Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2363 Liar

Wittmann guessed that the enemy must have reported the battle situation after escaping back, and would have said the important fact that "the enemy's tank probably only had one King Tiger, and no more were encountered."

But strictly speaking, Wittmann's seemingly reasonable guess can only be said to be partially correct, or even a small part of it.

Indeed, Wittmann guessed that the American tanks that escaped back would report the battlefield situation, which was correct.

But what Wittmann didn't guess was that the US tank commander who fled back in panic actually lied about the battlefield situation just now.

Because he was worried about suffering such a heavy loss despite such a disparity in strength, he decided to lie about the enemy's strength to a very strong level.

How strong is it specifically?

It wasn't that strong. It encountered half a German heavy armored battalion and elite infantry of no less than the same organizational level ambushed and suddenly opened fire at the preset position. It was caught off guard and they retreated with such heavy losses.

So, aren't you afraid that someone will expose his lies? After all, there were many people who escaped alive, including a large number of infantry.

This is indeed a possibility, but the US tank commander has considered it more carefully.

The infantry were frightened and ran down the slope of the road for the first time. They did not participate in the battle and did not understand the specific situation. What they said cannot be believed. You have to listen to the report of our tank soldiers. We were the ones who rushed directly to fight the Germans. Strong man.

The reality is that there are simply not many tanks left here. The three Pershings that escaped alive add up to a dozen or so. It is relatively easy to keep these people's mouths under control. As for those left on the battlefield, Dead people don't speak.

What? What would you do if someone who was seriously injured spilled the beans after being rescued?

What a joke, by the time the large troops return to the battlefield ruins, the day lilies will be damn cold, and the seriously injured will have to be turned into corpses, and the mouths of corpses are the best at keeping secrets and there is no need to worry.

The living tank soldiers are, firstly, their direct subordinates, and secondly, they are still top soldiers who have never seen much of the world. They just want to scare you with the excuse of "be careful not to save your comrades even if they die, and even if you escape, you will be court-martialed." Scary, this plot line of everyone colluding with each other to lie and make up a story was so perfectly achieved.

No matter what, we have to deal with the current situation first.

If you don't lie, you will definitely go to a military court. If you lie, you won't necessarily go to a military court.

"Smart people" must know how to choose the lesser of two powers. They must at least give it a try for a glimmer of hope, right?

At least that's what a certain tank commander himself thinks, and after intense psychological games and careful deliberation, he can only say that this is the final decision made by personal will.

After receiving the news without much confirmation, Major Anderson, who did not realize that he had been deceived by collusion, was very angry, angry that the Germans did not follow martial ethics and carried out an ambush.

However, after careful consideration, he claimed that he had a powerful new secret weapon, and called in air support to explore the road ahead and escort the escort. Therefore, he still decided to take the risk and give it a try to see the damaging effect of the powerful new weapon on German sticks. How.

These sound like very complex psychological games and twists and turns. Of course Wittmann knew nothing about this, and he had no idea that the plane just now was taken off because of a shameless person's lie. Summoned.

If we were to speak the truth, with Major Anderson's fiery Chicago character, he would not be able to catch the lone Tiger King and immediately come over to kill him and take revenge without saying a word.

Wittmann, who was holding the commander's periscope in his hand, could only see that the American column getting closer and closer to the grove became increasingly clear. The long-tube Sherman leading in the front had already entered a fighting posture, the hatch was closed, and he climbed up. The U.S. infantrymen who came to him were holding heavy machine guns on the roof and were ready to fire at any time.

The American infantrymen who were following them all got out of their vehicles one by one, and tried to follow behind the armored vehicles for protection. One or two of them looked frightened, as if facing a powerful enemy.

"They knew there were enemies here, and look, how scared they were."

Knowing that there may be an enemy in the area, but not knowing where the enemy is.

Wegner's confident smile came from this, and of course he soon received a response from Wittmann behind him.

"Don't worry, Sherman is not worth it. Wait until they get closer and drive to the corner. It depends on the situation and wait for my order."

"You have the final say, boss."

Wittmann was very concerned about the "super tank" described by Herschel. He wanted to see with his own eyes what that thing looked like, and wanted to find out the enemy's situation before taking action. And I know that if that description is true, then there is no doubt that this is the greatest threat among US military tanks, and the targets with the greatest threat must be eradicated first. This is a must.

"I smell Krauts, be careful, they're nearby."

"Damn it, don't scare me! Where are the Germans? I only saw our tanks burning over there. Will they hide in the woods?"

"Hush! It's right behind the tank wreckage, I can feel it! And why is it in the woods? At least one battalion is hiding in such a small woods and is being strafed by fighter jets without moving. That's impossible."

The American infantrymen who were pretending to be fools and trying to scare themselves were still muttering and whispering behind Sherman. After receiving the radio order, the leading Sherman had already driven off the dirt road after passing the corner, and the turret and vehicle body were heading directly towards the direction just now. The remains of the battlefield, the postures prepared for battle, and the American infantry who followed down the dirt road behind them were also as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

More and more U.S. tanks that passed the corner came down the dirt road one after another. They were no longer in a line, but moved forward in battle formations. This unusual and abnormal behavior directly shocked those who witnessed it all through the gun scope. Wegener said he couldn't understand.

"What are these Yankees doing? Are they going to fight with the remains of their own people? There's nothing in that place."

Wittmann also couldn't understand why the Americans were facing the empty battlefield ruins, spreading out as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and pressing forward with all their strength, let alone someone's lies. It was the root cause of all this, but Wittmann, who was thinking along the lines, could also realize that this incomprehensible situation was not a bad thing.

"Let them disperse and change the battle plan. When they turn their backs to us, fire and hit the two biggest monsters first!"

Wittmann was originally worried that it would be more troublesome if the Yankees sent infantry out to search the woods while the main force was still lined up on the dirt road facing his own artillery line and did not fully go around the corner to spread out.

That will force you to fire, but your own firepower can only take care of units in a straight line, and the subsequent US tanks will be blocked by the wreckage in front of the gun line, causing your own killing efficiency to be greatly reduced.

But now, the US military actually got off the dirt road without knowing why, turned around and headed towards the battlefield ruins to kill the generals in preparation for war. They completely ignored the situation in the grove and did not even search. I really don’t know if they were in the direction of the battlefield ruins. What kind of thing attracts you to do this?

But this is ultimately a great thing, at least for myself.

"Almost, aim at the back of that big guy's head! Get ready to shoot!"

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