Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2350 Remember the dead, and then fight for the living

Looking at Malashenko who was sitting on the edge of the bed, replacing Lavrinenko, Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrade Lavrinenko, who had just taken painkillers, was in a brief period of recovery due to the effects of the medicine.

Although we don’t know when the next downturn will come, at least there is no problem for now.

"Can you still hold on? To be honest, I don't want to hear any pretentious answers."

Malashenko's tone left no room for doubt. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who couldn't remember how many times he had been asked this question, just smiled indifferently.

"If I say no, will you order me to be driven back to my hometown? You won't let me stay on the front line."


"No, because that will only make you die faster. Without that goal, you may not even be able to get off the plane and will die in the sky. There is no point in sending you back now."


It was as if the unfamiliar look in his eyes was fleeting. The political commissar who was sitting on the bedside staring at Malashenko was noncommittal at first, and finally spoke slowly with a pleased expression on his face.

"It is not emotion but reason that takes over, dominating judgment and thinking. You have grown up than before."

"Compared to when I was desperate to avenge Kirill?"


First a little surprised, then a burst of relief, and he still spoke slowly towards Comrade Malashenko, the smiling political commissar.

"It seems you know everything. After meeting Comrade Commander, I think you can guess what happened."

Putting the water glass he took from Lavrinenko on the table, Malashenko still had a lot to talk about with his political commissar comrades.

"I guessed something, but I definitely don't know as much as you. You are the one who knows the truth, aren't you?"

I don’t know how many opportunities there will be to sit down quietly and chat with Malashenko like this, or how long it will take in total. The political commissar who really cherishes such a short time quietly nodded.

"After leaving the division headquarters, I did go straight to the front army headquarters as we agreed. But I lied to you. I didn't go to find out any useful information, but went to the comrade commander to report directly. , to convince him.”

Although he had already guessed that this might be the case, Malashenko still had doubts.

"Are you so sure that you can convince him?"

"I'm not sure. The particularity of this matter determines that it is not 100% sure, but I still have to do it. For you, for Kirill, and for the entire leadership division, comrades cannot act in this way at this time. Losing their commander for an avoidable reason, that's why I did it.


We are getting closer and closer to the complete truth. Comrade Political Commissar's words happened to correspond to Iushkin's rhetorical question outside the turret. It was absolutely impossible to ignore Malashenko's almost "self-destruction" behavior, but the truth was revealed. Hidden behind the scenes.

"Then why didn't you tell me, didn't tell me, and even lied about it? You had to hide your true destination and go to the front army headquarters."

The confusion that increasingly troubled Malashenko urgently needed an answer. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar understood this and was already ready to speak. Some words must be left to be clarified at this time to achieve the final meaning.

"Before I answer, let me ask you a question."

"What would you have done if I had told you that I was going to the front army headquarters to inform the comrade commander of our battle plan and that you planned to act without asking for permission?"


Malashenko was stunned. He had never thought of such a hypothesis from beginning to end. The person who gave the final answer was still the political commissar himself who asked the question, not the speechless Malashenko.

"The answer is that you would stop me at all costs, whether you sent someone to watch me or locked me up directly. You had the reason to do so at the time, and of course you had the ability to do it. If that were the case, everything would be resolved. If nothing happens, the two of us will not be able to sit here and chat quietly like this now, which is why I did it.”


Malashenko, who didn't know how to speak for a while, recalled the scenes that happened not long ago. He had no idea that Comrade Political Commissar had secretly arranged everything since then, and Comrade Political Commissar's story continued.

"I'm not talking about one person, but all young people will make mistakes. Passion and no hesitation are the unique marks of youth. The important thing is that some mistakes can be made up for and corrected, and some mistakes cannot. The responsibility you shoulder, Your opportunities for trial and error are destined to be much smaller and fewer than those of your peers.”

"This may be unfair to you, but it is something you must bear. Paradoxically, people are creatures who do not make mistakes and often do not grow. If there is something I must help you accomplish, then That’s it.”

It’s not that Malashenko didn’t understand Comrade Political Commissar’s words, but he just raised his head and looked at Comrade Political Commissar quietly without saying a word. The meaning of those words spoken by Comrade Political Commissar himself was far more meaningful than Malashenko himself. important.

"Even if this mistake is false, and it is only after the haze is broken that everything is an illusion, I still hope you will remember those things and those memories. This is what you have experienced, more than any book, any theory, or any person Everything I say to you will be more useful and true."

"It may be sad to say this now, but we are all facing reality, little Malashenko."

"I am destined to be unable to accompany you any longer. I want to help you as much as possible in the limited time in the last period of my life. I believe that after experiencing all this, I will be able to help you." You have learned something. It is not for me to define it, but for you to write the answer for yourself. Can you tell me it now?”

Malashenko did not know that his eyes at this moment had gradually become deeper and firmer. When he raised his head again and looked directly at Comrade Political Commissar, his eyes had broken through the haze and became firm.

"Remember the dead, and then fight for the living."

The political commissar who was sitting next to the bed smiled warmly and peacefully. He slowly raised his remaining right arm and gently brushed Malashenko's cheek. There was more than just the present in his eyes.

"It's just like me at that time, but I never wait for the man who has been protecting me since I was a little kid and side by side on the battlefield to come back, no matter how much I cry holding his cold body Howling is useless."

"I'm glad to see you back, comrade division commander, welcome back to the team."

The right hand that gently brushed his cheek was already open, just waiting to be grasped. Malashenko, who finally showed his smile, just raised his hand and stepped forward.

"Target Berlin, let's end this!"

Another big hand was handed over silently, and it was firmly clasped on the clasped hands. The three palms formed a fist and were unbreakable, just as Lavrinenko's strong and rough voice blurted out.

"Just as promised! Ulla!"

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