Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2319: Murder to pay for life, debt to pay for debt

"The meeting at the Front Army Headquarters is not important. It was a meeting where the Communications Director distributed a new codebook and read out some confidential documents, asking the participants from all ministries to bring them back for execution. I even regretted going there. If I had known that this would be the reason If you feel sleepy, just send a communications consultant, and I feel like I'm at a loss."

"But there are other gains. The most important thing is this. Take a look at it first, and I will tell you while you look at it."


Looking at the envelope waving in Lavrinenko's hand, Malashenko, who couldn't guess what it was, immediately reached out to take it, opened it and took out the letter paper, while listening to Lavrinenko continue to talk. .

"Iushkin is responsible for driving the car. This guy came to the division headquarters early in the morning to visit, probably looking for you. I met him and chatted a few words. He knew that I was going to the division headquarters. When there was a meeting, he asked to be the driver to take me there. I thought that it would be better to pass the time with an acquaintance on the road, so I agreed. "

"When we arrived at the Front Army Headquarters, I took people in for a meeting. This guy disappeared in a flash. He said he was looking for his fellow villagers. It was only then that I found out that he actually had a fellow villager at the Front Army Headquarters."

"Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out from the meeting here, he was already waiting at the door of the front army headquarters. I was planning to send someone to find him, but I didn't expect that he would move faster than me.

"But there was something wrong with the expression on this kid's face at that time. He was very angry, angry, and gnashing his teeth. I was wondering what happened and was about to ask, when he gave me this letter and said he got it from his fellow villager. It was a letter. A handwritten interrogation transcript. I just asked this from a German who came to surrender last night, and his fellow countryman happened to be one of the people in charge of the interrogation. "

"Then, there's nothing more after that. Anyway, I felt bad after reading what was mentioned above. My reaction was almost the same as Iushkin's."

"That's what it is. I can't make any decisions by myself. Iushkin wants to come to the division headquarters with me. I said it's useless for you to come with me now. Leave this matter to me. I'll send someone to you if there's a result. I'll look for you as soon as possible and send him back for the time being."

"I think you two must care more about this matter than me. After all, I am just a public grudge, and you two have personal grudges mixed in. I just thought that this matter must not be hidden from you two. The three of us together Let’s take a look at what to do and come up with a solution, that’s all I have to say.”

Lavrinenko finished speaking, but as he just said, at this moment, the expressions of both Malashenko and the political commissar had changed. They were not expressions that could be seen when looking at ordinary things.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar's face was solemn, but Malashenko's face was different. His lips were tightly closed, his teeth were clenched, and the letter in his hand was twisted, and his eyes were so sharp that they were almost killing people. .

"These bastards really make it easy for me to find them."

Malashenko, who forcibly suppressed the fluctuating emotions in his heart, slowly spoke. As the words continued, his memory also recalled the tragic incident that could never be forgotten. Along with it, the picture that had already been Familiar faces gone.

“From the Soviet Union to Poland, from Poland to East Prussia, and from East Prussia to this place.”

"I will never forget these bastards in my dreams. The bastards who killed Kirill have not been seen since the last sneak attack. I didn't expect, I really didn't expect there would be a chance to bump into me here. I even thought for a time that I could only do it here. I saw them again in the prison camps after the war.”

"I didn't say anything! If I don't avenge this, I, Malashenko, will never be a human being! I will lead people to kill them today!"

The interrogation report transcribed on the letter paper is full of nonsense, but there is a key description that is the source of Malashenko's current anger.

The 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion of the National Defense Forces, a name that Malashenko will never forget in his life, does appear in this handwritten transcript.

According to the interrogated major who came to surrender voluntarily, the 502nd Heavy Armor Battalion, which came to support their regiment, is now entrenched in a position very close to the Red Army.

It’s unclear how close it was, but the fellow Iushkina who participated in the interrogation was a civilian employee.

Although I completely observed the entire interrogation process, I only made a transcript. I could only point out the village to Iushkin on the map, and I pointed it out according to the situation explained by the prisoner of war. As for whether it was true or not. , He doesn’t know, after all, he is not engaged in intelligence.

Malashenko will never forget what the bastards from the 502nd Battalion did to the leader. He will never forget that this old opponent who has fought against him many times attacked Kiri in a little-known place called Marinovo Village. Kirill's company, due to various mistakes and extreme coincidences, finally led to the death of Kirill and the basic annihilation of the entire company.

Although the Germans themselves paid a heavy price, the number of King Tiger carcasses that were destroyed, broke down, and could not be recovered and taken away in and outside the village was almost the same as the number of IS6 carcasses, with only a few less.

Kirill, who commanded the company to fight the enemy to the end, tried his best to achieve the best results under the circumstances and did everything he could.

But this is not important. Malashenko does not care how many German soldiers were killed and how many wreckage were left behind in this battle. There has always been one and only one thing that Malashenko cared about most: Kirill died here due to a sneak attack. He left his youthful passion and his life forever in the village of Marinovo.

It is no exaggeration to say that Malashenko swore from then on that even if he acted like a ghost in his life, he would never let go of the bastards in Camp 502.

Kill people to pay for their lives, and pay your debts for money.

Malashenko, who placed the blame on the head of the 502nd Battalion, vowed that even if these executioners hid in the ends of the earth, even after the war was over, even if he had to dig deep into the ground and chase the murderers thousands of miles away, he would still take revenge on them. I reported it and expressed my condolences to Kirill and the heroic souls of the comrades in that company.

Now the opportunity has come, right before our eyes. The group of executioners who killed Kirill are entrenched in a village not far away, very close at hand. How can Malashenko give up? Maybe it will be before the end of the war. The last chance for revenge?

Even though the leading division is still under orders to rest and has not been ordered to go to the front to fight, Malashenko, who is gritting his teeth with hatred, has decided to do it no matter what he thinks of.

You have to do it if you can, and you have to do it if you can't.

I just disobeyed military orders today and mobilized troops without orders, so I want to take revenge! The idiots from Battalion 502 have exposed your whole family! Wash your neck and wait! I will come and kill you right away! ! !

Looking at Malashenko's furious and even unprecedented expression, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was also unable to stay out of this matter, but had been thinking solemnly in silence, finally spoke.

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