Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2322 What must be done

Chapter 2322 What must be done

The is7 heavy tank driving in the armored column bumped its huge body and drove towards the unknown front at a constant speed. Groups of other armored combat vehicles marched around the queue, marching hand in hand with the dust flying. Being in this scene of billowing iron currents galloping across the earth is definitely the dream of every passionate man.

He leaned his upper body out of the turret and looked at the surrounding scenery. At this moment, Iushkin didn't want to say anything about his excitement, and he didn't have the heart to appreciate the magnificent scenery that he usually loved to see and could never tire of. The more he got here, At the last moment, Iushkin became calmer and calmer, so calm that even he himself could not explain why.

"You didn't submit the battle plan, did you?"

Next to him, Malashenko, who was sitting outside the turret and looking at the scenery with a cigarette in his mouth, was stunned when he heard the words. After thinking for a while, he slowly spoke.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I know you, well enough."


Malashenko was silent. He had already guessed what Iushkin would say next, just as Iushkin's words that he said slowly were exactly the same.

"This battle is of extraordinary significance to you and me, and to Comrade Political Commissar, and our enemies are no ordinary people. Based on my understanding of you, I believe you will go all out to fight, but the reality is That’s not the case, you haven’t even used half of the strength of the entire division, then this is very problematic.”

"What prompted you to make such a decision, I can only guess. I think you must have some compelling reason to create the illusion that the large army is still resting. I know that our original order was What."

"I can't make so many twists and turns in my head, and I'm not good at this. After thinking about it, the only thing I can think of is that you didn't report the battle plan. You left the large army behind just to show your superiors. You concealed the truth, and you didn't. I don’t know if my guess is right.”


Malashenko, who had a cigarette in his mouth, fell silent after hearing these words.

Since he began to consciously cultivate Iushkin's commanding ability and thinking and analysis ability, Malashenko has increasingly felt that this boy who used to be single-minded, but had a lot of clever ideas and a lot of clever things, has changed more and more. The bigger.

Now he not only has his own understanding of battle tactics, but also has made great progress in his analysis ability. It is so big that Malashenko is even a little surprised by Iushkin's ability to integrate and summarize fragmented information. It is no exaggeration to say that even if you go to the division headquarters and grab a few combat staff officers, you probably won't be able to do this.

However, even if Iushkin guessed the truth correctly, which should make Malashenko happy, but in the current situation, it is still difficult to arouse Malashenko's interest. Malashenko, who was worried, remained calm and calm as usual.

"You are right, this was a lone operation. I deceived my superiors and concealed it from my subordinates. Even my comrades who followed me and fought bravely did not know that I was going my own way and acted recklessly without authorization. A person like me does not deserve to be forgiven."


Since the shift to strategic counter-offensive in 1943, or even further back, starting from working with Malashenko as a partner.

Iushkin has never seen Malashenko look so depressed and decadent. Although he is still determined and determined to achieve the planned goals, he has no scruples and does not care what happens afterwards. But it was unprecedented. This was not at all like the Malashenko in Iushkin's impression who did not discount orders and regarded military orders as high as mountains.

For a moment, Iushkin even felt that the man beside him was a little strange, so strange that he almost didn't recognize Malashenko.

"It shouldn't be like this. This doesn't look like you, and it doesn't look like something you can do with your behavior. Why on earth?"

Iushkin did not want to question the decision made by Malashenko. Even though it felt strange, Iushkin still believed that his comrade, the commander, had his reasons for doing so. Now Iushkin only understood this reason. Interested, unquestioning about orders and decisions, that's all.

"Probability, everything has a probability of success and failure, do you understand? Everything in this world is based on probability, and this action is no different."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Malashenko squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and the words he spoke leisurely rose up like smoke from the corner of his mouth.

"I know what Comrade Commander has planned for the purpose and mission of the Leader Division. We must always be on standby and go into battle at the decisive moment when the enemy is at its tightest and the battlefield situation is most critical, and play a decisive role in making the final decision. This is enough The reason why a leader shouldn’t deal with such low-level battles.”

"The enemy may be just an infantry regiment and a battle group consisting of an incomplete and dissatisfied armored battalion. If I put myself in his shoes, if I were sitting in the position of commander of the front army, I would not think that this kind of roadside fish is worth using my ultimate trump card. . Just like playing poker, the winning card should be saved until the end. No one will reveal their hole cards easily at the beginning.”

"I don't care whether the possibility of rejection is big or small, what it is, I just care that the possibility does exist objectively, and that's enough for me."

Holding the frame of the twin-mounted 5mm KPV heavy machine gun in front of him, his face remained as calm as still water. As if he was talking about something ordinary like what to eat tonight, he stretched out his other hand to flick the gun. The ashes of Malashenko continued to speak while Iushkin listened quietly.

"I cannot tolerate the possibility of failure or rejection. Just imagining such a result is like the darkness of the world to me. I cannot accept such a result."

"I searched hard for these bastards, from the Soviet Union to Poland and then to East Prussia, until the victory now is at the last moment. There will no longer be a chance for me to defeat and destroy them on the battlefield. This is my last One chance, I must avenge Kirill, and for this I will do whatever it takes, and I don’t want my revenge plan to have the slightest risk of failure or rejection. I want to eliminate all foreseeable risks and reduce them to the limit. It must be done by my own hands, it must be completed.”

"As for what will happen after this, I no longer care, no matter what happens. But I have to put an end to all this and find an explanation and an explanation for Kirill. This is because I, as his commander, The last thing I could do for him.”


Although he had already expected that Malashenko's possible answer would be like this, when these words came out of Malashenko's mouth, Iushkin already felt strong shock and impact.

