Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2284 Farewell to Moscow

In terms of emotion, reason, military and politics, Zhukov's decision to leave the leader can be justified no matter how he explains it.

When it comes to personal relationships and emotions, Zhukov, who had taken great care of Vatutin in the past and had spoken kind words to Vatutin in front of Stalin, did have the objective conditions to accomplish this.

You want to take the leader away from Vatugin. If you want to say that people are happy and not unhappy at all, and are eager to send the leader away quickly, then obviously all fools know that this is nonsense and impossible.

But due to his personal relationship with Zhukov and the transfer orders from the Supreme Command, it is impossible for Vatutin to cling to the leader and not let go. Neither Konev nor Zhukov can make any decisions from me. , I won’t give it to anyone who wants it, either the leader or Malashenko.

After all, the leader division is not your private soldier of Vatugin, right? Soldiers must always follow orders.

The personal relationship between Vatutin and Zhukov is an auxiliary to the effective implementation of the order. It can save a lot of trouble and make it easier for Vatutin personally to accept the order, so as not to be like The reason for going up to Comrade Stalin was as simple as that.

The big shots above have already made arrangements for everything, and have naturally decided the fate of Malashenko and the leadership division. When we, Comrade Ma, know the news, it will be the time for the final execution. moment.

Matters like which boss to fight with and in what direction are indeed beyond Malashenko's decision, so he can only choose to accept it and has no other choice.

"What should I say? Any ideas?"

The political commissar who had read the telegram quietly asked. Malashenko, who had accepted the reality and had no special expression, just smiled.

"What can I say? Executing orders, of course."

"Having said that, I have thought about this before. After taking Poland, the battle of East Prussia to the north and the battle of Berlin to the west must be carried out simultaneously. Our division will only fight in one of the directions. No. It may be divided into two parts and both ends should be considered.”

"The fight against East Prussia is very important, but compared to Berlin, it is not worth mentioning. I used to jokingly think, if we are suddenly transferred to fight against Berlin, is it possible? Now? It seems that it is not only possible, but has already been realized, but the time has come earlier than I expected. I thought it would be mobilized on the eve of Berlin's attack, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Of course there is no problem with our division. We just have to carry out the orders. But I am very curious. What did Marshal Zhukov say and what method did he use to make Comrade Commander willing to let us go? Before that? I went to Comrade Stalin with Konev over the ownership of the leadership division. Should I tell you about this? "

Looking at Malashenko's expression of being relaxed and not taking it seriously, and even starting to enter the awkward chat mode, it can be seen that Malashenko has no resistance to this matter at all, and is even very happy and interested in the political commissar. Naturally, I stopped saying any more useless words and said this instead.

"Those are not important. What is important is that you have returned to Marshal Zhukov's command again. Don't you miss this feeling? Do you remember how long ago it was the last time you followed Comrade Marshal on the battlefield to kill the enemy?"

It's okay that Comrade Political Commissar didn't say anything. After saying it so casually, even Malashenko himself fell into a state of memory.

Yes, when was the last time you followed Comrade Lao Zhu and slaughtered German soldiers?

It was definitely not Kursk. That battle was the first time that he and Vatutin worked together as a team. The most profound impression was that the brothers almost lost their lives in Prokhorovka and were beaten by a German stick. Put down the gun, go back to Moscow, lie down in the hospital, and walk away before death.

What about further forward? The Battle of Stalingrad?

Well, it seems not.

In that battle, he was assigned to Chuikov's command and directly participated in the defense mission of Stalingrad. He left his footprints everywhere from Mamayev Heights to street fighting in the city. He even saved the life of that old boy Chuikov. Come once.

What big battle will there be if we push forward from Stalingrad? The disastrous failure of the spring counteroffensive? That was not directed by Zhukov.

From spring forward, it’s winter, right?

Well, the Battle of Moscow was really commanded by Comrade Lao Zhu himself, and Malashenko remembered it very clearly.

And I still remember that during the counterattack, I saw a frozen German stick in the snowdrift on the roadside. It was stuck upside down in the snow, with its feet in the air, and there was a guiding sign "All the way to the west" hanging on its feet. It was quite touching. Funny and unforgettable scene, it was the first victory since the outbreak of the Patriotic War.

According to this calculation, from the end of 1941 to the current 1945, Malashenko has not been directly dispatched by Zhukov to kill the enemy for three full years. Thinking back to the last time he took orders directly from Zhukov, it was during the Battle of Moscow when the entire war situation was the most critical.

After that, Zhukov was transferred to be responsible for coordinating the macro control of the overall strategy, and Malashenko wandered around working under Chuikov, Vatutin, Luo Chai, Konev and others. Who could It is sad to think that they fought side by side again after the farewell in Moscow, and that they waited until the last moment when the Great Patriotic War was about to end in victory.

"Yes, it has been a long time. It has indeed been too long. However, when the motherland was in the most critical moment, he stood up and worked side by side with the Red Army God of War to save Moscow from fire and water, and then at the final moment when the Great Patriotic War was about to win, we once again fought with The Red Army Gods of War fought side by side to crush the heart of the Fascist demon and complete the final blow. "

"The beginning and the end are very meaningful. Maybe this is the best result, what do you think?"

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar smiled after hearing Malashenko's words.

"It's not certain who will attack Berlin in the end. I think Marshal Konev is also very likely. You and I both know the strength of the First Ukrainian Front. Are you that sure?"

This time it was Malashenko's turn to smile.

"It's useless to talk more. Let strength speak for itself. The tracks and cannons of the leader's division will firmly engrave the name of "Conqueror of Berlin" in the history books. Just wait and see. This is the moment I have been looking forward to. A battle that truly allows the leader to use all his strength, and the ultimate honor will definitely belong to us! I have no doubt about it!”

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