Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2321 The most difficult battle

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Google search reading

Before everything starts, in this last little precious time, Malashenko still has some necessary preparations that must be made.

"First of all, we have to determine the details of this group of bastards. The information currently available is too little. We only know the approximate location. I want to know what kind of troops this group of bastards are staying with, and how much strength and technical equipment they have. , Is there any way to collect as much useful information as possible?”

Once he decides to do something, Malashenko's state will quickly return to his serious and meticulous state. The political commissar who was asked next to him nodded with the same expression.

"There is a way to solve it. I still have a few acquaintances at the front army headquarters, old comrades in arms and comrades I met at meetings with other front armies in the past. I will try to find out some information from the side. Leave this matter to me. I will wait for you. Son, you two gather your troops to prepare for combat deployment. I will go to the front army headquarters in person and come back quickly. "


Comrade political commissar came forward to solve the problem. Malashenko believed that there must be a way to solve the matter. If there is no such certainty, Comrade Political Commissar will not say this easily. Malashenko, who has always known Comrade Political Commissar, knows that this is trustworthy and remains the same.

"Then there is the issue of troop preparation."

Malashenko took a deep breath. Spread out on the table in front of him was a war zone map dedicated to the division commander's office. There were many traces of Malashenko's daily mapping on it. The map was handed over by the surrendered major of the German army. The small village has been marked with a red pen by Malashenko.

"It's definitely impossible to mobilize the whole division. We can't make such a big move without an order to mobilize the troops. Once the whole division starts to move, even a fool will know that we are about to make a big move. The inquiry from the front army headquarters will definitely arrive immediately. By then, we can It’s hard to tell if you can’t keep it secret.”

"So you want to make up a reason to dispatch a small, limited force, while the large force stays behind to cover up others' deception?"

Lavrinenko, who was understanding on the side, asked, and Malashenko, who was holding the map on the table with both hands, nodded quietly.

"That's true, but how small is this small force? What is the configuration and composition of its forces? How can it ensure its own integrity while still being able to maintain its integrity without the support of aviation forces or the cooperation of friendly forces on land? Completing the mission objectives is the key point and the biggest difficulty, and it is something we must determine in advance.”

Malashenko is right, this is destined to be a battle that will not receive any support or cooperation.

Because the troops were mobilized without orders, the superiors did not know at all the battle plan created by the leader division "alone" at the division level. Naturally, it was impossible to mobilize the aviation troops that needed to coordinate the battle planning of the front army to uniformly deploy and deploy aviation support to the horse troops. Used by Rashenko.

As for the ground cooperation of friendly forces, Malashenko does not expect it.

Although he has a prominent reputation and prestige in the military, Malashenko knew that he could do it if he asked the nearby troops to cooperate, but he did not want to do so.

This is because if outsiders are asked to help, the possibility of leaks will be greatly increased, and friendly military command agencies that are not under their own control are likely to report this matter. Malashenko believed that with Zhukov's ability, he could be found on his head with just a casual check. If Zhukov could be frightened by this, he wouldn't be called Zhukov anymore. Don't expect to be able to hide it by then.

So the best way is to just rely on yourself and don’t think of relying on other people’s help.

What's more, Malashenko believed from beginning to end that this was essentially a battle of revenge. The leader wanted to regain his position, wash away the shame, and regain the honor that was lost in the surprise attack in Marinovo Village. His own honor should be Find it yourself instead of just relying on others to do things for you.

Once the situation that you can only rely on yourself is determined, the problems you face will inevitably become a little more difficult.

Needless to say, everyone knows what the 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion of the Wehrmacht is. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the essence of the entire Wehrmacht Armored Force.

After all, from the perspective of God who will control the entire World War II in future generations, this is a fact. Malashenko, a future time traveler, certainly knows this.

With such a tough nut to crack, and the unknown number of infantrymen known to have cooperated with at least one regiment from the mouths of prisoners of war, the difficulty of the problem skyrocketed like a rocket.

There is no support and cooperation from heaven and earth, the number of troops dispatched is still limited, and the enemy is a large group of hard bones and rotten meat, and they may move to other places at any time and lose the target. The urgency of time is unprecedented. .

To put it bluntly, Malashenko felt that this was probably the tough battle that he had faced since he traveled to this world, with the most restricting factors, the most complex situation, and the most testing of his troop mobilization and command capabilities.

Although the scale of the battle is not large, it is destined not to be an easy victory and an easy battle. Once there is a problem in any link and the preparation is not good, the only result left for Malashenko will be an "overturn".

It's even possible that the small-scale offensive force that was put in was "bitten instead of fighting the dog" and suffered heavy losses before achieving the mission goal. It is possible and foreseeable that the bastards like the 502nd Battalion escaped. The worst-case scenario is this.


After combing through all the details in his mind and stringing them together, Section Malashen, who had never seen so many thorny and complex problems piled together, let out a long sigh. It is no exaggeration to say that the difficulty of this battle is simply hellish, even considering the tyrannical and unrivaled strength of the current leader.

"I have a suggestion: mobilize all our best equipment and most elite manpower and gather them together. We temporarily form a special commando team. In terms of equipment quality, we will definitely crush those fascists. In terms of equipment quality, we will definitely crush those fascists. We don’t necessarily lose to them in terms of combat experience and tactical prowess. Didn’t their dog teeth break into pieces even in a sneak attack in the battle at Marinovo Village?”

Lavrinenko's suggestion sounds simple and unremarkable, but you have to deny that under the constraints of many limiting factors, it seems that there is no better way or solution than this. This is now The only feasible solution.

"I can't think of a better way, so let's do it this way."

Comrade Political Commissar nodded in the same way, and upon seeing this, Malashenko continued to speak.

"The core backbone of the commando team was transferred from Kurbalov. It is the old foundation of our division and the old unit that I brought up. More importantly, it was the unit that Kirill was in during his lifetime. I believe that Kurbalov Erbalov has the ability and the idea to let his most capable warriors avenge Kirill. It’s time for them to use good steel on the blade.”

"When deploying technical equipment, it is necessary to gather the best equipment from all over the division. Other units will be left alone for the time being. All high-quality resources will be concentrated on the commando team first to ensure that the commando team's equipment adequacy rate reaches 100%. The division's rocket assault The battalion will be separated and organized separately, and the self-propelled artillery of the brigade will also be added. Not one of the IS7s that have been obtained, including my own command vehicle, will participate in the battle. I will let these fascist scum be swallowed up in the sea of ​​​​fire and die without a burial. land!"

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