"Is that an ugly thing that the Yankees invited from his grandmother's house? Who invented such an ugly thing?"

Wittmann, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, used the commander's periscope in his hand to quickly find the target, and then used the vehicle-mounted radio connected to the throat to mark the location of the target, guiding the gunner to use the King Tiger's proud high magnification The gun scope also found its target.

But when this "unique" stand-out target appears in the field of view of a high-magnification gun scope, even if it is just a glance with the naked eye, its unprecedented grotesque appearance and appearance are enough to make it unforgettable. forget.

"Did you see clearly? What on earth is that!?"

Judging from Gunner Wegener's aesthetics, this thing is really fucking "ugly".

Two pieces of abrupt additional armor, like butt curtains, were welded to the left and right sides of the turret's front face, and a large square piece of additional welded armor plate was carried on the turret's front face. .

From a frontal perspective, these abrupt and ferocious additional armor plates have completely covered the entire front face of the turret, making it impossible to tell what this thing looks like hidden behind the additional armor.

What's even more terrible and extremely damaging to the aesthetics is that this thing looks like two sudden tumors on the top of a big bald head. Two tubular objects whose purpose is completely unknown grow diagonally on the front of the turret and on the top of the forehead. Side-by-side installations are placed together.

Not to mention that German tanks don’t have such an abrupt and weird design. Even those Russians who always shock people’s jaws with tank design and construction have never heard of similar designs appearing, let alone on the battlefield. I’ve seen it before, and I damn sure know what kind of “precious thing” this group of Americans across from me made by those Americans who “are not good at work and are the first to bite lighters.”

Oh, and that super super long gun barrel, its magnification ratio has definitely exceeded the main gun used on any armored combat vehicle currently in service in the US military. The super long barrel looks like a lying "Pinocchio", and it looks even more embarrassing when it looks like such an ugly face.

It would be fine if the turret was damn ugly, but the problem is that the body of this thing is also aesthetically unattractive.

Several pieces of welded armor plates with hollow seams clearly visible like sandwiches were randomly stacked on the front of the car like stacked bread slices and forcibly welded together to increase defense.

I don’t know how much defense this can add to the tank, but the only thing that’s certain is that it’s really ugly to a certain extent. The additional armor plates of the car body, which are stacked in a hollow space and have more than one layer, even protrude forward than the track pads on the left and right sides. The whole thing is like a "reckless man" charging forward with a big belly.

"I've never seen this thing before, but it has a white five-pointed star painted on its turret, and it's extremely ugly! It's so ugly that I don't know how to describe it!"


The magnification is not high and the specific details cannot be seen clearly, but he can still clearly see that the thing locked by his sight is slowly decelerating and driving the turret towards him. Wittmann's next order Then he blurted out.

"The white five-pointed star is enough, open fire and kill it!"

"The armor-piercing bullets are good! Send the Yankees to heaven at any time!"

The main loader's loud report and Wittmann's command sounded almost simultaneously, driving the gunner Wegner, who had already completed the aiming of the turret in advance, to aim the black hole of the 105mm main gun muzzle at the target and get ready.

"See how durable you are, die!"



The armor-piercing projectiles whizzing out from the muzzle instantly broke through the muzzle velocity of kilometers per second and roared straight towards the target that had entered the range of accurate shooting.

The weird-looking American tank didn't have time to fully react. It had just stopped and was still turning the turret.

But perhaps it was the continuous rotation of the rotating turret that gave this strange-looking precious US tank a glimmer of hope.



call out--

The powerful and heavy impact of full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles, the sound of metal shattering as armor plates twist and deform, and the harsh friction sound like fingernails scratching a blackboard when a metal object with strong kinetic energy rubs against another metal object and is ejected. .

All the sounds were mixed together, and it only happened in a short moment of lightning.

The 105mm armor-piercing projectile of Wittmann's car was extremely accurate and hit the welded joint of the rotating turret's forward and side additional armor, hitting the bull's-eye.

It is very likely that the armor welds, which were not very strong and reliable, could not withstand such a violent kinetic energy impact. The side additional armor plates were smashed away on the spot, and the front additional armor plates were smashed and twisted, leaving the original armor plates hidden behind them. Most of the real turret's face was exposed, showing its true shape.

Showing his true face is not the end of the story. What is more important is that the armor-piercing projectile that hit the moving turret destroyed the external additional armor plate due to the impact angle and hit the armor plate of the turret itself. An unexpected ricochet deflection.

For the U.S. tanks, which have always been famous among the German heavy armored forces for being "thin-skinned and big stuffed, pierced in one hit", it is a rare thing for a tank to ricochet when hit by the King Tiger's super-powerful firepower. , not to mention that Wittmann's car has an upgraded new 105mm main gun, which is even more confusing. It is probably because the Americans got lucky.

The diagonal trajectory of the cannonball bounced off by the ricochet was not biased. It just happened to go straight upward instead of diagonally shooting into the ground.

Even Wegener, who fired the shot first without aiming too accurately in a hurry, did not expect that the shot would kill the two "super-large tumors" on the forehead of the Yankee's precious tank. "Guan" was broken by Beng Fei.

The deflected ricochet projectile directly broke off the small half of the "tumor tube" protruding from the additional armor on the front of the turret and flew it away on the spot. What was hidden inside was exposed, and it was hard to tell what it was. Something that couldn't be seen clearly was exposed in the air, directly exposed to the outside world.

As for the projectiles that shot diagonally into the sky with white tracer trails, they were naturally nowhere to be found, and they had no idea where they were shot.

"Damn it! I missed it, come again!"

"Load armor-piercing bullets, quickly!"

"Last shot, hit it on time!"

It was during this hurried reloading and tense moment that Wittmann, who had been holding on to the commander's periscope and keeping an eye on the target, suddenly saw another unexpected and strange scene.

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