Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2345 I’m looking for Comrade Commander

Comrade division commander, if you want to use a car, it is to give you face. This is not an exaggeration at all, but any sensible brother will know how to do it. For example, the director of our Communications Department is a smart and thoughtful person. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

When he heard that the comrade division commander wanted to use his car and was in a hurry to report to the front army headquarters, the comrade director took it upon himself to give up his car without saying a word.

"Of course, comrade division commander, please get in the car."


Malashenko agreed and was about to get into the car. Thinking that he still had something to explain, Malashenko turned his head back and faced Iushkin and said.

"I'll give you a task. Go to Lavrinenko and tell me that I have something important to go to the front army headquarters. I'll leave this matter to him and see that it gets done. What's the big deal? Or if you can't make up your mind, wait until the political commissar comes and discuss it before making a decision. Nothing else matters, that's all."

Malashenko's order was given simply and neatly, and there was nothing strange about it. After hearing this, Iushkin nodded quietly to indicate that he understood, but saw that Malashenko had already stepped into the car and was about to get into the car. When he was about to raise his hand to close the car door, he still couldn't help but speak again.

"You'll come back, won't you?"


After hearing this, Malashenko was stunned for a moment, and he heard the hidden meaning in Iushkin's words, which was a double entendre.

The slight hesitation did not last long. A smiling Malashenko stuck his head out of the car and spoke in a firm yet relaxed tone.

"Where will I go if I don't come back? The question is, do I want to retire and go home to farm now? Or do I just want to sit in the position of teacher?"


Iushkin, who was instantly amused by Malashenko's intentional joke and whose whole atmosphere became much more relaxed and happy, also smiled and spoke.

"Of course I want to sit down. In a few years, I will use my strength to sit where you are today. Just wait and see."

Malashenko, who smiled and waved goodbye to Iushkin, immediately closed the car door and gave orders to the driver.

"Go to the front army headquarters and set off."

The road to the front headquarters was not very long.

On the one hand, this is because the 502nd Battalion is located at the very edge of the battlefield. Judging from their posture, they may have been sent to the battlefield to put out fires and block the opening. However, they did not expect that the opening was not blocked, but they themselves were blocked. Go in.

This is naturally due to some of Zhukov's own habits.

Although the strategic command has been delegated to the operational command level, some of Zhukov's personal habits remain the same without any change. For example, he likes to locate his headquarters as close as possible to the front line for convenience. command.

This is very similar to Vatutin, except that the latter is more fierce. He not only sets the command post very close to the front line, but also likes to race around the front line.

On this point alone, Malashenko seems to understand why Vatutin and Zhukov can urinate into the same pot. Zhukov was able to encourage and comfort Vatutin when he was being ostracized and suppressed, and Vatutin was able to listen to Zhukov's words, collect his emotions and continue to execute the order.

People with similar qualities can always come to everything unknowingly. Malashenko has always believed that this is true, whether it is himself, Zhu and Va, or Vatutin and Zhukov This is the case among others. Accumulating personal connections in the military is more than just flattering and saying nice things.

"Okay, just drop me here. You can go back with the car. Go report my whereabouts to Comrade Political Commissar and say everything is fine."

Malashenko, who had arrived outside the headquarters of the front army, gave an order to the director of the Communications Department. The director of the Communications Department, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, nodded to indicate that he understood. Then he also had questions to say to the division commander.

"Then what will you do when you go back? Do you need a car to pick you up?"

After hearing this, Malashenko realized the problem, thought for a moment, glanced at the two guard trucks following the Gas Jeep, and immediately had an idea, smiled and then spoke.

"No, I'll go back in the truck and leave the security forces behind."

The situation on the frontline battlefield was complicated. Many German troops that had just been defeated and dispersed did not even know where or how many German troops there were. There was no telling how many German stragglers were scattered all over the entire front. It is reasonable and not excessive for Malashenko to bring such two trucks of guards across the battle line. If you think about how Vatutin died in existing history, you will know that it is actually necessary for Malashenko to do this.

Seeing that the comrade division commander had already decided on the vehicle he needed to use for his return journey, the director of the communications department, who was embarrassed to say anything, nodded and signaled to the driver to leave and drive the car to meet the political commissar comrade at the forward division headquarters.

After sending away the Gas Jeep of the director of the Communications Department, Malashenko immediately called the guard platoon leader on the troop transport truck to come down, and told the leader to wait here and go in alone. After answering in the affirmative, he turned around and walked towards his final destination.

"Come on, it's a mule or a horse that comes out for a ride. You can do whatever you want with it. I'll accept it."

Zhukov's front army headquarters was not located in a village or town. Instead, it advanced with the troops and set up camp directly in the wild.

Seeing a tall "big-headed soldier" coming from a small GAZ Jeep, the second lieutenant in charge of checkpoint security narrowed his eyes. A man dressed like this came to the front army headquarters for a walk. But it's not very common.

"Stop, comrade, there is a military restricted area ahead. Please show your personal ID and pass and explain your purpose of visit. If you have reported it in advance, please explain."


Wearing a black leather tank cap and a tattered old tank soldier's combat uniform, Malashenko didn't realize how weird it was to stand alone at the gate of the front headquarters checkpoint in this outfit.

I just feel that I am used to "doing whatever I want", but suddenly being stopped by someone with such a blunt and impartial tone makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm looking for Comrade Commander. I'm here under orders. Please let me in."

"Comrade Commander? Are you here under orders?"

Looking at the "big-headed tank soldier" in front of him who had no rank mark and was not afraid of being blown away by his loud tone, Comrade Second Lieutenant, who originally acted impartially, was a little amused for a moment. After covering up his laughter a little, he started again Open your mouth.

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