"But we are in a state of rest now. We have not received orders to go to the front line. You know how serious the consequences of mobilizing troops without orders are. Google search to read"

Comrade Political Commissar is not joking. The consequences of mobilizing troops without orders are absolutely unprecedented.

It doesn’t matter if it’s China or a foreign country.

Throughout the ages, no matter which country it is in the past, mobilizing troops without orders is definitely a serious crime that can lead to beheading.

If you don’t understand why this crime is so serious, let’s put it another way and it will be easier to understand.

Think about the circumstances under which troops would be mobilized without orders? Different people may think of different answers, but a qualified person in power must first think of only one answer: rebellion, or a coup, or a coup.

There are many different names, but the nature is the same.

The situation Malashenko is facing now is indeed different. He is on the front line and fighting abroad, mobilizing troops without domestic orders. At least this will not be mistaken for rebellion, but it is still impossible to deny that this is a very serious crime.

By the way, Zhukov's order to Malashenko was to take a temporary rest, which means that if he mobilizes troops without authorization without an update of the order, Malashenko will have to be charged with "disobeying military orders". Guilty plus one.

The inevitable result is clearly laid out here, and the reminder from the political commissar is in place, and the next choice must be left to Malashenko himself.


Time passed by minute by minute. Malashenko, who held his hands and supported his chin, remained silent in thought.

It wasn't until Lavrinenko, who was losing his composure, was about to break the silence and say something, that Malashenko, who had been silent, finally spoke slowly.

"I'll bear it when the sky falls. I have to fight this battle. Whether it's dismissal or going to court-martial, I accept any outcome, but I can't just let these bastards get away with a thousand cuts." "

"Why should I paint that slogan on my command vehicle? I will never forget this unforgettable hatred. Vengeance on the battlefield is avenged on the battlefield. I don't expect my brother troops to understand me, nor do I expect them to take my place. I'm going to do it or help, and I'll handle my own affairs. The 502nd Battalion must be crushed into powder by the leader himself."

Malashenko is a determined person, and many people who are familiar with him know this, especially when he makes up his mind to do something, his will is at its strongest. It is almost impossible for any external factors to cause changes, at least so far this has not happened.


The comrade political commissar sitting next to him had a complex expression. Judging by his expression, he seemed to want to say something, but he seemed to be hesitant but didn't know how to speak, or rather, he didn't know how to speak or express his mood at the moment.

"Did you bring cigarettes? Give me one."

After hearing this, Malashenko looked at Comrade Political Commissar with surprise. To this day, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who has been seriously ill, has not touched a cigarette for a long time. The lesions caused by cancer cells metastasizing to the lungs have worsened, so the political commissar who had been smoking since the time of the White Bandits and has not stopped smoking to this day had to put down his cigarette case and lighter and join the ranks of quitting smoking.

All this is because of Karachev's words, "This can make you win longer." It's that simple. Political Commissar Petrov, who is as determined as steel, will do whatever it takes to achieve his set goals. Even if he is shattered to pieces, he will do his best to complete it. Living until the end of the war is what he must accomplish now.

He could spend everything he had for this, but what would a small quitting smoking mean?

Of course, this is also the reason why Malashenko is surprised now, although parallel to the surprise is the ability to understand why this is the case.


Without any unnecessary nonsense, Malashenko, who said nothing and did not persuade, just took out the cigarette case in his pocket, took out one and handed it to the political commissar.

Comrade Political Commissar's state was obviously not right when he took the cigarette. Malashenko didn't know if he had seen it wrong or was hallucinating, but he always felt that Comrade Political Commissar's hands were shaking the moment he took the cigarette.

After putting the cigarette in his mouth and holding it in his mouth, the political commissar with only one arm freed his hand and reached into his pocket for a lighter. He subconsciously groped for a while but found nothing, and then he became startled.

"Lend me your fire."

Comrade Political Commissar's impression of smoking was still before his condition worsened and cancer cells metastasized to his lungs. At that time, Kirill had not yet died, and he would even occasionally come to the division headquarters to see his uncle for some cigarettes. After all, the division-level political commissar The rations are much more than those of the company commander below, and the same is true for the leading division.

A puff of smoke hit my nose and throat, bringing up thousands of thoughts lingering in my mind.

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was recalling bits and pieces of the past amid the smoke, fell into the rare state of being a magic doll with a dull expression and dull eyes, as if his soul had been stripped away.

Comrade Political Commissar is the brain of the entire leadership division and the indispensable nerve center of the leadership division. All comrades know this. You cannot see the desolation of Comrade Political Commissar who holds such an important position. Except now, And when Kirill died, there were only these two times.

"I should have stopped you, Malashenko, it was my duty."


Malashenko did not answer, but listened silently as the political commissar continued to speak.

"I think I would have done this at other times, but today, I can't say this anyway."

"I have been a complete atheist since I was young. I have never believed in reincarnation or soul gods in this world. But only Kirill, I feel guilty and guilty again and again in the silent night. fear."

"When I die, how should I face my brother and Kirill's mother? Kirill is the only child in our family. My brother held my hand before he died. The mother and son entrusted me, and Kirill's mother entrusted her only son to me again. Even Kirill himself trusted me deeply and was willing to entrust his life to me."

"I betrayed the trust of three people and completely failed them."

"I have been contributing to the great cause and my beloved motherland all my life. I think this is the most meaningful thing I can do. But I failed to keep my home and those close to me by blood. If I could make up for it and do something about it, then that would be it.”

"At least justice must be given to Kirill and his comrades, and in military style we will defeat them and regain the lost honor."

"Let it go, Malashenko, I will handle it here. I will do everything in my power to support your actions and let us face it together."

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