Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2323 Ultimate Destruction (Part 1)

Chapter 2323 Ultimate Destruction (Part 1)

Malashenko tried to pass the harmonica to Iushkin, at least with a glance that turned his head and asked. Google search reading

But Iushkin refused, with a look of indifference, as if he had turned a blind eye to everything in front of him.

"The No. 177 crew has only one commander. If you leave in this way, then I will only recognize you as the commander of the leadership division."

Malashenko was startled and felt his nose sore for an inexplicable moment.

“It’s not worth it”

"Stop talking, that's enough. We all understand what each other wants to express. Let's talk about the future. There is no time to waste."


Iushkin was right, there was not much distance left from the small target village marked on the map, and the final moment was already approaching and was about to come.

"No matter what happens, we face it together, just like always."


As the battle situation approached, he closed the turret hatch and returned to the vehicle. Malashenko, who quietly leaned on the commander's seat to collect his emotions for the last time, sighed and listened to the sound of sitting in the turret with a huge turret next to him. Iushkin, who was in the gunner's position on the other side, couldn't help but say this slowly.

"Someone, like you, told me the same thing, let's face it together.

Iushkin stopped adjusting the sighting equipment in his hand, and was stunned for a moment. When he slowly turned his head in a somewhat mechanical manner, he only saw Malashenko's face, which finally changed, with a look of loss.

"It's Comrade Political Commissar."


Hearing this, Iushkin wanted to say something, but he just couldn't speak, or he didn't know the right or best way to speak. After thinking about it, he remained silent in the end.

"Don't think about it, everyone, Seryosha, Artyom, and Sergei. Now is not the time to think about it, it's time for us to go on stage and perform. This is the revenge and regaining glory that we are pursuing. The moment, no matter how it comes, you know what to do."

There was no high-spirited pre-war declaration, and there was no morale boosting that Malashenko was good at.

Only Malashenko returned to the familiar firmness of his proper form.

"start to act!"

Boom boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo hoo——


The towering flames that shot up from the ground swept across instantly like a storm, and the overwhelming rain of bullets surrounded the entire village in the blink of an eye, turning it into a rolling sea of ​​fire and steel inferno.

Two brigades belong to the self-propelled artillery battalion, one brigade belongs to the Katyusha rocket artillery battalion, and one brigade belongs to the Andlyusa heavy rocket artillery battalion.

Malashenko kept his word and gathered more than half of the division's most elite mobile artillery to fight.

The heavy firepower artillery battalion under the leadership division's unique synthetic large-scale organization, if taken alone, has a devastating strike firepower that far exceeds that of units of the same level, and is enough to cope with the high-intensity firepower requirements of a conventional division.

When the four battalions opened fire at the same time, concentrating the coverage of the firepower into a narrow area of ​​less than five kilometers in front of the village and outside the village, including the peripheral warning positions, the impact of the attack was simply unprecedented. .

There are artillery shells and rockets falling continuously on every square meter of land, almost every minute and every second. The firepower that Malashenko mobilized from the retreat for the sake of his fallen comrades and to regain his honor is destroying crazily. affecting everything within its scope.

Be it steel or flesh and blood.

Everything within the target range is steaming, burning, rolling and destroyed, until not even the dregs are left in the wave of flames, completely turned into nothingness.

Before such a scene comes, the German army, struggling in destruction, must face an even more terrifying situation: that is, the earth tremors that can only be caused by the intensive attack of swarms of heavy armored vehicles. It was the worst nightmare from the Soviet Union to Poland and all the way to Germany.

"Russians! Russian heavy tanks!!!"

"Stalin, it's all Stalin! I saw it! How come there are so many!?"

"It's too late, notify everyone to prepare for the battle! Wait, what's that at the front!?"

The barrage of fire that struck madly overhead gradually weakened, but still fell. Regardless of personal safety and risking being taken away by a shot, he ran from the anti-gun bunker into the forward observation post to observe. The German commander, who was aware of the enemy situation, was surprised to find out.

In the telescope in his hand, among the group of Russian heavy tanks rushing towards them like ferocious beasts from hell, the dozen or so vehicles heading towards them were completely unknown to them and had never been seen before.

"What kind of monster is this? It's bigger than is6! No, look at those is6s! It's like a father and his son, and his son who is in elementary school next to it!"

No one cares why the Kraut uses a fantastic metaphor at this time, because it is indeed true.

The is6 is already huge enough, and its size is exactly the same as that of the King Tiger. It has enough visual impact, but the height of the car is not as "tall and powerful" as the King Tiger. Now, there are more than a dozen people rushing to the front of the queue. In front of this monster, the size difference between "son and father" is completely different. It is not on the same scale at all.

Huge, shocking, terrifying, with a speed completely disproportionate to the size of the behemoth, like a hell beast charging with its bloody mouth, the German soldiers who saw this scene could not believe it at all. It could actually be true.

"Prepare the anti-tank position, everything! Prepare everything you can use! These Russians are definitely not ordinary! Hurry!"

The arrival of danger is summoned, just as when it arrives, the air will be filled with the smell of destruction and death, making everyone who feels it shudder and have their hair stand on end.

The German soldiers who had never seen this thing had no idea what those monsters were, but they knew that these monsters running and roaring definitely did not come to congratulate themselves or play games.

"Everyone is in position and ready! Listen to my command!"

Those German soldiers who could still move, who had been blown to pieces and who had not yet recovered, and who were as soft as mud monsters as if their bones had been ripped out, had to keep their spirits up even if their feet and hands were trembling. , as far as the combat position is concerned, all imaginable anti-tank weapons that have not been destroyed are already in place.

"Aim and pay attention to visual tracking! Keep your eyes open!"

"Okay, no problem!"

"Get within range, fire!"

call out--


The short flying object that sprayed out orange-red flames screamed and flew out like a monkey in the sky. It pulled a long wire behind its butt and headed straight towards the target. It was as precise as if it had eyes. It was like a winning hand that killed the enemy with one strike. Just in the blink of an eye.

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