Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2306 Memories of the Past

Chapter 2306??Memories of the past

The huge King Tiger 007 led the follow-up King Tiger tanks to the outskirts of the town. The place was full of burning steel debris and still-warm minced meat corpses. A small number of them were from the SS. Most of them were from the US military, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and cold blood. (っ◔◡◔)っ

Even a battlefield veteran like Wittmann couldn't help but frown when he leaned out of the turret and witnessed such a scene.

The battle was more intense than imagined. This group of American troops did not collapse and retreat as soon as they were attacked. Instead, they continued to fight for a while even though reinforcements in the town were blocked.

Although they were eventually driven back into the town due to their lack of strength, and paid a very painful price, in the final analysis, there is an essential difference between this and collapse at the first touch. What Wittmann valued was the unusual will of this group of American troops to fight. Facing such a powerful enemy, there are not many US troops who are not afraid of the dead coming out to stir up trouble.

"Carry the wounded here to rest first. The medical soldiers are here! Those who are not injured gather in front of me! Get ready to continue fighting!"

As the saying goes, before you see the person, you must hear the voice first. Wittmann commanded his car No. 007 and the subsequent King Tigers had not yet arrived at the meeting point, and heard the familiar voice at a relatively far distance. Yelling loudly.

"Isn't this guy afraid of having his head smashed by a Yankee sniper? He just stood like that at the street corner, standing upright and dancing."

Gunner Wegner, who also leaned out of the turret to take a breath during the pause in the battle, was next to Wittmann, side by side outside the turret. The new 105 King Tiger turret added a brand new and relatively large turret for the gunner. Top hatch for easy escape.

Otherwise, the turret is packed with four people, a commander, a gunner, and two loaders. It is obviously not easy to escape quickly on the battlefield, and neither are the German military engineers. I can only do bad work, but occasionally I can do some human affairs.

"When have you seen him not like this? He likes to give orders like this, and no Yankee sniper has ever targeted him at this time, as if this bastard can see if there is a Yankee plotting against him within the range. "

Although bloodthirsty, crazy, and cruel, Heisenberg's professional ability as the leader of the Panzergrenadiers is beyond doubt. No matter how crazy the murderer is, how superb his combat skills and qualities are. He is such a "two-pole" existence. During the days of getting along with him, Wittmann has already figured out what this guy is like. Know it like the back of your hand.


Wittmann's comment without warning surprised Wegener beside him.

"Do you mean him?"

"Otherwise? If I hadn't said that about him, who do you think I would have said about him? Huh?"

Wittmann, who was holding a twig in his mouth to relieve his loneliness, curled his lips, and then blurted out words that did not pretend to avoid certain truths.

"I have known him a long time ago, not long after I took over the Tiger-1 tank in Russia. When I first met him, he was just an ordinary rifleman, but I still remember what he did Something that happened.”

"Inciting Ukrainians to kill each other, they asked a little Ukrainian boy to cut off a little girl's ears, and then rewarded him with a piece of chocolate to replace the ears. As a result, the little kid who made no sense and was addicted to eating chocolate took it the next day Seven Ears came to him in exchange for chocolates to receive the reward, with a smile on their face, as if they had no idea what they had done. Guess what happened next. "

Wegener blinked in disbelief at what he heard. He knew that the SS was dirty and ruthless, but this was the first time he heard such a shocking story. He stuttered in reply. Then he spoke slowly.


"He detained the little boy and tied him up with a rope. He also found the parents of the children whose ears he had cut off, and gave each of the parents a knife. Then several of the parents stood up and started to do it. Knife after knife, cut open the flesh of that stupid little kid who only wants to eat more chocolate."

"That bastard Heisenberg found another rope, hung this little kid on a light pole, and hung a wooden sign around his neck that read "Eliminating harm for the people." Oh, those stupid Ukrainians didn't even know The whole story happened, and I thanked Heisenberg as a great benefactor.”

Wittmann, who was holding the turret with his hand, just laughed silently, and Wegener, who was still in a state of brain failure, just blinked his eyes.

"What's the result?"


Wittmann paused and realized that there were indeed memories that could be called "results" to speak of, and then continued to speak.

"The result was that the little kid hung on a light pole and bled dry. In the winter, he was frozen into a human stick, as hard as a gun barrel. Not only did Heisenberg, the bastard, not receive any punishment, he was convicted of bribery of the Ukrainians. With meritorious service, he was rewarded and promoted for extracting important information about the guerrillas. He became a squad leader and used a submachine gun. "

Wegener's lips twitched when he heard that the result turned out to be like this. He couldn't stand it anymore. It was enough to torture and execute the guerrillas, but what did this bloody feud have to do with those children?

It is unimaginable that there is such a person who uses children as tools to organize conspiracies to serve himself, and the process is so bloody. Wegner's "young mind" was simply shocked.

"Didn't anyone report him? Didn't his boss know anything about it?"

Wegener, who saw that his fetal hair had not yet completely shed, still harbored illusions. Thinking back to when he was this age, he also had wishful thinking that certain things and facts in the world should be what he imagined and hoped for. Wittmann just sighed. Isn't unrealism and full of fantasy the hallmark and commonality of youth?

But this fantasy is destined to be ruthlessly torn apart by the cruel facts soaked in blood, just like when his cognition was subverted.

"It's not that no one reported it, of course someone did. Some people couldn't stand it and felt it was against the justice they knew. So they went to Heisenberg's superiors to report it face to face."

"The result is that this idiot who went to report was called back by his superiors and told not to mind his own business. This is what the security forces in the occupied areas must do. It has nothing to do with the armored forces. Do what you should do. That’s fine.”

"Guess why I know so much? Because the idiot who ran to report it was me."

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