Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2299 Mottled Tiger King (Part 2)

Chapter 2299: Mottled Tiger King (Part 2)

"If you ask me, I think she should be hospitalized and rest, but in this case I can only say that she can still continue to fight, and you are right. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞"

"That's good, very good!"

The driver squatting beside the wheels and tracks spread his hands, and Wittmann nodded in approval.

"There's still a battle to be fought later, and we can't be idle. We're going to pack up and try to get her back into shape. We may be setting off soon."

"You still want to fight? Are you sure? I feel like those Americans will definitely call planes to blow us up. Aren't you worried?"

Wittmann, who had already turned around, did not look back, he just spoke.

"The explosion is not that accurate, and your car is hard enough. Get to work quickly."


Wittmann, who was preparing to find someone, had just stepped up to the butt of his tank, but he never thought that the person he was looking for had already come to meet him. He seemed to be in a hurry and must be in trouble.

"I received the news, there is an order, and the combat mission has been issued."

"Tell me where to hit this time."

Wittmann, who had been mentally prepared for this, was not surprised by this and was ready to listen. The first-level assault captain running towards him shook off the map in his hand and spoke.

"Here, a town, the news said that the Americans just occupied this place about an hour ago. This place was originally guarded by a group of stormtroopers. They lacked heavy weapons and had poor personnel quality and low combat effectiveness. They could barely compete with the Americans. The town was completely lost when I was young. A small number of them ran away and fled, but the rest were left in the town anyway. "

Wittmann's expression was not serious, but he could not be said to be relaxed, and he asked seriously.

"What do the people who escaped say? How many Americans are there in the town?"

"I don't know. If I ask them anything, they can't tell clearly, not necessarily, or know. They are just like a bunch of pigs that got away from the slaughterhouse by chance!"

The first-level commando captain with a cigarette in his mouth was very unhappy. Those low-quality stormtroopers were simply annoying! Let’s not talk about whether the battle went well. In the end, I couldn’t even tell what the enemy’s situation was. I didn’t know how many enemies there were. I just stammered “maybe” and “maybe.” It’s really possible to be a teammate with these losers. Make people mad.

"Okay, then do we have other intelligence to support it? Is there no other information at all?"

"Yes, but it's not very certain. It's just vague information."

The first-level commando captain pinched the cigarette butt in his mouth, pinched it with his index finger, and flicked it away. He continued to open and close his upper and lower lips while talking.

"Our superiors told us that the troops moving in this area should be an infantry regiment of the US military, carrying heavy weapons such as howitzers and tanks. You know their mechanization speed. They move very fast. Judging from the time and general direction, we can They were the only ones who appeared on the edge of the town and gathered troops to attack the city. The stormtroopers who escaped did see US tanks. This was consistent, but there was no mention of US shelling. Maybe the howitzers were still behind. Expand it, it’s hard to say.”

The index finger of the first-level commando captain gestured on the map along with the explanation, signaling to Wittmann. Wittmann, who had been staring at the map without leaving his eyes, basically understood the situation.

"So we are going to deal with an American regiment? And it also carries howitzers and tanks? Could it be just us?"

"It's really just us, but it's temporary."

"The 339th Regiment of the National Defense Force is approaching us, but their mechanization level is very low, and fuel is scarce, so their marching speed is slow. Before they arrive to help defend, we have to rely on ourselves. The superiors have issued an order to retake the town, and we cannot Let the Americans continue to advance. We need to buy time for the rear counterattack to gather forces and delay the enemy's offensive. Is there anything else you need to add? "

Wittmann didn't spend much time cooperating with this first-class commando captain. He only knew that Mr. Scarface's fighting style was as terrifying as his face. If he caught a US prisoner of war who didn't like him at all, he would be arrested. He shot them down with his own hands or under his orders. In less than a week of working with him, not one hundred but seventy American prisoners of war died directly or indirectly in his hands.

However, how can a guy who captured 70 US military prisoners of war in less than a week in a headwind environment be considered an ordinary person?

The ferocity, cunning, bravery and fighting spirit of his men were equal to their ability to kill prisoners of war. Even if Wittmann doesn't like this guy's style, he has to admit that he is indeed very capable when it comes to fighting skills. Now that the war is about to begin, it is even more important to cooperate with him and not make mistakes.

"There's nothing more to add, what do you mean? Just rush over or what to do?"

Wittmann, who also has the rank of first-class commando captain, is on an equal footing with this guy, so this reciprocal cooperation can only be negotiated, even if Wittmann is nominally responsible for commanding these armed SS armored grenadiers, It is also necessary to ask others for their opinions and choose to listen.

"I think we should launch a direct attack. The Americans would not expect that the enemy they had just defeated would come back so soon. All my people will get in your car and we will be able to reach the outskirts of the town and engage the Americans in half an hour."

"Let's catch them off guard and drive them out before they have a firm foothold. Let these American pigs know that this is the territory of the head of state and not a place for them to run wild. What do you think?"

Wittmann didn't think there was anything wrong with taking the enemy by surprise and launching a quick surprise attack. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the only way to do it under the premise that the troops were quick and the time was tight, and he nodded in response.

"I see there's no problem, let's do it! Call everyone together, we're ready to go!"

Buzz - buzz -

One after another, the King Tigers that had temporarily settled in the woods began to roar again. Elite armored grenadiers wearing the latest camouflage combat uniforms issued by the Waffen SS, many of whom also wore camouflage cloaks. , also began to pick up weapons, get into the car with their bare hands, and prepare to maneuver quickly.

The limited half-track vehicles are simply not enough for so many people. Someone must hang outside the tank to achieve a fully mechanized march.

Among all the familiar roars of gasoline engines, only the engine noise of a King Tiger is different. It sounds more majestic and powerful, with a low roar. It is exactly the engine that Wittmann belongs to and is newly issued. This is a command type King Tiger tank with turret call number 007.

"I hope there won't be any problems with the diesel engine. We are always tricked by new gadgets, several times."

"You are overthinking, Heinrich. Didn't she just prove herself? She didn't have any problems in the battle just now. She has always been very reliable, even after we bombed her, and her power is even stronger."

The crew members were chatting among themselves, and before they could finish their words, Wittmann, who was seated, had already given the order.

"Every car starts off, follow the lead car and move towards the target location!"

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