Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2589 Surprise Raider

"Are you saying that you expect those German civilians to be dazzled? I said, this is not your style. You never place your hopes on the enemy. You said that your life is always in your own hands.

Facing the company officer's questioning, Alsim, who was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette and worshiping God, just smiled.

"Time is of the essence, the situation is urgent, that's what we're facing now."

"At least I can't think of any other better way. If you have any, you might as well tell me, I'm all ears."

While listening to Alsim's chatter, he sat down on the curb next to Alsim, next to his old buddy. The only difference was that even the deputy comrade didn't reach into his pockets. That half pack of cigarettes.

"That's what I meant"

"If I had a better idea, I wouldn't sit here and listen to your nagging. Isn't it better to take direct action than to talk nonsense with you? What do you think?"

"Oh, that's true. You're right."

While smiling, he prepared to take another sip in his mouth to refresh himself. After not sleeping all night, he really couldn't bear it anymore, and his eyelids were starting to show signs of a fight. After all, no matter how capable the Slavic warrior is, he is still a human being and must abide by the objective laws of being a human being.

But just before the cigarette held between Alsim's fingers was put into his mouth, there was suddenly a violent sound of an engine roaring from the direction of the street not far away.

The sound comes from far to near, and the decibels continue to increase.

At first, Alsim only vaguely heard a little bit, and thought he had heard wrongly. He quickly stopped what he was doing and focused on listening.

When the roar of the engine became louder and louder, Alsim, who had confirmed the situation, quickly threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, stood up, stamped it out, and immediately spoke repeatedly.

"Our people are here, get ready! Get ready!"

The direction the sound came from was exactly the direction from which my combat engineer team came. It was obvious that there was no need to say more about the identity of the roaring engine that echoed from far to near.

But, there's just one problem with all of this.

By the time the roar of the engine was very clear, even a bit deafening, it reached a fairly close distance.

Alsim, whose expression had been awkward since just now, seemed to have noticed something but was unable to say it out loud, was suddenly shaken. Something was obviously wrong with the figure of steel that quietly emerged from the fading light darkness!

"Suka! Is that the Kraut's Black Panther!? Where did this Suka come from!!!"

Not only Alsim, but also the company officers on the side noticed the problem almost at the same time.

The head is obviously much smaller than the heavyweight body, coupled with the sharp edges and the overall shape that is not round at all. This familiar feeling that can be recognized even if it turns to gray is the "classic" black panther shape of the German guy.

"This is bad, Alsim! You don't have anything with you. You don't have anything you want. Apart from the rifle and pistol, you only have sabers and grenades."

For the convenience of movement, the lightly-armed and simply-traveled combat engineer troops did not carry any weapons and equipment that could be used to perform anti-tank missions. Even the amount of ammunition they could carry was only half of normal conditions. They traveled as lightly and simply as possible without carrying too much. Lots of stuff. After all, the enemies to be dealt with in the plan are only flesh and blood, not thick-skinned armored tanks.

Good thing now, a bunch of Kraut panthers rushed out from nowhere, tearing apart the last night before dawn like wild beasts breaking out of a cage.

Could it be that something went wrong somewhere? The Germans' mobile reinforcements rushed over after receiving the news?

The company deputy comrade, who said something was not going well, suddenly had countless possibilities flashing through his mind. At the same time, he was looking for the most likely solution and trying to break the situation.

But Alsim on the side smiled at this moment, keeping his hand holding the monocular and smiling. This made the company deputy comrade beside him anxious and angry, but he didn't know what was going on with Alsim's strange expression. He looked confused.

"Why are you laughing? How long has this been? Are you still in the mood to laugh!? Otherwise, let the soldiers hide in the buildings on both sides first. We can't have a head-on confrontation with the Germans now."

"A German? Who told you that the person coming from the other side is a German?"

With a smile, Alsim put away the telescopic telescope in his hand and raised the corner of his mouth. Although it was an expected unexpected situation, after seeing the truth clearly in the telescope and thinking about it, he felt that it was indeed true. normal.

"The turret has the Guards logo and the emblem of the leading division. The turret call sign of the lead vehicle is also that of our division. I have seen this vehicle before, and I am somewhat impressed. The front fender of the left track is missing, and now It hasn’t been replenished yet, probably because there are no spare parts. This feature is easy to remember, after all, our division only has so many Black Panther IIs.”

"U-our division's? You mean that's our division's Black Panther II? Are you sure?"

Alsim was happy. There was no point in talking anymore and he directly handed the telescope that had been retracted in his hand to the company officer.

"Well, if you don't believe me, see for yourself."

It was really unbelievable that the couple took the telescope, opened it and raised it to take a look.

Good guy!

What Alsim said is true! There were several Panthers that followed closely behind. Each one of them had the division emblem of the leader division and the Guards logo on the second turret. Combined with the fact that these Black Panthers came from the direction they came from, from behind, rather than from the depth of Berlin in front, all of this can be explained together.

"Sukka! I almost scared people to death! The mission briefing didn't say that the large army was going to use this thing to join us. Why didn't we explain such an important situation clearly in advance? It almost caused trouble."

The company officer next to him was so frightened that he complained about the false alarm. On the other hand, Alsim felt that this was natural and no big deal.

"It doesn't matter what the model is. What's important is that they know the code. That's enough."

Alsim, who could see the situation even without a telescope, raised his hand and pointed. The joint signal that had not stopped moving but had been sent was extremely conspicuous.

"Three long and two short flashlights. The code is accurate. He is definitely one of our own."

Just like Alsim said.

When those tall Panther IIs, which were as strong as the Red Army's heavy tanks, really drove forward, the infantry transport vehicles following the tanks were actually all Type 251 half-tracks, a column of more than 20 armored vehicles. All of them are German-made equipment.

But the people who got out of the half-track were not Germans.

"You've been waiting for a long time. Well done, Comrade Alsim. Comrade Division Commander is right, no matter what you combat engineers do, this is what you do!"

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