"So just to avoid risks, which may be trivial, you risked your future, your honor, and everything you have worked hard for so far? Are you crazy? What a lot of hardships we have gone through to achieve this goal. Today, do you think you are worthy of Kirill and Nikolai? What will they think if they know that you have abandoned your own future and honor and become a loner who will be despised? !”

Malashenko, who had finished one cigarette and started another, had just lit the fire, but when faced with Iushkin's questioning, his expression suddenly changed.

"They, you mentioned them to me?"

"Okay, you are also a person involved, and you feel the same way, then tell me the answer!"

"When you live after the war, you see with your own eyes that the murderers of Kirill were free and contented. They lived happily and gave speeches all day long in a land beyond the reach of our influence. They tortured our brothers and our comrades. What do you think when their sneak attack is described as a huge and glorious textbook armored battle, and their honor is based on our pain, our sacrifice, and our blood?”

"Is it all worth it? When you live in a world where the people who are most important to you will be humiliated, trampled on, and used as bragging rights after their death, but you can't do anything about it, how do you feel about the honor that is placed on you? Are your achievements worth it? Don’t you feel ashamed of all this? Why do you live so peacefully and contentedly? Why should they still be your brothers and comrades after death? Do you remember them when they were alive and smiling?"

"History is written by human hands, Iushkin. I will be the writer of all this, and no one can stop me, even if the flames that burn my enemies will devour myself."


To be precise, Iushkin was the initiator of all this.

If it hadn't been for the unexpected news he heard at that time, none of this would even have happened, and Malashenko wouldn't have had to risk everything to be a loner. Having said this, Iushkin suddenly felt a feeling coming from his soul. Powerless, helpless, and even deeply self-blame.

Is all this caused by me right or wrong? Iushkin was shaken.

"Then do you trust Comrade Commander? Do you trust Marshal Zhukov? He is also your comrade."


Malashenko, who held a cigarette in his hand, remained silent. He didn't even expect that Iushkin would suddenly ask this question. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a moment, he quietly spoke again.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, if you trusted him, you wouldn't make such a decision. Just as I believe you will avenge Kirill, so you won't hesitate to go back and wait for the news quietly. Look at the result now, this Isn’t it trust?”


Malashenko remained silent and just listened quietly. The one who spoke was Iushkin.

"I can't even believe that Comrade Political Commissar would allow you to act so recklessly. How could he just watch you destroy yourself? The leadership division will continue to exist, and comrades will continue to move forward side by side until the final victory, but when it comes to It has nothing to do with you anymore!”

"Even with Kirill's relationship, I don't believe that Comrade Comrade Political Commissar would do this. He would not base his revenge for his relatives on your own destruction of himself, absolutely not! You are also his relative. , Even if we are not related by blood, all of us see all this, bit by bit, this is not the comrade political commissar that I am familiar with and know."




Malashenko, who couldn't say a word, didn't know how long he looked ahead and thought. His whole person was silent and still, like a statue that had just been poured and cooled. He didn't know how long it took before the cigarette butt was about to burn. With his fingers trembling slightly, he spoke again.

"I'm head over heels. I know this is a fact. Everything is moving in the direction that I hope and have no scruples about. I haven't thought about the questions you asked until you mentioned them, so I can't answer your question. Why."


"You finally said something right"

Malashenko turned around in surprise, not feeling that what he had just said was constructive or meaningful in any way, nor could he understand the profound meaning of Iushkin's words.

"You have gone too far. In order to avenge Kirill, you have even lost the ability to think about the overall situation. You only think about things that happen as you wish."


Malashenko felt that he had never been speechless as many times in a row as in these five minutes. Iushkin's words once again hit Malashenko's heart like a heavy hammer, with lingering echoes.

"You are the most important person in Kirill's short life, not me, not comrade political commissar, not anyone. He only left the harmonica that his mother used her hard savings to buy for him as a gift when he was admitted to college. You are his successor, the inheritor of his spirit and will, and the harmonica in your hand is heavier than anything else."

Malashenko always carries Kirill's harmonica with him under his combat uniform. He keeps it in the jacket pocket of his shirt and carries it with him. Malashenko firmly believes that this is proof that Kirill is still by his side and fighting side by side with him just like before.

"You once said that you wanted to take this harmonica to witness revenge and the moment when the Red Army finally ushered in victory, but do you know? You are almost unable to complete the last item. Is this the result you want?"


Quietly looking at the harmonica that he had taken out of his pocket and placed in the palm of his hand, Malashenko seemed to have never felt such a heavy weight at this moment, and it almost weighed down his right hand. It's almost unbearable.

"Whether it's right or wrong, this is the decision I made, and there is no need to argue about it. I have never regretted the path I have taken, and it remains the same now."

Iushkin expected that Malashenko's character would definitely say this. It was never his style to turn back and shout that he had no regrets about taking medicine, just like the last words that followed were still expected.

"If I can't finish it, then it's up to you, to you, Seryosha, Artyom, and Sergei."

"The new commander and division commander will lead you to victory. No matter who he is, let Kirill witness all this. This is a task that the No. 177 crew must complete."

??First of all, I want to say sorry to everyone. Yesterday, I just dumped it on the wine table. I struggled to go back to the house to sleep at about 3 o'clock in the middle of the night. I really couldn't write it, so I left it to update today.

?Furthermore, this seemingly outrageous plot is actually not as simple as it seems. I will highlight some things I want to express, but I guarantee that the final result will still be within the "reasonable" range and will not go beyond the norm. Everyone Don't be anxious, don't jump to conclusions too early, look back.

?The following hundreds of thousands of words are the climax and the most essential part of the preparations I have been preparing for the previous millions of words. This is just the beginning. The hard work behind is counted in tons. It is also possible to see all the way here. For those who know me, I won’t say much else, so stay tuned.



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