Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2324 Ultimate Destruction (Part 2)

Chapter 2324 Ultimate Destruction (Part 2)


"I hit it! I hit it!!! Haha, I hit it!"

The sudden explosion of flames and smoke rushed straight up and washed into the air. The explosion caused by the missile hitting the armor plate on the front of the vehicle was even enough to completely swallow up the huge body, making it impossible for people to see. Find out what the final fate of the hit thing will be.

"Then the Russian guy is finished, let's go"

The words that came to an abrupt end were unable to utter some words, because the huge figure once again fought its way out of the smoke and fire, with a large piece of blackened armor looking at the fierce blow just now. Nothing.

"Why are you still alive? Why???"

"Stop talking nonsense and come again!"

The launcher who was holding the console and saw through the simple single-hole sight that the Russian steel monster was not dead yet and continued to rush forward as if nothing was wrong was almost shocked. If it weren't for the reminder from the team leader next to him. I almost forgot what I did.

"Load the ammunition, connect the wires, quickly!"

In order to control the cost of the entire weapon system, simplify production, and increase output to the troops as soon as possible, the Germans designed this new infantry anti-tank weapon, which was regarded as a life-saving straw, to be reusable.

The most expensive and most time-consuming part of the entire system, that is, the manual console connected to the simple optical sight, is recyclable and reusable.

After a missile is fired, you only need to connect the wires, energize the next missile, and place it on the launcher. Then it can be launched again and used repeatedly. At least until the console broke down and could no longer be used, all that was lost was the cost of ammunition. Sometimes De Lao's inventions were not completely useless.

Under the order of the leader of the anti-tank team, the loader who was responsible for carrying part of the ammunition and reloading moved quickly. He quickly took out a spare ammunition from the ammunition box he was carrying and had now removed it and placed it on the ground. .

The team leader who had his hands free on the side was responsible for pulling out the wire head from the missile butt box and connecting it to the console. Only the launcher was left holding the sight, preparing for aiming, waiting for the reloading to be launched, and keeping an eye on it. Target.

"Okay, loading is complete!"

"Missile electrification!"


call out--

This time, the Russian steel monster charging at the front seemed to be in trouble. There were more than one strange ammunition whizzing towards it, trailing orange tail flames and super-long wires. And they all have a common goal, and they fly with precision like a bird.

It's like being blind and turning a blind eye, but it may also be that you are not afraid at all.

In short, the Russian steel behemoth that was rushing forward and charging at the front still showed no intention of dodging. The dusty scene behind the rear of the car showed how fast this heavy armored behemoth was rushing forward. You come and I go. Under the relative speed, it only took an instant for them to collide head-on with those anti-tank missiles flying towards them.

"Die, Russian! Stalin eats shit!!!"

Boom boom boom boom——


A total of four anti-tank missiles hit and exploded one after another. The explosions and flames that continued to rise in a very short period of time almost merged into one, completely blocking the field of vision. He didn't even see clearly whether the last two anti-tank missiles that were in place and exploded in the smoke and flames hit the target. In short, they lost their target again, although it was only temporary.

"It's dead, it's definitely dead! There's no reason to be alive!"

The launcher who has seen the powerful power of this new weapon in his hand even feels that the failure of the first shot just now must be due to something wrong with the missile. Maybe it is the failure of the shaped charge cover, or maybe there is something wrong with the warhead charge. The power is not enough at all. In short, it is absolutely impossible for the four bullets to hit the target and still be alive! This is absolutely impossible!

But sometimes, the more you think wishfully, the more cruel reality hits you in the face as fast as lightning and unexpectedly.

When the huge figure once again fought its way out of the lost sight, the launcher, whose chin almost dropped to his feet and whose eyes were bigger than cow eggs, was so shocked that he just let out a sharp scolding. Cursed.

"Why aren't you dead yet!?"

"Starlin armor, boy!"

To be precise, after three missiles were hit in a row, the remaining two missiles that missed due to loss of vision during the terminal guidance process plunged into the soil and were blown away by the shaped energy jet.

The is7, which led the charge and took three bullets with its strong armor protection, was still safe and sound. At least the scene inside the car showed no armor penetration or injuries to the crew. A certain comrade commander’s mouth was raised to his ears. He even continued to speak while mocking and grinning at his desperate opponent.

"It's our turn, fire! Give that naughty guy some medicine!"

"Is there something wrong with the barrel? It exploded at least three times."

"The naval gun has high bore pressure and thickened barrel walls, so the small charge-charged bombs cannot explode! Don't think about unnecessary things, just fire!"


A certain comrade commander is right

Although the thick 130mm naval gun barrel has been scratched and scarred by the high-speed shrapnel caused by the explosion of Lian Zhong Sanyuan's cheap anti-tank missile, this is only limited to what it looks like on the surface. That’s all.

In order to withstand the impact of high bore pressure caused by the amount of fired powder far exceeding that of conventional land-based artillery of the same type, the wall of the naval-type gun barrel is specially made thick and extremely strong. The man on the other side can easily carry the small shaped projectile in his arms. The impact fragments caused by the explosion will not be able to do anything to this giant cannon unless it hits directly or explodes against the face of the gun tube. .


The 130mm high-explosive grenade projectile that was discharged at high speed went straight towards the target, plunged into the soil more than ten meters away from the target, and exploded with a loud bang.

The accuracy of firing while moving is indeed poor enough even at the advanced distance, but this is a large-caliber grenade against soft targets, so even if it is more than ten meters away, it is still within the effective killing radius, so it doesn't matter at all.

Well, it's the "it doesn't matter" kind of thing for the Red Army, not for the Germans.

The excrement spoon on his head was instantly torn out by the strong blast. His body, which weighed nearly 200 jins including the equipment and equipment, was blown upside down and spun into the air. He was blown away like a rag doll. Thrown out of the trenches.

There is no need to check life and death anymore. If you can still survive when faced with a 130mm grenade explosion more than ten meters away, if you, Santoku, have this Aryan superman, taking Moscow will not be a problem at all.

"The nuggets are flying, done! Keep loading the high-explosive bombs! Hurry!"

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