Ministry and also to Malashenko.

For this reason, the Leader Division will no longer be affiliated with Vatutin's Third Belorussian Front, but will be transferred to the First Belorussian Front to participate in the next phase of military operations.

It is worth mentioning that, in compliance with the appointment of Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin, the commander of the First Belarusian Front at this time was no longer Luo Chai, but an old superior who had a favor for Malashenko: invincible Marshal Zhukov, the God of War of the Red Army, Comrade Lao Zhu.

Although Vatutin did not narrate in detail in the short telegram, he only asked Malashenko to be prepared to change defenses and handovers with the troops arriving later at any time, and then set off by train to begin strategic maneuvers and move south to the first Belarusian base. The front army completed the transfer order.

But according to Malashenko's guess, the person who can transfer the leader of the Belarusian Third Front from Vatutin is unlikely to be a fatherly comrade who has delegated power to his generals.

Although it is good to win Berlin in the name of a loving father, it is just the icing on the cake. It is a matter of "it is better to have it, it will be okay without it", and it is only an icing on the cake at most. It is not a mistake to specially mobilize a main field group that is wallowing in a pool of blood from other front armies, and specially go south to participate in this military operation that has not yet hit our noses. How can we make such early preparations?

According to Comrade Ma's analysis, this kind of thing is more like Zhukov, who has just been transferred to the post of commander of the 1st Belarusian Front Army. From coordinating the strategic actions of the entire army to beginning to specifically control the frontline tactical command, Zhukov Things done.

Everyone knows that there is an irreplaceable special relationship between Zhukov and Malashenko. The special nature of this relationship cannot be replaced even by Vatutin and Malashenko.

You can even say that without Zhukov, there would be no Malashenko today.

Because it is.

Without Zhukov's single-handed promotion and support, Malashenko would not be able to have such a legendary experience today, let alone sit on the throne of the leader of the division commander, which is not replaced by the commander of the group army, and sit on it. It's so stable and has no intention of being rotated. It goes without saying who is behind this.

Of course, it can also be said that this is Zhukov cultivating his confidants and direct descendants. It is to strengthen his own power in the army, so that he can be used when needed in the future. This is done for his own selfish desires and personal purposes.

But no matter what, in the end it was Zhukov who made Malashenko what he is today, and this is absolutely correct.

Ability alone cannot achieve great things. No matter how good a horse is, it must be known by Bole to be known to the world, instead of being randomly discarded in the garbage dump like an ordinary stone and remaining unknown for a lifetime.

Malashenko didn’t have the awesome protagonist’s plug-in in some time-travel novels, or any golden finger that could change his fate. He brought nothing except a memory that didn’t belong to this world, not even this body. The body that houses the soul and consciousness is picked up for free.

To be honest, if Zhukov hadn't been willing to take such a step, Malashenko couldn't even say what he would be like now. Bao Buqi had already been taken away by the Germans in a certain battle and went to report to Comrade Lenin. .

To have a strong general who is grateful to him and who speaks his mind is waiting for his orders. Even if the commander of the 1st Belarusian Front is not Zhukov but someone else, Malashenko believes that he will still make the same decision in the same situation. Same decision.

After all, the expected upcoming Battle of Berlin will be full of all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and the enemy's resistance will be unprecedentedly crazy, tenacious, and do everything possible. And if you have such a fighting force as the Leader's Division, it will be the number one elite field group in the entire Red Army.

Not to mention it has any decisive strategic results for the overall war situation, but it is at least similar to "having food in hand and not panic". The ability to resist various unpredictable battlefield mutation factors will inevitably be greatly enhanced, and the overall strategic risk will also be significantly reduced.

After all, everyone knows that the Leader Division is a synthetic field group with independent combat capabilities. Its ability to adapt to various complex battlefield conditions is said to be second among the entire Red Army, and no one dares to admit it is first. To put it simply, it is a "one-size-fits-all" force.

As long as the enemy on the ground causes trouble, whether it is artillery, infantry, armor, or a mixed force, the leader division can handle it on its own.

If you advance, your aggression will be like fire, if you keep it, it will be as motionless as a mountain.

If you were the commander of the front army, and you could get this unit under your command through personal connections, would you like it? Do you want it? The answer is obviously yes, and Comrade Lao Zhu is no exception.

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