Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2365 The Fury of the Tiger King (Part 2)

"It's not two, it's three! There are two more big-headed monsters, keep fighting! Load up the armor-piercing bullets!"

The almost roaring voice from Wittmann brought the worst bad news: there were not two but three super-large tanks of the American army on the opposite side. The information that the mechanical and electrical engineer Heschel saw on the tree branch It's not accurate, the trouble is even greater than expected!

One was solved, but there were more left. The remaining two US military super iron-headed monsters were the real problem.

"Damn it, can we penetrate the front of that iron-headed monster? That thing's head is so big and scary!"

Wegener, who once didn't believe that the head of this new US tank was "that big", now believes it. The huge and bulky monster clearly visible in the gun mirror has a greater visual impact than any US tank in the past. Shocking.

The missed shot just now made Wegener dare not underestimate the powerful defensive power of this valuable US tank.

A shot to the back of the head would ricochet off the spot. Now that the monster has almost completely turned, will hitting it in the front really have any effect? Can it really be beaten?

Wegener expressed doubts about this, and for the first time he was not confident about the unparalleled 105 mm tank gun in his hands.

But no matter what, you have to do what needs to be done, and some things must be tried after all, even if it is destined to be ineffective.


"Loading complete!"



The King Tiger hiding in the jungle opened fire for the third time, and the muzzle fire and flames spurted out in an instant rushed straight towards the US military precious tank that had just completed its turn and pointed the car body and turret in the direction of the enemy. go.




As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come. Even though Wegener was worried to the extreme, the thing he feared most would eventually happen again without mercy.

The incident angle of the projectile that hit the lower left part of the front armor of the turret was still not very good. It was visible to the naked eye that it had a considerable armor bonus to the US military's big-headed monster tank.

Wegner didn't know the physical thickness of the frontal armor of the turret of the precious US tank. He only knew that the shells he fired once again failed to penetrate, leaving a large deep hole on the huge gun mantlet. After the pit, it was ruthlessly ejected again. This time it was ejected downwards and directly into the soil, with green smoke everywhere.

"Damn! Why is the head of this thing so hard! How can I hit it through!?"

For a moment, Wegner lost control of his emotions and punched the steel breech block with his fist. He ignored the pain in his hand and just screamed.

Wittmann knew that this problem was not enough to completely break Wegener's defense. He was just venting his dissatisfaction. It was his own unique way of venting. Such a situation would indeed occur during the reloading period of the main gun. Previously, There is, but it's very short-lived.

As for what to do specifically, Wittmann already had an idea in his mind at this moment, and it was time to reveal the trump card he had left at the bottom of the box.

"Take out the "silver bullet", load the "silver bullet", and load it immediately!"


Among the many ancient legends circulating in Europe, the silver bullet is the ultimate ace weapon used against vampires and werewolves.

Those legendary demon hunters only need to load a silver bullet into their firearms, and then accurately shoot it into the head or heart of a werewolf or vampire to instantly end the life of the evil spirit that is causing trouble in the world. , eliminate harm for the people, make yourself famous throughout the world, and be grateful and praised by people.

From the German army's own perspective, the so-called "silver bullets", the kind of ammunition that Wittmann gave a strong nickname, are certainly not the kind of special bullets with magical power used by the legendary demon hunters. It is a new type of ammunition that is produced in very rare quantities. Even elite ace crews like Wittmann are only allocated single-digit 5 ​​rounds of new ammunition.

It has not been used before, firstly because the stock of this artillery shell is too small, and secondly because Wittmann really did not find any target worthy of such a super artillery shell. Ordinary full-caliber capped armor-piercing shells are enough to deal with it.

Now, facing such a tricky and unprecedentedly armored Yankee super-precious tank, Wittmann believed that it was time to use a "silver bullet".

As the saying goes, “If you don’t use it now, when will you wait?”

As soon as Wittmann gave such an order, Wegener, who was responsible for gunnery and aiming, instantly looked back and saw the look of affirmation, trust, and trust in the eyes of Wittmann who was looking into his eyes. Among men, True emotional communication between people often does not require words. Just one glance at each other is enough to communicate information.

"Loading complete!"

"Go on, hit the front armor of its turret! That's where it's easiest to hit, do it again!"

"Leave it to me!"

call out--

Boom boom boom——

Puff puff--

Wegener, who had once again boosted his confidence and was about to show off to the Yankees, had not even finished speaking when something unexpected happened suddenly and unexpectedly.

The Yankees, who had already completed the turn, began to take action. A burst of roaring artillery shells came indiscriminately, shooting into the woods and exploding everywhere, like a blind shooting that could not find the target at all to embolden themselves.

But are the Yankees really engaging in pointless shooting?

Not necessarily, Wittmann and his brothers in the car soon realized what the Yankees were actually doing with their seemingly headless attacks.

"Damn! The artillery fires smoke bombs! Those Americans fired all smoke bombs! There is smoke everywhere, and you can't see anything clearly!"

Amidst Wegener's loud curses, which completely lost his vision, the white smoke that diffused from the smoke bombs had quietly filled the entire forest, completely enveloping the Tiger King at an extremely fast spreading speed.

Wittmann's command vehicle lost its field of vision and could no longer continue precise shooting, but this did not matter to the US military.

Because the U.S. military on the opposite side actually had no idea from the beginning how many enemies there were in the woods and where they were hiding. After being "carefully dressed" in the leafy foliage, the 70-ton tiger-striped lady was camouflaged. I have to say it is really clever.

"No, we have to get out of here! The woods are on fire! If we stay here any longer, we will be burned into roast suckling pigs by the Yankees! I can't see anything!"

The artillery smoke bombs sent by the US military on the opposite side are not simple smoke bombs. They are things that use white phosphorus as an incendiary agent. The high temperature of thousands of degrees ignites the trees in the jungle in just an instant. The Yankees on the opposite side were also frantically firing a series of crackles, all over the place, exploding everywhere in the woods. If you continue to stay in this hellish place, you will really be in danger of being burned alive.

Wegener's words were quickly recognized by Wittmann, and the order from the commander was officially issued.

"Driver, start! Rush out and take us out of here! Face the enemy head-on!"

Now we have to do this. The only way to stop sitting there and wait for death is to go out and fight the US military head-on. A battle between 70 tons and 70 tons of steel is coming.

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