Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2351 It’s the Yankee’s Pan Datou!

The desolate wilderness is full of traces left by the war, and the air is filled with corpses and the smell of blood and death.

Dead horses, dead cows, and the carcasses of various livestock were piled up haphazardly in the abandoned wilderness. Flies and bugs were buzzing around the pile of rotten meat. There were even dead bodies lying on the side of the roadside that may have been the owners of these livestock. The corpse fell dead.

This was something that would have alarmed reporters from all walks of life in peaceful times, but now no one paid any attention to it, and even the few living people not far away turned a blind eye to it.

"How's the situation? Can it still be repaired?"

"Don't ask me, ask this 70-ton beauty. I can definitely fix it if she gives me face, but I doubt I can serve her. It looks like the guide wheel will completely break down after a few kilometers at most." Damn it. The spider webs are cracked inside the wheel. I don’t have a spare wheel. Can you tell me how to fix it?”

The two SS armored soldiers squatting beside the car looked around at the guide wheel at the front of the car, and from time to time they used the small hammer and wrench in their hands to hit it. The only thing that was certain was that this thing The situation is really fucking bad.

"She should have been replaced a week ago, but no spare parts have been sent until now. I'm really curious about what happened to our logistics? It doesn't matter if the oil is not enough, and there are no spare parts. What's the next step? Is that right? There’s no place to go to resupply after firing the shells?”

Listening to the complaints from gunner Wegner next to him, Wittmann, who was smoking behind the butt of his No. 007 105 King Tiger command car, exhaled a fairy breath, with green eyes still coming out of his mouth. Yan then spoke.

"Let's be optimistic. At least you still have the minimum fuel and ammunition that can barely sustain the battle. Whether you get it from other scrapped cars or pump the fuel out of the cars abandoned on the roadside, at least you have it. Unlike others Some people are so short of supplies that they can only throw away their good cars. If you think about it from their perspective, you will feel that the situation is actually quite good. "


Wegener, who did not directly acknowledge it and certainly did not deny it on the spot, shook his head and spoke again with a wry smile.

"You are always so optimistic, so optimistic that you can inspire everyone."

"What else? Do you want me to cry with you? Then I might as well get rid of this military uniform and run away as a civilian. Why should I continue to stay in such a ghost place and cry with you."

Wittmann wasn't much of a joker, except when he felt it was necessary, like now.

But after all, jokes cannot replace the tragic reality. Not long after setting off, there were increasingly strange noises from the car body, which made the uneasy Wittmann order to stop and check. As a result, it was discovered that the guide wheel, which had been seriously injured before and was severely damaged in the battle, was now mostly cracked and covered with spider webs. It was only a small distance away from the final shattering.

As the driver just said, it is estimated that after just a few more kilometers of off-road driving, this cutting-edge 105mm command type Tiger King will be completely paralyzed due to the scrapping of one side of the running device, and then it will just To be able to abandon the car and have the entire crew run away on foot was simply unacceptable to Wittmann, who was originally on a forward reconnaissance mission.

If supplies are already extremely scarce and the car is lost, then there will really be nothing to do and all we can do is stare blankly. Who knows when the next time I will be able to get a new car replenishment, or maybe I will never have such an opportunity again. Of course Wittmann, who is extremely clear about the shape of the entire battle situation, is fully aware of this. .

"So, what should we do now? Continue to carry out the mission, or return home before these motorized hours are completely used up?"

There are only two choices before Wittmann: withdraw from the original route while he can barely run for a while, or continue to move forward to conduct reconnaissance of the enemy with the mentality that it doesn't matter if he throws away the car. Although it is likely to be a futile attempt, the enemy may be completely paralyzed and abandoned halfway before even seeing the enemy.

"Keep going, we have no choice. It's useless to go back now. There are no spare parts available for us to replace. The car will still be disabled by then, and there is nothing to take it away for repair. We can only throw it away."

"Instead of doing this, let's let it play out its last bit of value and at least try to give her a worthy death."

It's easy to say but not necessarily easy to do. Anticipating what Wittmann might say, Wegener just hurried forward and caught up with Wittmann as he turned away and spoke.

"What about us? Do you also want us to die a worthy death?"

Wegner's tone was not heavy, and even sounded a little relaxed.

This tone of indifference to death did not match his age at all, and even Wittmann's tone immediately after was the same.

"If you can, then why not? A man should always have a place to go."

Wittmann was not afraid of death, and fortunately, the crew members who fought alongside him were the same. At least this would not cause Wittmann, who was "focused on leading everyone to think," to be shot in the dark by his own men.

Wittmann, who had summoned the crew and prepared to continue his journey, gave the order for the driver to start and continue moving forward.

If the intelligence is correct, climbing over the small ditch in front is the best ambush point, where a US armored column will soon pass. This was the news brought by another group of Wehrmacht infantry on the front line who had just been repulsed and fled and hurriedly withdrew. It was this group of troops, mainly armored columns, that defeated them.

After understanding the enemy's situation, Wittmann decided to attack boldly. Even though he only had 4 King Tigers left that could move and fight, and the other three were either under repair or the crews were out "picking up garbage and looking for oil" and could not take immediate action. Despite the circumstances, Wittmann still decided to set off alone.

In his words, if he didn't attack, none of the three still usable King Tigers could be saved. When the Yankees rolled up, none of us would be able to escape. So we might as well go out on our own and gain some time. , maybe there is still a chance for a comeback.

But what Wittmann didn't expect was that just when it arrived at the ambush point and ordered it to be turned off and parked, leaving the last bit of motorized time available for tactical maneuvers that might be needed in the battle, an unexpected situation would occur at this moment. Point, happen suddenly.

"Wait a minute, something is coming! Wittmann, there's a Yankee on the road! A Yankee tank is coming!!!"

Among the shadowy grass on the roadside, a larger thing with obvious identifying characteristics and completely different from most previous US military armored combat vehicles drove out. Wittmann, who already knew the name of this thing and had a certain understanding of it, couldn't help but frown when he saw this, and then blurted out ominous words.

"Shit! It's Pan Datou of the Yankees! There are quite a few of them!"

This is the last short section of the Western Front plot. After that, the Western Front plot will be merged with the Eastern Front plot. The plot of Lao Ma and Master Wei will meet again in battle under the city of Berlin. This is also the ultimate purpose of paving the way for the Western Front plot. This last short section of the plot on the Western Front is also very exciting, and the word count won’t be too many, so stay tuned.

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