Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2305: Roaring tigers siege the city (Part 2)

Chapter 2305?? Roaring tigers siege the city (Part 2)

A high-explosive round burst out of the chamber, followed immediately by the next round of loading. When Wittmann shouted the order to load the ammunition, the shell that was pushed into the chamber again was still a high-explosive grenade as usual.

The high-explosive projectiles were removed from the ammunition rack on the vehicle body and moved to the loading slide at the rear of the breech block, ready for use. There were still two final propellant cartridges left in the semi-automatic loader that had already fired four rounds.

The main loader, who is responsible for operating the loader, rotates the loader, aligns the preloaded propellant cartridge with the rear of the breech block, and completely aligns it with the ready projectile and then to the gun barrel with three points and one line.


The right arm holding the loading handle instantly exerted force, and pushed the large propellant cartridge together with the projectile at the front end along the slide rail into the chamber. The loader reset and fell, and the breech block was manually closed. The words came to his lips. A shout came out immediately.

"Loading completed!"



There was another loud bang, and the high-explosive projectiles that escaped from the barrel hit the enemy position again with a shrill scream. This time, the target was the few remaining American machine gun teams located on the outer positions. .

The powerful 105mm high-explosive projectile was accurate and deadly. It exploded at an extremely close distance almost right in the face of the US machine gun team. Instantly, flames rolled and fragments flew everywhere.

Flesh was shattered and bones were flying everywhere, along with parts and fragments of the .30 machine gun that had been blown to pieces.

Two indescribable pieces of flesh that could no longer be identified as human were blown backwards, and the entire machine gun team was shot into the soul and instantly crushed into powder.

The American soldiers squatting in the surrounding trenches did not dare to say that they peed their pants instantly when they saw this scene. However, the faces of those young and immature ones, many of whom were on the battlefield for the first time, were still full of fear and timidity, and they were sincerely afraid that they would also do it. They would end up with the same fate, with their bones flying and no flesh and blood left after being blown up.

"We're done! Jimmy, those nazis are going to cut off our heads and kick them in balls! We're done! All done!"

"Aww, mom, mom! I don't want to die, who can help me put my intestines back in, medic, mom, medic?"

"We have to retreat to the town! This is a dead place! Retreat immediately, immediately!"

The fear of the enemy is like a raging plague that infects the entire position in no time. Even if those American soldiers who are still alive are not frightened on the spot, they are still lingering in trenches and foxholes, holding weapons in their hands. Weapon, with his back against the dirt, he began to seriously think about "how to make it more meaningful instead of just a fight to the death."

Although there is not much time left for them, it is still worth doing. Survival or destruction is always a question worth considering, no matter when.

"Fake! I'm going to let these sons of bitches know how powerful they are. Watch me beat the bellies of these zoo cats!"

There are still people in the surviving US military who are not afraid of death, or in other words, as long as the armed forces can survive until now and have not collectively collapsed, there must be a few strong men who serve as core courage support.

The bazooka carried on the shoulders, against the backdrop of the huge body, is as insignificant as an adult carrying a small PVC water pipe in the hands of an adult with a normal height and figure.

This US military sergeant, who was over 1.9 meters tall and covered in tendon flesh, looked as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood. He cursed in his mouth and wished he could greet all ten generations of his enemy's ancestors one by one. He held it tightly in his hand and held it steady. The bazooka on the shoulder was lifted straight up, and the black muzzle was aimed at the target and ready in the blink of an eye.

It was a King Tiger tank that had rushed very close to the position, fully entered the firing range, and exposed a considerable part of its side armor. It was not discovered that there were daring American survivors here.

"Bazooka! The Yankee is still alive, kill him!"

The SS Panzergrenadiers with limited vision following closely behind the King Tiger tank roared, and the stg44 assault rifle that pressed the bullet into the barrel was also raised and aimed, but this belated action was still worse than The enemy who acted first was one step late.


call out--

The electrically fired bazooka rocket roared out of the gun barrel instantly, dragging an orange-red tail flame, and rushed straight towards the target that was already close at hand like a bright meteor streaking across the horizon.

The King Tiger tank, which was completely unaware of the enemy attack, had no time to evade it. A large area of ​​its side armor had been exposed and was directly hit by rockets.

"Hit! I fucking hit the side!"

This was the first thing that came to the mind of the strong American sergeant holding a smoke-emitting rocket launcher. He had no time to think about it, and his whole brain was filled with all kinds of surprises and excitement. This decisive blow was not in vain!

However, it doesn’t matter if this land is not controlled by God, or by whatever god damn thing is in charge of it, but God or some of God’s similar things just like to play big jokes on you, especially when you are in your last days. Unexpected times, caught off guard.


call out--

Who the hell would have thought that the defense of this thick-skinned King Tiger would be outrageous to the extreme! Even if the rocket hits directly, it does not necessarily mean that it will have an effect, because this bazooka rocket was hit without any trace due to the tricky impact point and the irregular inclination of the King Tiger's body side armor. In suspense, he bounced straight away and flew out, pointing his finger at the sky.

Yes, rockets can also ricochet. In other words, as long as your warhead collides with the trigger fuse of the ammunition, no matter what your name is, there is a possibility of being ricocheted. Even high-explosive bombs are the same. They should ricochet you. Absolutely unambiguous.

"Don't eat the sour radish!"

The above are the last words left to this world by the strong US military sergeant carrying a smoking bazooka on his shoulder.

"Kill him!"

Da da da da da——

Bang bang bang——

It’s the stg44 assault rifle again and the g43 semi-automatic rifle again.

A hail of bullets hit his head and face, instantly sending the strong sergeant away on the spot as he had no chance of crouching to dodge.

The blood that burst out from the chest even turned into a dense spray of blood mist due to too many bullets in an instant, washing up in the air and announcing the complete loss of a fresh life.

The strong American sergeant collapsed on his back, while his comrades were crying, stumbling, and retreating toward a small town not far away, despite the fierce pursuit of the SS. Under fire, it is destined to be a road to hell covered with blood and corpses, but there is still a glimmer of hope to fight for.

Soon, accompanied by the rhythmic shaking of the earth, one after another SS Panzergrenadiers stepped on their large military boots and jumped into the trench where the battle had just ended, stepping on the ground where the blood of the sergeants was flowing. He rushed through and continued towards the town where the corpses of American soldiers were scattered all along the way.

The only things left in the trench were the lifeless dilated pupils of the sergeant's corpse, which stared blankly at the sky, and the huge King Tiger tank that came with it. , the creaking sound of the trench being forcibly rolled over by its wide tracks, but nothing else.

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