Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2307 Cold-blooded and ruthless

Chapter 2307?? Cold-blooded and ruthless


Wegener was dumbfounded when he heard Wittmann's narration. He was in the state of "I understand, but I am still shocked". He could hardly imagine that this kind of thing was true. What's wrong is that the comrades around him who fought together to fight against the enemy did such bad things, yet he actually always stayed with this man and fought side by side. Google search reading

It seemed normal to Wittmann that Wegener had such a reaction. In other words, Wittmann did not blame Wegener for being so disgusted and shocked.

After all, armored soldiers are not infantry. The "greenhouse babies" who stay in armored iron boxes all day long are like those who were born in the second-line security forces, relied on unscrupulous anti-guerrillas and gained military glory, and gradually transferred to the first-line field troops and then to the elite. , finally became the cruel and ruthless people they are today. There is no comparison at all.

Wittmann knew that in Heisenberg's eyes, a kid like Wegener was not even a rookie. Exquisite gunnery and outstanding gunner talent did not mean anything. He could do it with just a few clicks. In the eyes of people like Heisenberg, long-range artillery sniping was no different from that of a rural girl who had never seen blood.

Wittmann knew this not because he was just guessing, but because Heisenberg, who had just met and offended Heisenberg by reporting his real name face to face, had the corners of his mouth raised and a sinister smile on his face. He was so taunting His own: An idiot who only knows how to squat in a steel box and kill people with a telescope without getting blood on his hands has no qualifications to show off in front of him.

If you want to talk about something, it is recommended that you wipe a few people with a knife and let blood splatter on your hands and face before talking about it. Otherwise, even "whether you are qualified to preach" may be an issue worthy of discussion.

There are things even more outrageous than such words and fallacies. Heisenberg's superiors actually tacitly approved his fallacies and called Wittmann's superiors to take him back quickly. He did not forget to give a "bad review" and asked Wittmann why he was involved in so much nonsense and got involved in things that he should not be involved in. Of course, this was said to Wittmann's boss.

In short, it means asking Wittmann's boss to take good care of the people under him and stop causing trouble.

Fortunately, Wittmann's boss had known him for a long time and was interesting enough to ignore the leader of the second-line security SS. He just pulled Wittmann in and privately told him not to meddle in his own business in the future, and dismissed him without any punishment. This matter has been revealed.

So is this really over?

Theoretically, yes, but not in Wittmann's personal case.

Wittmann, who had always kept this matter in his heart, seemed to have become a hurdle that was difficult to completely overcome. He could never forget what happened that day, what he said that day, and what others said and heard that day. If you do, you will never forget all this no matter how much time passes.

But Wittmann never expected that this bastard Heisenberg would be so cruel.

I was beaten in Russia from 1941 to 1944 when I was completely kicked out. I still wasn't beaten to death by the Russians. I was tougher than a cockroach. I don't know how to be a stubborn guy. I don't know how to be a stubborn guy now, and he was promoted and made a fortune to the position of battalion deputy. , with the same position and title as myself.

Don’t the Russians take revenge? Let this bastard run free?

Wittmann was puzzled and surprised, but he did not express it directly, but kept it deep in his heart.

Until he received the order to cooperate with the team led by Heisenberg as if it was a joke, Wittmann felt all kinds of indescribable and indescribable feelings in his heart. He didn't know what to say. In the end, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and agreed to the job, until now.

"Three minutes to prepare. If you want to pee or smoke, hurry up. When the time comes, start attacking immediately!"

Because their troops were already limited and were divided into two groups when attacking the outside of the town, they were relatively scattered. Therefore, Wittmann and his group, who had captured the outside of the town, did not directly attack the town. Instead, they took a short rest and gathered their troops. Later, he prepared to launch a fatal blow and defeat the US military in one go.

This also gave Heisenberg some free time. After giving orders to his men, he could even take the initiative to come forward and chat with Wittmann beside the car.

"Did you see that? I told you it wouldn't be a big problem. It's like killing a bunch of rabbits. After all, these Americans are still weaklings. What can they do to fight us? There is only a dead end."

It can be seen that the brave and fierce Heisenberg is very satisfied with the surprise battle that took over the outside of the town. He is still talking to Wittmann with a cigarette in his mouth and a smile on his face. The already ferocious and narrow scar looked even more terrifying with such a smile.

"Are your people ready?"

Wittmann didn't answer any unnecessary nonsense, and his face was as expressionless as the playing cards in Heisenberg's pocket. Seeing this, Heisenberg just smiled even more and then replied casually.

"What else do you need to prepare to kill a nest of rabbits? Let me tear out the intestines of the Yankees and make them into decorations. Maybe you can hang them on the outside of your turret to scare the nerves out of those Yankees."

Heisenberg, who didn't have enough cigarettes and refilled himself with one, waved the match in his hand and flicked out the fireworks. Wittmann was convinced that this guy wanted to kill a prisoner of war, not as much as flicking out the lit cigarette in his hand. It is much harder to smoke a match. After thinking about it again and again, I feel that it is necessary to add a reminder, even though it may be just useless nonsense.

"Anyone you kill once the fighting stops has nothing to do with me. Think about it yourself."

Wittmann knew that he couldn't control this group of people, and he didn't bother to fight with his fellow killers who were loyal to him. In terms of numbers, these Panzergrenadiers were far more numerous than the armored soldiers under him. Much more. Wittmann didn't want to see anything like a falling out between panzer grenadiers and armored soldiers.

As for Heisenberg, it was just a raise of the corner of his mouth without any verbal answer. No one knew what this guy wanted to do after the battle.

A foreseeable battle soon started. As Wittmann thought, the remaining US troops, who were unwilling to withdraw from the town so simply, built defenses in the town. Perhaps they planned to hold on until reinforcements arrived and turn defeat into victory, but it was destined not to happen today. Give them that opportunity.

Da da da--

Bang bang bang——

"One o'clock direction, second floor window, US machine gun! Shoot it away!"

"Are there still our civilians there?"

Wegener did not forget that the town he was in was a German town. Perhaps this sentence was redundant and should not be asked, but he still blurted it out under the control of his subconscious. The only thing waiting for him was Wittmann's cold reply as always in battle.

"Repeat, blast it! Fire!"



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