Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2591 Telephone Transformation

"Where is the sniper? Who saw it!?"

Covering his head with the untied helmet that was banging around, he shrank behind the nearest Black Panther's buttocks to seek cover. Alsim, who had no time to take a breath, immediately asked loudly. At this point, it was obvious that there was no need to continue. Don't hide anything that isn't necessary.

"Eleven o'clock direction, left window sill on the second floor of the red building!"

The voice of an unknown soldier had just rang, but before it even landed, the infantry company commander who had already taken off the wired phone microphone from the phone box behind Black Panther II's buttocks and held it tightly in his hand immediately spoke loudly. .

"Eleven o'clock direction, left window sill on the second floor of the red building! Repeat, eleven o'clock direction, red building, left window sill on the second floor, fire immediately!"


Before the company commander finished speaking, Black Panther II's little head driven by the electric steering wheel had already started to turn rapidly, and it had aimed at the target before Alsim could poke out half of his head to wait and see.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Target, the left window sill on the second floor of the red building! Fire!"


The 75mm ultra-long fishing rod main gun instantly sprayed out blazing flames. Although the caliber of the gun was small, due to the ultra-high magnification ratio of the barrel, the muzzle velocity of the grenade projectiles was extremely high. It was almost too late to blink. The target has already been hit. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜


Before the sound of the cannon could be heard, the explosion sound of walls collapsing and houses collapsing followed closely.

Although the power of the 75mm high-explosive grenade is small, it is "small" compared with the 122 Heirloom of the Red Army heavy tank.

If you really want to compare it with common explosives on the battlefield, then this real 75mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade is not small at all. Not to mention the exterior walls of ordinary houses, even a slightly thinner field fortification bunker can shoot you into the sky.

And the "construction quality" is far from being as solid as the German-style exterior walls of Stalingrad. At present, it can only be destroyed by the explosion, causing masonry and debris to fly everywhere.

Not only was the marked window on the left side of the second floor and the entire balcony "annihilated" by flying ashes, but a huge gap was ripped out of the entire exterior wall of the building on the second floor, as if it had been torn apart by a lion or tiger. Like a piece of prey that had cut off a piece of meat, the huge wound was directly exposed, which was shocking.

You ask how the German guy inside is doing?

It can only be said that the person should still be there, but it has been fragmented. The premise is that the fragments can be found to prove that he "should still be there".

As early as when he seized these brand-new Black Panther IIs from the Skeleton Division and decided to keep them for his own use, Malashenko decided to use these few, but in some future combat environments, they might Captured tanks that were entrusted with important tasks underwent some adaptive improvements.

This improvement does not mean replacing a more powerful main gun and increasing firepower, nor does it mean replacing a more powerful engine to make it more powerful.

The core project of the so-called adaptive improvement is actually only one: adding a two-way wired telephone connection inside and outside the car to these Panther 2s.

Similar improvements have already been implemented on the Leader Division's own Soviet-made tanks, and have proven to be reliable and highly practical. The soft bonus to combat effectiveness brought about by greatly enhancing the real-time communication between the crew inside the tank and the infantry outside the vehicle is something that can be felt personally, is obvious, and is widely praised by soldiers.

In the past, it was very troublesome for the infantry outside the vehicle to interact with the tank crew inside the vehicle on the battlefield.

Most of the time, the hatch of a tank in combat mode is closed, and tank crews will not lean out casually. This situation is especially a test of the tacit cooperation between the tank and the tank, and the effective interaction of real-time information inside and outside the vehicle is most needed. This is vividly reflected in the street fighting battlefield.

In a field environment, the tank commander may also open the tank hatch and poke his head out to get a better view. He can also hear clearly what the infantry outside is shouting and what kind of support and cover they are requesting.

But this is almost impossible in a street fighting environment. The ubiquitous building high points and possible attacks in the shadows will kill any tank commander who dares to show his head at any time. This is no joke.

As early as the Battle of Stalingrad, Malashenko had personally experienced that the German tank commanders died too many in street battles because they did not understand street fighting at the beginning and were used to reconnaissance in the field. After learning a lesson, I would never dare to stick my head out again and serve as a target for the ubiquitous Red Army snipers.

But the final result is that in street fighting, we don't know how the infantry outside the vehicle needs to cooperate, and we don't know which direction the infantry outside the vehicle can see, but the tank soldiers inside the vehicle cannot see the enemy. Cheer up.

In the end, the infantry was completely wiped out or fled because they could not get effective cover and support. The armored soldiers did not even know that their own infantry was gone, so they were abandoned alone on the battlefield. Either they were beaten and easily destroyed by the Red Army, or they were forced to come out of the tank and surrender.

The mistakes made by the enemy cannot be repeated by oneself.

The lessons of blood are the most worthy of learning, whether it is one's own or the enemy's.

Malashenko, who has the advantage of being a time traveler, certainly knows how to do it. The seemingly simple method of hanging a wired phone box on the butt of the tank fundamentally solves the problem of tank coordination in this step for the leader.

This simple battlefield modification does not even require the tank to be driven to the rear for factory upgrades. The comprehensive logistics support team led by Karamov can handle such a trivial matter.

It’s also because it doesn’t take much effort to get it done, and it’s proven to be really effective and helpful in actual combat.

One by one of these brand-new Black Panther IIs captured by the leadership division, all were upgraded to wired telephones at the request of Malashenko.

The phone in the car is placed next to the commander, and the wired external phone is behind the butt of the tank. Although it is small and thin, it is actually made of a small iron box made of armored steel. Protected.

If the infantry outside the vehicle needs anything, they can directly open the small iron box, take out the microphone, and call the tank soldiers in the vehicle to ask for support.

On the contrary, if the tank soldiers in the car need anything or encounter any problems, they can also call the infantrymen behind the car at any time. The improved two-way wired telephone has a ring setting, and the sound is not quiet. The principle is also very simple, just like the old-fashioned electric bells in schools.

As long as the infantry outside the vehicle or the armored soldiers in the vehicle have their ears plugged with donkey hair, they can hear the ringing and answer the phone immediately.

It can also be said that it was this seemingly inconspicuous upgrade that cost the life of the German sniper who was ambushing and shooting black guns on the opposite side.

Otherwise, the German sniper should at least have time to move and escape.

The Red Army tank soldiers, who had poor real-time information exchange and limited visibility in the vehicle, probably hadn't found his location yet, let alone fired a shot at him.

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