Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2353 It’s Tiger King Time (Part 2)

"The Yankees are reversing, don't let them get away! Keep firing, quick!"

"Load, load, load"

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"Fuck! Yankee, hoora~"


The sixth vehicle, the surviving US tanks on the road, completed the steering of the vehicle body, reversed and pulled down the slope of the dirt road.

Relying on the extremely high burst rate of fire brought by the semi-automatic loader, Wittmann's No. 007 Command Type 105 Tiger King with disabled legs and feet was stunned to complete six consecutive kills in less than a minute.

Not only does it hit the target, but it also points directly to the vital point. Its armor-piercing capability is better than that of the 88-meter-long Krupp 105. It is worthy of the reputation of the most powerful main gun of German tanks at the moment. Even if the Yankee Pershing upgraded its armor protection, it is still useless. , there is no essential difference compared with the Sherman. It blows up the car when it is supposed to blow up the car, and causes a fire when it is supposed to.

This terrifying killing efficiency not only caused Wittmann to raise his eyebrows, but the American armored soldiers on the opposite side were even more frightened to death.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Holy shit! Where did the German guy opposite come from, crazy!? You told me they only have one tank! Are you crazy or am I stupid!?"

"The shells were all fired from the same point, and the muzzle flash never moved. Are you stupid or am I crazy?"

"Shut up, shut the hell up! Stop the car! Prepare armor-piercing bombs, let's rush up and kill him!"

The order from the commander almost shocked everyone, and they couldn't even believe that the sound they heard was real.

"Damn it! Walter, are you crazy? The German guy opposite is already crazy, and you are going crazy too!?"

"Unless that German king drowns himself in a cesspit, we won't be able to leave today! Fuck that son of a bitch and follow me!"

The 500-horsepower engine roared again, and the American-style gearbox with wide gears drove the heavy steel body to accelerate out again at a slow speed until the steel figures that came over the slope one after another jumped in. Enemy eyes.

"How dare these Americans come back?"

"Kill them, all of them! Keep loading, load armor-piercing rounds!"

"Got it boss!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Yankee tank retreating downhill, three propellant cartridges were stuffed into the empty loader. The order from Wittmann to continue loading forced the two loaders to interrupt the loading of the fourth round in the middle.

The propellant cartridge that had just been picked up was temporarily placed at the feet, and the projectile was changed to the projectile. The electro-hydraulic loader controlled by the main loader rose again with the pressing of the button, and stuffed the ammunition into the revolver cylinder. A propellant cartridge is accurately aligned with the loading slide rigidly connected to the breech block and is ready.

"Load the projectile, quickly!"




The right arm holding the push handle tightly used force to push the propellant cartridge together with the projectiles that had been placed on the loading slide. It was pushed into the gun barrel instantly with a slightly harsh sound of metal friction, and accompanied by the breech The sound of closing heavy metal clashing sounded at the same time.


"Loading completed!"

"Send this to Roosevelt, pick it up! Yankee!"


The US military believed that, at least originally, it would be effective to fully align the vehicle's course and turret's frontal armor with the target, and use the strongest defensive posture to meet the enemy's charge.

But they were wrong, and terribly wrong.

The thick and solid armor on the front of the car was pierced by a shot. Through the hole larger than a fist, you can even clearly see the scene of raging fire rolling and burning in the steel crematorium, but there are no survivors. Signs of struggle emanated from it.

One shot penetrated, ignited the propellant, and the fuel tank instantly caught fire. The eighth Pershing was turned into a flaming torch and collapsed on the battlefield!

It was only now, at 2 minutes and 11 seconds when the battle broke out, when Wittmann had already scored seven consecutive kills, that the US military, which had suffered heavy losses, fired its first shot at the unknown opponent hidden in the low bushes. One shot.

"At one o'clock, the barrel of the gun is exposed in the bushes, focus your fire!"

Boom boom boom——

The latest issued Pershing combat manual prohibits gunners from firing in cross-country conditions. This is difficult to achieve a satisfactory effect and will hand over the fighter plane to the enemy. However, the urgency of the current situation has completely ignored dogmatism and can only Did it.




A harsh sound of metal collision came from behind the bush with the super long gun barrel. The sharp-eyed American gunner even saw a series of splashed sparks through the gaps in the bush. This alone was enough to confirm that The target must be a tank! It's definitely not an anti-tank gun or anything like that.

But it was after the three fire cannons in this episode blew away the bushes that were used to cover the huge body, that the US armored soldiers who had never known what kind of opponent they were facing were shocked to find out.

The opponent is not only a King Tiger, but also a "Super King Tiger" with a main gun that is obviously different from the ordinary 88 and looks too thick, long and strong! The length of the ferocious and terrifying main gun even exceeds the already exaggerated length of 88cm. Just the sight of the King Tiger's turret rotating against it is terrifying enough!

"It's the fucking Tiger King! We met the Tiger King!"

"Look at the barrel of that thing, look at it! That thing is longer than the chimney of the small steel mill in my hometown! The Germans are fucking crazy!"

"High-speed armor-piercing projectiles! Load the high-speed armor-piercing projectiles and prepare to shoot the turret, quick!"

The M304 sub-caliber high-speed armor-piercing projectile fired by the new 90mm M3 main gun has a strong armor-piercing depth. In the shooting test on the captured King Tiger, it was enough to penetrate the main armor of the King Tiger's turret head-on at a conventional engagement distance. This is also the current situation. The only hope left for this group of U.S. armored soldiers.

"Those Americans are not afraid of death and are still charging at us!"

"Don't worry about it. If you want to die, let them do it. Keep aiming! The one with the fastest impact at one o'clock is ready to shoot!"

"Good armor-piercing bullet! Second to last shot!"



The shells roared in, and the armor was ruthlessly penetrated like a sharp knife shaving across the ribs.

The fragile crotch of the American heirloom paper pants could not withstand the violent bombardment that the company leader was unable to withstand. The high-speed projectile penetrated the lower armor of the car body like a rotating impact drill, shattering the transmission mechanism and the driver's lower body. The flesh and blood exploded only when it hit the fighting room in the middle of the car body.


Bang bang--

The head that was wrenched directly from the chassis fell to the ground spitting out fiery tongues of fire. No. 007 Command Type 105 King Tiger once again successfully scored his eighth kill!

"Last round! Reloading completed!"

At the moment when the main loader's roar sounded, Wittmann, who had been staring intently at the commander's periscope in front of him, suddenly had his pupils dilated and spoke in silence.

"Wait, that's different! There's a guy who's different! Hit it first, at two o'clock! The one with the longest barrel!"

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