Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2364 The Fury of the Tiger King (Part 1)

"Target locked!"

"Keep it locked!"

"Okay! Fire!"


A beam of flames that could not be seen coming from suddenly erupted in the woods, and the full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles that came out of the barrel at high speed, with a muzzle velocity that exceeded the kilometer per second mark, headed towards the not-so-distant place. The target rushed straight away, and in an instant it hit the back of the huge iron head with a loud bang.



call out--

"Mom! No penetration!? Ricochet!? Damn it, how is this possible!?"

An unexpected and shocking scene appeared.

Wegner's attack, which he thought was sure to be sure, was instantly ineffective, and the armor-piercing projectile that hit the Yankee's precious metal on the back of the head was actually followed by a series of sparks flying and an ear-piercing scream caused by friction with the steel. In the sound, sparks of lightning were ruthlessly bounced away and shot straight into the sky.

Wegener couldn't figure out why, and couldn't think of any reason at all.

It's true that the angle of incidence is not very good, because the Tiger King's ambush point is restricted in the jungle and there is no way to carry out tactical maneuvers. In addition, the US military's advance route also suddenly changed. Instead of continuing to advance along the dirt road after passing the corner, it went directly We drove off the dirt road and headed straight for the battlefield ruins.

Therefore, it is impossible to fire at the back of the head with an incident angle that is not subject to subjective control. However, according to general principles, even if the incident angle is not so perfect, the absolute weakest area on an ordinary tank like the back of the head should not be so difficult to penetrate. With the new Krupp 105 main gun in his hand, there should be no doubt that he can be penetrated by one shot.

Not only Wegener himself thought so, but even Wittmann, who was well-informed and experienced on the battlefield, thought there was no problem, so he issued a firing order and allowed Wegener to shoot. However, this was a shocking fact. But it was far from what these two people imagined.

"Load, next shot! It's still an armor-piercing bullet, hurry!"

Although he was also in great shock, Wittmann still reacted quickly and gave the order, asking for reloading immediately. The unhelpful shock had no effect at the moment. The only meaningful thing was to take advantage of the Yankee Before he recovered, he continued to fire.

"You heard me, load up on armor-piercing projectiles! Quick!"

The main loader who was responsible for operating the loader called on the auxiliary loader to quickly load the armor-piercing projectile. However, at the same time that the Wittmann command vehicle was busy preparing for the next firing, there was just a loud bang from the back of the vehicle. Major Anderson, who was shocked on the spot, looked horrified.

"Damn it! It's a high-speed armor-piercing projectile, behind us! At seven o'clock, turn quickly! Reverse! Quick, quick, quick!"

Although he always speaks "refined and easy-going", this does not mean that Major Anderson is a person without professional qualities.

On the contrary, Major Anderson's professionalism is outstanding among the colleagues he knows. This is something he has always been proud of and has high self-esteem. He believes that this is his ability to lead elite armored forces.

Holding a radio transmitter in one hand, he summoned his armored soldiers to quickly reverse and turn to prepare to meet the enemy. On the other side, Major Anderson, who had half of his body leaning out of the turret, was still looking for targets with a telescope in his hand.

But in the possible direction of the cannonball attack, the only suspicious thing was that there was a small forest that looked like nothing. Other than that, there was nothing else.

"In the woods! In the fucking woods, there are all of them, aim at the woods, accurate"

call out--



It's too late, it's so fast. In just a flash of lightning, before Major Anderson's words fell and before he had time to finish, the sharp and ear-piercing whistling sound broke through the air and everyone was unprepared. Another Arrancar attack.

This time, Wegener, who changed his aiming point, could not repeat his last mistake.

Since you can't penetrate the back of your head, and the whole big iron head is as hard as if you have cerebral edema, how about trying the side of your car? It just so happened that you were still turning, exposing more of the entire side. If you don't try, it's useless.

Obviously, Wegner's judgment was correct. The sides of the super-large iron-headed monster tanks were not as indestructible as their heads.

The high-speed full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile injected from the running gear on the left side of the vehicle body was so powerful that it not only smashed the road wheel and the connecting torsion bar, but also continued to move forward with the remaining armor-piercing kinetic energy that was still very strong, without any trace of In suspense, he cut open the side armor of the Yankee Ironhead monster and poured it into it.

The final result of this was that in the body of the Yankee's iron-headed monster, the sub-package propellant cartridges and ammunition racks neatly stacked in two layers were instantly exploded.

A fiery wave like a volcanic eruption instantly swept through the entire car, turning the originally cold steel space into a crematorium with roaring flames and crackling sounds.

The complete destruction is far more than that, it can even be said that it has just begun.

The propellant cartridge and ammunition rack that was erupted by the explosion was so powerful that it took less than two seconds to cause a domino-like chain effect to destroy the projectile and ammunition racks stored in the vehicle and those that had just been refueled. , the nearly full gasoline tank exploded and burst into flames.

Incoming projectiles, projectile cartridges, artillery pellets, nearly full fuel tanks

The power of all these explosives mixed together can only be said to be astonishing and abnormal. The huge explosion that exploded instantly like thunder even caused a shock wave like soaring clouds and mist. The tank was instantly swept up into the sky by a strong impact along with its ups and downs. The real tank explosion was far more terrifying than the effect shown in the game.

I don’t know if it’s because the oversized head is too heavy or something, but all in all, perhaps the only lucky thing for the US military is that at least the M29’s oversized head was not blown away by the explosion and is still attached to the vehicle. The chassis of the body was blown into a "burning head".

"Oh my God! They killed Kaczynski. Kaczynski and the others are all gone!"

The huge steel debris turned into a scalding crematorium and burned blazingly. The dark and scorching smoke accompanied by the unpleasant smell shot straight into the sky under the flames. The intense high temperature created a heat wave that was enough to even suffocate people five meters away. He was intimidated and didn't dare to get closer. Under such circumstances, it would be a miracle if there was Superman in the car.

Different from the shock, anger, and intense humiliation of Major Anderson opposite him, at this moment Wittmann understood that the real test for him had just begun.

Yes, you can tell the origin of the joke just by looking at the title, but this time it’s the German version.

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