Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2347 Something’s not right

“Come in and talk, this way.

Zhukov's tone and attitude were a bit serious, not like he was joking at the beginning. This was exactly what Malashenko was worried about.

Following Zhukov's footsteps, he came to the small tent inside. After sitting down, Malashenko was thinking about whether he should say something first, but he never thought that Zhukov would speak first.

"Tell me, how was this battle? Isn't the taste of revenge wonderful?"


Is this intentionally making fun of yourself?

Malashenko squinted his eyes and stared slightly at Zhukov's expression, but found that Zhukov's expression didn't seem to have any problem at all. He couldn't make up his mind and thought for a while, not knowing how to speak. Time was undecided, which made Zhukov a little anxious as he didn't get the answer to his question.

"The casualties are too large? Or is the loss of technical equipment greater than expected? You look a little uncomfortable, but you don't look like you've lost the battle. What happened?"


After hearing such words, Malashenko was even more confused and glanced at Zhukov with a slightly suspicious look, and found that Comrade Zhu's expression did not look like he was deliberately teasing or teasing.

For a while, I really couldn't figure out any clues. After thinking about it, there was no good solution. Malashenko had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Zhukov's words and continue to answer. The donkey is reading the songbook, just take one step and read the other.

"The casualties and technical equipment losses are not large, Comrade Commander. As you said, it is certainly impossible for the Leader Division to lose in such a small battle. To be precise, we have won a complete victory."

As soon as Malashenko said this, Zhukov, who was sitting on the chair opposite, looked even more unhappy.

"That's strange. Is there any other reason why you look different from usual?"


Something's wrong

Malashenko, who was muttering silently in his heart, couldn't figure out where Zhukov was singing right now.

You said that my brother has problems and made mistakes. Yes, he knows and admits that he has indeed made a lot of mistakes. If you are going to call for prosecution now, then it will definitely be what you say. We dare to take it seriously and will never be sloppy.

But what about Zhukov?

He doesn't.

Malashenko couldn't understand Zhukov's state and expression as if nothing had happened. He couldn't be pretending, right? He is a marshal and commander, so there is no need to waste time here with a young major general like him.

What will happen then? Zhukov didn't understand the situation clearly, or did he wait for him to take the initiative to explain something?

It's easy to list the possible options, but it's difficult to choose and decide among them.

Malashenko had no idea which of the possibilities closest to the truth was truly accurate, so naturally he had no way of giving an unthinking answer to Zhukov. I hesitated and didn't know the right thing to say. I didn't know where to start or how to speak.

Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to guess what’s going on in Malashenko’s little head, or maybe he’s just pressed for time and has no time to continue playing this guessing game.

In short, seeing that Malashenko seemed to have something on his mind, Zhukov decided not to ask further questions. Just like in the past, he believed that if it was necessary for him to know, Malashenko would definitely tell him.

Who doesn’t have some worries and personal privacy these days? Asking too much about the issue is likely to be counterproductive. Of course, Zhukov, who has lived to this age, also understands this truth, and then decided to open another topic and let himself speak first.

"If you want to tell me and have thought about how to say it, I'm all ears. You might as well listen to me now."

Zhukov mistakenly thought that Malashenko had something on his mind. If there was no problem on official matters, it could only be a private matter. Upon seeing this, Malashenko had no time to think too much and just pricked up his ears and prepared to listen carefully.

"I wonder how effective the support of that batch of IL-10s is? They were a new aviation regiment that arrived in an emergency, and they just received this batch of new equipment. They were originally flying IL-2s, and this is where they received the new equipment. The first actual combat mission later. It was originally supposed to be a strike mission against enemy positions. The combat mission was completed, the aircraft was refueled and loaded on the runway, and the pilots were ready to board the plane. "

"As a result, Petrov came to the front army headquarters and reported that air support was needed. He also explained the importance and urgency of your combat situation. Since there was no time to deploy other aviation units, I simply changed the order temporarily and dispatched them to you for support. Okay, are you satisfied with the impact?"


Malashenko accurately captured the most critical point from Zhukov's words, and blurted out the words without thinking.

"Comrade Comrade Petrov, has he asked you to report?"

Malashenko's question made Zhukov a little confused. He looked at Malashenko's familiar face and blinked, as if he didn't think about it all of a sudden.

"Huh? Don't you know that he came to report to me at the front army headquarters? Isn't it because you were anxious to lead the team, so you asked him to come instead of you?"


It’s still hard to say that he has fully understood the details of the incident, but Malashenko vaguely feels that he can get a clue and is very close to the truth. At least he has a rough idea of ​​what to say next.

"Ah, yes, I asked him to come. We agreed. My brain is a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I am still thinking about things on the battlefield. I got distracted, Comrade Commander. Sorry, I was distracted for a moment. "


The more he looked at Malashenko, the weirder he felt, and Zhukov couldn't figure it out. This was the first time that Zhukov had seen Malashenko like this, who seemed to be lacking in brains and absent-minded, so he could only follow his own rules. The inference goes on.

"You're in a really weird state today. It seems like something is troubling you. Is it because of those two girls? Are you hesitant to decide priorities?"

What the hell?

Looking at Zhukov's serious and caring expression, Malashenko finally understood. For some unknown reason, Comrade Zhu had no intention of launching an army to hold him accountable? This conversation between a hammer and a stick is just like a chicken talking to a duck. How do you want to "account for your crimes"? Comrade Lao Zhu is better here. He just thinks that he is worried about women's affairs in his mind.

Did you worry about everything just now? To be startled by something that doesn't even exist?

Although he was not completely sure that this was true, Malashenko, who already had a rough idea, decided to go on.

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