Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2588 This is a problem

All mobile sentries and warning points in the periphery have been removed, and the roads leading to the main roads in the outer city are now clear. At least until the knife pierces the Kraut's heart, the Kraut will sleep like a dead pig without noticing.

The Germans were not given any vigilance or time to react in advance. When they met, they simply put the muzzle of the gun to the top of their heads and blasted them directly. This is why Malashenko spent so much time and energy sending out the most elite infantry under his command to carry out this high-altitude mission. The only reason for the difficulty of the mission.

Fortunately, the result was good. The scouts and combat engineers cooperated to complete this arduous task, which would have resulted in total defeat and failure if a slight error occurred. It was worth Malashenko's painstaking preparations in advance. Got the rewards I deserved.

After the enemy's blood stains on his face were wiped carelessly, he looked like a warrior from a primitive tribe who had just slaughtered the enemy and used the enemy's blood to paint himself a painted-faced cat.

Alsim, who didn't have time to look in the mirror, didn't know what his face looked like now. He just saw that the brothers in a circle around him looked at him in a more or less weird way?

Alsim couldn't tell, but it didn't feel normal.

Although I didn't know what my face looked like, I could probably guess that it was probably related to the fact that I had just been splashed with the enemy's blood, so I just pretended it never happened and didn't care.

Not long after, Alsim was about to roll up his sleeves and look at the time on the watch, when a hurried figure came to him with small steps. It was Alsim who was waiting here. That person.

"How's it going? Is everything done?"

Alsim made the first move and got straight to the point. The soldier who trotted over didn't care about the nonsense. He took a few breaths and spoke repeatedly to his company commander.

"That's it, I ran over there, as fast as I could."

"The main force has already set off. In the time it took me to run back to report the news, it is estimated that the tanks have already entered the outskirts of the city blocks. Our position is a little further inside, and the tanks should arrive soon."

The communication methods of individual soldiers these days are far less developed than those of later generations. It can even be said that there are no mobile communication methods for individual soldiers on the battlefield. In order to operate covertly and minimize the risk of exposure, all the troops involved in the covert raid, including Alsim's unit, were infiltrated on foot without even driving a car. Naturally, they could not be expected. What car radio.

Reporting on foot became the only way.

The good news is that after eliminating the German mobile posts on the periphery, another small team that came out immediately arrived at the edge of the city, and this group came directly in a car.

At first, it was to make it easier to pick up the retreating foot infantry comrades when the mission failed, and to run away as quickly as possible, so as to avoid the tragic result of not only failing the mission, but also everyone being involved.

But the other good news is that the gang has car radios in their cars, which is of course part of the plan. After completing the mission, the infiltration commando team can immediately rendezvous with the response troops at the edge of the city, and then contact the rear troops to report the situation. So far, it seems that the execution of this entire plan is quite successful, at least so far, no obvious flaws have been found. .

"Very good, now move all the obstacles and obstacles on the road. The big troops will be here soon. Let's take action!"

"I heard you all, move! Quick!"

Alsim gave the order, and the company mate who was accompanying him immediately greeted the soldiers and started to work in all directions. The horses and movement obstacles in the middle of the road were quickly moved away.

At this time, the company deputy comrade quietly came to Alsim's side. Looking at the busy soldiers in front of him, his eyes looked a little wrong, as if there was something on his mind. Alsim on the side saw this. Then he opened his mouth to ask questions.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"


Seeing that Alsim noticed something strange about him, Lian Zhi, who was hesitant at first, simply calmed down and spoke directly without thinking about it.

"I'm thinking, you're right when you say we got rid of the Nazis and blinded their eyes. But what about the civilians of the Krauts? There may be civilians in every house around us. What if these civilians take the money from their homes? What should I do if I tip off the Nazis on the street? Don’t say it’s impossible. They are all Germans. I don’t believe that any of them support the Nazis. This damn place is their capital.”

"You're right, this is a problem. To be honest, I've thought about it too."

He sat on the curb and lit a cigarette for himself while saying, Alsim's battlefield discipline has always been quite poor. He never cared about whether he as a leader would have any bad influence on the soldiers. As long as he felt it was appropriate and the timing was right, smoking on the battlefield was a basic operation. He would smoke on the battlefield with a cigarette in his mouth and an AK in his arms. It's not like I never had a sudden moment of excitement.

In his own words, this is called "I can teach those bastards a lesson with a cigarette in my mouth."

It just so happened that this "ye" was the oldest and most experienced member of the entire Leader Division's combat engineer unit. Alsim stepped on the sled and carried the Somi submachine gun ripped from the corpse, chasing the Finnish ghost. There were all kinds of show operations behind the butt. The current two combat engineer battalion commanders of the Leadership Division, one is still a big-headed soldier who doesn't even know how to use a gun, and the other is even memorizing textbooks in the military school.

If Alsim hadn't been unwilling to go up, because he felt that if he went up, he wouldn't be able to join the battle and fight, and he wouldn't be able to see the blood again and lose the pleasure. He would definitely be the commander of the two combat engineer battalions now, both in terms of qualifications and ability. No one will question him.

So even though Alsim is a careless, illiterate and illiterate man who has to have others write letters to his family, his ability to analyze battlefield situations is quite good.

Although sometimes you do get into trouble, but that is when you can figure out the situation clearly and understand where the problem lies. This is completely different from trying to get into trouble without knowing anything about it.

"But, I can't think of any good solution to this situation. I can only hope that when the day is not bright yet and the surroundings are still dark, the small number of Germans who were awakened from their sleep or did not sleep at all You civilians, if you look out of the window and look at the street, you can’t see the specific situation, you might think it’s a crude tank.”

"After all, isn't their own propaganda machine beeping on the loudspeaker all day long, repeating the bullshit of "the Nazis defeated the Red Army and played a triumphant song" over and over again? Since they all played a triumphant song, then a big victory Returning is very common, right?"

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