Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2590 Hurry and hide!

Facing the thumbs-up from the brother who just got off the half-track, Alsim, who had his own thoughts in mind, just smiled indifferently.

"It's just a commonplace, but I'm quite curious, what's the matter with your equipment? No one told us before that you would drive this thing here, we were shocked when we saw it from a distance just now, thinking it was the Nazis coming."

The captain who just got off the car certainly knew what Alsim meant and what he was referring to. He turned his head and glanced at the German-made steel giants around him, and then laughed.

"We are also following the arrangements of our superiors. We received this batch of German half-track vehicles according to the order before the operation began. As for the Black Panther II, it is already in our division, so I don't need to introduce it in detail."

"I heard that it was because of the Germans in the city. These ordinary people might tip off the Nazis after seeing our vehicles, which would lead to our early exposure. So in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and complications, we replaced these things on our vanguard. As for whether other friendly forces are in the same situation, I don't know."

As soon as the company commander finished speaking, Alsim, who found that the situation was basically the same as his guess, turned his head and spoke to the deputy company commander who was standing next to him.

"What did you say just now? It seems that the division headquarters has also thought of the situation you are worried about, and has also come up with a solution that neither you nor I thought of."

After thinking about it carefully, it is indeed correct. I have to say that this method of changing equipment and raiding is indeed effective.

If the German civilians heard the noise on the street and looked out, they would probably just lie down by the window and take a look. At this time when the situation is tense, no one dares to run downstairs excitedly and come to the side of the road to watch closely.

Then the problem is solved.

Everyone is sitting in the car, and the car is still a German car.

The people in the car just need to keep their heads down and keep silent all the way. They are wearing big helmets one after another. Looking down, they can't see what they look like. They can only see the soldiers sitting side by side in the half-track vehicle.

In this way, there are not many flaws for the German civilians on both sides of the street to find. There are only flaws to find when the distance is close enough or the soldiers in the car speak Russian and are exposed. As long as these obvious problems are avoided, it is not a big problem to coax these civilians who lack professional identification ability to pass.

As for the conspicuous Red Army markings on the turret and the hull, you should know that when the main force just entered the city, it was still dark and the sun was not visible. At most, it was a little bit bright, and there was no moonlight last night. It was already very difficult to roughly see the outline of the vehicle, and it was really difficult to see the emblems and numbers on the vehicle. In this case, as long as there are two comrades who can speak fluent German and shout a few words, it will be enough to make it look real under the cover of darkness. Not to mention the civilians of the Germans, even the ordinary soldiers of the Nazis would probably be fooled. As long as the distance is not close enough, they will not be exposed under normal circumstances. This is actually the best camouflage plan that can be achieved under the premise of hasty preparations made up to prepare for action last night. No matter how great the risk factor encountered in the process is, in short, the actual situation at the moment is that this journey has finally survived without any danger. This also means that Alsim can smoothly hand over the task after joining the friendly forces, and then carry out the second task assigned to him in the plan.

"My order is to meet you at the checkpoint after destroying all the German guard posts along the way, and then assist you to continue the attack. Now that we have completed the first step and the troops are united, what is your next task? Do we push forward directly or do you have other plans?"

The orders Alsim received actually stopped here. Although the two were of the same level and were both company commanders, the specific place to fight next still had to listen to what tasks the mechanized infantry company commander brought. This was an order clearly arranged in the combat plan formulated in advance.

"It's very simple, just as you expected. Our mission is to keep going forward. The covert action phase is over, and now it's the raid phase. After destroying all the Germans' peripheral early warning capabilities, the next thing to do is to give them a fatal blow before they wake up. By the time the Germans react, it will be too late, and victory will naturally be in our pockets, just as planned in advance."

To be honest, Alsim doesn't like the phrase "everything is as planned", mainly because he doesn't agree with it.

Because in Alsim's long military career and actual combat experience, there are only very few situations that can be equated with the phrase "everything is as planned".

The enemy can't follow your plan step by step. There will always be more or less accidents, which will suddenly jump out at various times and under any circumstances to disrupt your rhythm and destroy your plan. Alsim himself can't count how many times he has encountered such a shitty situation.

So although he didn't feel very much about this sentence in his heart, he didn't want to openly criticize it and spoil everyone's fun. He still nodded quietly, responded with a gesture of knowing and approval, and then spoke.

"Okay, let's take action immediately. My people will be responsible for cleaning the buildings on both sides of the street. This is our strength. The task of covering us and the tanks will be left to me."

call out--



"Snipers are not included! Hurry and take cover!"

Just as Alsim was halfway through his words and before he could finish his words, a sudden blast of gunfire completely tore apart the last peaceful night before the rising sun.

"Hide! Hurry and hide!!!"

There is no need to overemphasize anything, as early as the gunfire sounded, the warhead penetrated a soldier's arm, and hit the armor plate of the tank behind him, making a metallic impact. All the surrounding combat engineers who were on standby had already taken action immediately. Those who were close to the street were hiding in houses, those who were close to the tank were hiding behind the tank, and one or two of them all found cover as soon as possible.

Even the soldier whose arm was penetrated did not bother to cry out in pain after instantly falling to the ground. Dragging his "scrap" arm with a piece of his biceps blown off, he gritted his teeth and quickly got in. Under the nearest tank in front of you.

At least, this would prevent him from becoming a living target of corpses lying on the street. It would be even more disgusting if the Nazis were more insidious and used his own fishing tactics to lure his comrades who came to rescue him.

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