Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2300 The Tiger King attacks

The King Tigers, fully loaded with accompanying panzer grenadiers, moved forward along the dirt road. This giant tank, with a total combat weight approaching the 70-ton mark, relied on its ridiculously low power-to-weight ratio and wide track pads. Design, the tactical maneuverability on off-road roads is actually quite acceptable, and it's not as slow as some British guys' iron bastards.

It has a lot of problems and a high failure rate, which only shows that the reliability of the King Tiger is not very good, and the average trouble-free hours is very unsatisfactory. This is not the same as the tactical maneuverability when no failures are encountered. There is no direct connection between high failure rate and slow running speed.

"What kind of enemy will we encounter? British, or Yankees? Or both?"

The increasingly rich combat experience has made the young gunner Wegener accustomed to knowing as much as possible about his enemies before fighting. At the very least, he must know their identity and which country they are from. Not only are there differences in tactics between the British and the Americans, but the equipment they use is also very different. To deal with them, different tactics are needed. Wegner understands this and asks this question.

"Please report that it is a Yankee. I guess there are no British people. In the past few days, I have only encountered Yankees in the current direction. That is good news, right? Those Yankees are slightly better than the British." It's easier to deal with.

Different from the plots exaggerated in later classic American blockbusters, Wittmann, who was on the Western Front, had been in contact with the enemy for a long time and understood the enemy's urine characteristics. In general, he preferred to fight with the US military rather than with the British. military.

The reason is, of course, that Americans are easier to bully.

The easy bullying here does not mean that the Americans are poorly equipped and not as good as the British, but that many US soldiers are new recruits who are on the battlefield for the first time and have little combat experience. Killing them is like crushing a fallen one with one foot. Grapes on the ground are just as relaxed, but those British guys are different.

A considerable number of the troops under Montgomery had previously fought fiercely with the Germans in North Africa and had rich combat experience and combat records. For example, the 7th Armored Division had been blocked and killed indiscriminately by Master Wei in the village of Pokaki.

They are familiar with their enemies and understand the tactical characteristics of the German army. They often know better than the US military when to do what and how to protect themselves to minimize losses when the wind is against them. Of course, they are also more difficult to deal with.

The overall unfavorable background of the war situation is here. Wittmann also knows that only by protecting himself can he continue to destroy the enemy. If he loses his life, everything will be over. No matter how to destroy more enemies, it will be over. Such nonsense is all nonsense and useless.

Under such premise, we are fighting against the novice Americans instead of the old fox British. This is of course something to be thankful for.

"But the Americans have more planes than the British. Their flying milk bottles will drop tons of bombs on our heads. I hate fighting in a rain of bombs. It will affect my performance."

It can be seen that Wegener is a little afraid of the buzzing US military planes flying all over the sky. Whenever he mentions these things, he looks unhappy and bored. Wittmann has long been accustomed to fighting in this environment. But it was an understatement.

"At least your situation is better than that of the infantry outside. At least you still have armor protection. They only have one layer of military clothing."


The young Wegener stopped talking and leaned on his gunner's position and began to read a crumpled book with the cover missing. It was a Soviet book he brought back from the Eastern Front battlefield. Officer's diary.

Wegener always carried it with him as if he could draw some strength from it. According to him, he could find something in the enemy's diary that kept him awake. No one knew whether this was true or just him. Thinking too much.

Wittmann, who was guarding his post as commander, also quickly received the news: the forward scouts were back.

The villainous SS First Class Assault Squadron Leader named Heisenberg sent out his minions, ah, no, now it should be a group of his elite armored grenadiers.

This group of armored grenadiers rode in two open-top barrel trucks and maneuvered quickly. They quietly reached the outside of the town, got off the car and walked concealedly until they were at a very close distance, almost touching the US patrol. The level just under my nose was enough to stop.

Looking at the American soldiers who were chatting and laughing, bragging and begging for cigarettes from their companions, completely unaware that disaster was quietly approaching, these elite and cold-blooded armed SS Panzergrenadiers silently observed and recorded what they could see. After confirming that the records were correct and roughly understanding the surrounding situation of the town, he quietly retreated and left.

He drove the two barrel trucks back quickly, met up with the main force in the rear, the small mechanized combat team led by Wittmann, and then revealed everything about the situation he had just detected.

"At least one battalion heard a Yankee say that their battalion commander had just arrived. They originally planned to capture them alive, but they couldn't find a chance to do so. There were too many informants traveling back and forth, and they were too easily exposed."

"We also saw Yankee tanks, Shermans, and some armored vehicles, but the number we could see was not very large. There were no more than ten tanks and they were very scattered, as if they were being used as scattered checkpoint firepower. There are also machine gun positions outside the town. It seems that the Americans have taken the town as their own and have no idea of ​​the danger. "

The armored grenadier with the crooked helmet holding the STG44 in his arms reported the situation. This second-rate attitude of not taking things seriously can often explain the problem. People who can behave like this on the battlefield are generally not easy to mess with. They are either a desperado who is not afraid of death, or they have real abilities and do not take the enemy seriously. The most terrifying person may even be both.

As for what kind of person he is?

In fact, just by looking at the fact that he was sent to lead the reconnaissance team, you can basically get an idea. Heisenberg, who was ruthless and refused to allow American prisoners of war to live, was indeed a villain, but he was not stupid, and he knew how to use people better. Only in this way can he make his killing more efficient, just like now.

"So the enemy has set up a relatively complete outer security circle? Using machine gun positions and tanks to guard major intersections and establish checkpoints, am I understanding correctly?"

The second-rate veteran just nodded and said nothing when he heard this. Wittmann, who didn't care about these small details, basically understood the situation, and then quietly spoke to Heisenberg who was standing aside.

"The commander of this group of US troops should be quite capable, and they can establish checkpoints and peripheral defenses quickly enough. The last time we encountered a similar situation, the US commander was still rummaging through the warehouse in the town looking for loot."

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