Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2346 You still want to be a guard platoon leader for being so quiet! ?

"Then please show your ID and written order. I will let you go after the inspection is correct. 6̳̳"



Grandma is a bear!

Why is this little kid so ignorant? Are you at odds with me?

Not to mention that the second lieutenant was amused, Malashenko himself was very happy on the spot by this unexpected situation.

Damn you, I've traveled all over the place, and you're the first one who dares to stop me and make fun of me.

Wherever I went in the past, it wasn't enough to just have this face. I needed some damn certificates and orders! ? My face is my passport.

Not to mention that I can go wherever I want, even if I go up, no one will stop me. This is really surprising today.

"Name, age, unit number and position!"

Malashenko, who was too lazy to laugh any more, immediately took on the momentum, straightened his 1.95 meter tall body like an iron tower and spoke loudly to the second lieutenant in front of him.

The second lieutenant in front of him was so frightened by the sudden "Hedong Lion's Roar" that he immediately trembled. In desperation and subconsciously, he followed Malashenko's words on the spot and poured beans into the bamboo tube. Ask and answer.

"Ivani Brosochenkovorokov, 24 years old, second lieutenant platoon leader of the guard battalion of the 1st Belarusian Front Army Headquarters, the answer is complete!"

Comrade Second Lieutenant was "frightened" by the momentum that suddenly hit his face and answered in full, but Malashenko was still not satisfied.

"Can't you hear me, please speak louder! Didn't you have lunch at noon!? You are so quiet and you want to be a guard platoon leader!? Do it again!"


"Ivani Brosochenkovorokov! 24 years old! Second Lieutenant Platoon Commander of the Guard Battalion of the 1st Belarusian Front Army Headquarters! Answer completed!!!"

"Good! Very energetic!!!"


Comrade Second Lieutenant, something feels wrong, very wrong!

How did you do this? Isn't the plot supposed to be like this? Why was he so stunned by this tank leader? Why should he bother himself? What the hell is this?

Thinking that something was wrong, the young lieutenant was about to "reason", but he never thought that someone happened to be passing behind him at this moment. After hearing that there was an "open-air meeting" here, he immediately followed the sound and rushed over.

"What's going on here? What are you shouting about?"

Turning around following the sound, I discovered that it was a senior combat staff officer from the Front Army Headquarters with the rank of colonel.

Comrade Second Lieutenant, who met an acquaintance and a commander, could not care about anything else, so he hurriedly started to "complain his grievances".

"Comrade Colonel, someone is making trouble here. He insisted on breaking through the card and said he was going to see Comrade Commander. He didn't show me his ID and pass order and didn't tell me whether he had reported it in advance. He also pretended that the chief was scaring me and wanted to get through. I Just when I was about to reason with him, you came over."

Is Comrade Second Lieutenant telling the truth?

That was indeed a matter of fact, but it was just a little added to make the whole thing a little bit "evil", as if some rogue in the 21st century came to deliberately cause trouble.


"Comrade Colonel, did you hear that? Why didn't you speak? Comrade Colonel?"

Comrade Second Lieutenant, who realized something was wrong, saw something wrong with Comrade Colonel's eyes, as if he was nothing. He just stared blankly at the "tank leader who came to make trouble", and for a moment he couldn't think of it. Something went wrong and he was a little at a loss. What happened next was even more unexpected.

"General!? General Malashenko! Comrade General, why are you here at this time? If you had told me earlier, I would have come out to greet you. Why waste time here?"

Sometimes you have to admit that the emotional intelligence and adaptability of a person who can become a senior combat staff officer are not on the same level as that of a second lieutenant.

In just a few words, the topic was immediately brought to a very close distance.

It was as if the protagonist was just apologizing for "poor arrangements" with a smile, rather than "an ordinary second lieutenant who had blind eyes", which invisibly lowered the intensity of the whole matter by one level and made it a minor issue.

Of course Malashenko also understands these basic principles, and he also knows that in his status, there is no need to feel sorry for or hold on to such trivial matters, as that would be loss of status. What's more, I have other important things to do during this trip, so I don't have time to waste time here.

"There's no problem. It's just that I forgot to bring my ID and written order, so I was delayed for a while. You happen to be here. I want to see Comrade Commander. Can you take me there?"

"Of course, that's no problem, Comrade General! Please follow me. Comrade Commander is discussing the war situation with his comrades, and he just mentioned you."

The colonel staff officer who was good at making troubles stepped forward directly and welcomed Malashenko past the checkpoint. Without even looking at the second lieutenant comrade on the side, he accompanied Malashenko and laughed all the way past the checkpoint and went straight to the headquarters. Go to camp.

After walking out for a long distance, he quietly turned his head and glanced in the direction of the checkpoint. The cold look in his eyes at that moment made the second lieutenant tremble all over, who had been looking at the backs of the two men.

"What did he say just now? General Malashenko? Could it be that I heard him wrong?"

"That's right, it's General Malashenko! I didn't recognize him even though he was wearing a tank hat. The generals who come to the front army headquarters on weekdays are not dressed like this. Who can associate that kind of clothes with a general? ? I can’t.”

"Damn it! I should have recognized it earlier and asked for an autograph. My brother is a tank soldier. I must be very happy to give it to him as a gift."

Listening to the chirping of the soldiers beside him and their incessant discussions, Comrade Second Lieutenant, who could only feel the "buzzing" in his head, turned around and scolded him in annoyance.

"What are you talking about!? It's duty time! Please stand guard and don't whisper! Stand at attention!"


A platoon leader is still a platoon leader. Even if he makes a mistake, he is still a platoon leader as long as he has not been raped. Orders are still valid and must be executed.

One by one, the soldiers on guard with guns followed the orders without saying too much.

"Suka! Why didn't you recognize it!? Why didn't I recognize it!? This dog-eyed Suka is really blind!"

It doesn't matter if you scold yourself. What's past is in the past. I can only say that this matter is what it is. As for what will happen in the future, it's hard to say now, isn't it? Let’s wait and see.

When they arrived at Malashenko, under the leadership of the colonel who looked familiar but could not call him by his specific name, he arrived at the central camp with the largest area in the whole garrison after a while. With an uneasy mood, he saw At the end of his trip, he came to meet the "person who has the power to decide his own destiny": Zhukov.

"You deal with this first. Remember to sort out the meeting minutes and send them to me. I'll wait and see. That's it for now."

Looking at Zhukov who was about to turn around and walk towards him after explaining the matter at hand, Malashenko's anxious little heart suddenly rose to his throat and his heartbeat accelerated.

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