Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2352 It’s Tiger King Time (Part 1)

What rumbled in the commander's periscope was an entire US armored column.

The white circle five-pointed star was extremely conspicuous under the sunlight. Those American soldiers who were ignorant and joking, and had no idea that the god of death had raised the sickle towards their necks, even sat on the butt of the tank, chatting and laughing.

Even though the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, we are alone.

Wittmann, who was lurking in the shadows and had the advantage of attacking first, still planned to do this. He was convinced that he had the confidence and ability to do it, just like when he created the so-called "legend" in the eyes of others in Pokaki Village. .

For true legends, legends can definitely be copied and created again, and Wittmann himself firmly believes in this.

"Load armor-piercing shells, gunner, prepare! Aim for the first lead vehicle at the front!"

"Little American lolita, come to daddy~"

"Good armor-piercing bullets, loading is complete!"


"Then, fire!"

Before the huge sound of artillery filled the ears, the roar of supersonic shells screaming through the air had already arrived and was implanted in the mind.

call out--



Just like a shiny silver knife cutting through the first piece of breakfast bread in the morning, Wittmann's No. 007 car, which ambushed from the side, succeeded in one blow and poured in with a bang.

The 105 mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile with strong impact energy easily penetrated the armor of the first M26 "Pershing" lead vehicle without any effort, instantly killing this new US tank that was officially put into battle not long ago. It turned into a ball of fire and burned brightly.

"Oh God! What happened!? What the hell was that?"

"Fake! Who the hell is going to save my leg! Where is the medic!?"

"Peterson was hit, they are all finished! Repeat, Peterson and the others are finished"

The commander of the second tank Pan, who followed closely behind, had not had time to finish his words. In such a short reaction time of a few seconds, a second attack that was completely unexpected came violently again.

call out--


"God! Farke! What happened? What's going on outside! Report, report quickly!!!"

"Black's crew was hit, and the ammunition exploded! They are also finished, Black and the others are finished!"


The entire radio channel was filled with the noisy shouts and shouts of US armored soldiers. In fact, even if you don't look at these steel behemoths, the situation outside the tanks is almost the same.

The American soldiers who were thrown off from the tanks that were killed in the explosion either threw themselves on the street or fell to the ground on their backs. Their bodies, whether dead or alive, fell to the ground and bled. No one cared about them. care.

A flaming man emerged from the first blazing front car, but it was not so much a "person" as it was just a moving group of moving torches that could hardly be seen as human-shaped.

The ball of fire just fluttered randomly from the tank wreckage and rolled to the ground. After a few seconds of burning fire, it stopped making any movement and fell to the ground.

There were only two things left in the raging fire, the burning flame, and the fuel for the flame to burn, that's all.

The surviving American soldiers panicked and ran away like frightened rabbits. Not knowing where the enemy was, and without any combat orders from their superiors, they all ran down the road slope one by one and hid on the reverse slope of the dirt road. This was It is the most meaningful thing they can do at the moment within their cognitive scope.

After all, if you even lose your life, there is no point in saying anything, right?

In fact, the commander of the US armored forces in the middle did not realize a problem until now.

No matter what the enemy is, no matter how many enemies there are, in short, the most difficult situation is now hit on the top of one's own head.

Not only was the leading car killed, but even the tail car met the same fate.

The Fascists on the opposite side cut off the front and rear as soon as they took action, blocking the forward or backward path of the US tank column on the dirt road. The remaining tanks stuck in the middle were unable to advance or retreat for a while and were blocked to death. , if you want to resume maneuvering, you must at least complete the turn.

But it was no easy task for Pershing, who had a total combat weight of 41 tons and only had a small heart of 500 horsepower installed in the engine. What Sherman could do easily, Pershing couldn't do. Don't expect this thing to be as flexible as the leopards in the German zoo.

"Damn it, we're caught! We can't move!"

"Shut up! Turn, turn quickly! Back down the road slope! Quick!"

"But I saw the infantry hiding under the slope."

"Fuck the infantry! They have eyes and will dodge when they see a tank turning upside down. Turn the fucking tank into reverse!"

So is it really going to be that easy?

The slight smile on Wittmann's lips did not approve of this, which was obvious.

"Target, US tanks on the dirt road, fire at will!"

"Armor-piercing bullets, release!"


There was another roaring sound that broke through the air, and the third round of armor-piercing projectiles wrapped in a streamlined hood blasted out hotly and headed straight towards the target again.

Another scene occurred like a red-hot bone-picking knife stabbing a cream cake.

An M26 Pershing was turning. A 105mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile was fired from the oblique side, directly piercing the side armor on the left front of the turret. After the projectile penetrated the armor plate, it hit the vehicle head-on. The gun is breechlocked and detonates instantly.

The broken projectile fragments, the armor fragments brought up by the moment of penetration, and the blazing flames emitted by the projectile explosion

Metal and flames were entangled together, setting off a steaming death storm throughout the turret.

The luck was pretty good, at least the ammunition did not explode on the spot and there was no fire. However, the "good luck" of the entire US military vehicle crew was limited to this.

The exploding charges and high-speed ejection of metal fragments not only instantly emptied the three crew members in the turret, but even the driver and co-pilot under the turret and in front of the vehicle were affected, being burned by the rolling flames and fragments behind them. Roast the back of the head, penetrate the back, and die on the spot are the only possible results.

After all, Pan Datou, whose historical positioning once jumped between medium tanks and heavy tanks, is really not a car with much room inside. A large-caliber, high-charge armor-piercing projectile penetrated the front armor of the turret and then "carried away the whole vehicle". This can only be said to be reasonable and not unexpected. There is nothing surprising or strange.

"The third car is dealt with, continue!"

Master Wei's "Fruit Ninja" game is still going on

"There are three rounds left, shoot on time! Loading is complete!"

"Try this, Yankee!"

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