Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2592 Red Jaguar

"What good idea do you have?! I heard that you are a ruthless person praised by teachers and comrades. You'd better have an idea.

He was also sticking close to the back of the tank with his back against the armor plate, facing the comrade who was also the company commander next to him and loudly asking questions. Alsim, who had always been a bit of a "ruffian", remained true to himself even at this time. Hard to change.

"Why are you asking me? I was asked to cooperate with you, aren't you in charge here?"

"But I think you are even more of a legend and I should listen to you! You are more experienced than me!"

"Ha, legend."

Alsim, who knew he had no time to talk nonsense, smiled when he heard this comment, and blurted out the words without even thinking or hesitating.

"Then fuck that bitch! Get the copycat! Ula!!!"

"Heard everyone!? Attack!!!"

At this point, there is no other choice but to rush forward with the goal of smashing out all the brains. Besides, the current situation is not that bad to be honest.

Just by telling the truth, at best, it will change from a planned attack to a slightly passive attack. In the final analysis, it is the same.

Both left and right have completed the first stage of infiltration missions and moved to the second stage of storming operations. However, the first shot was fired by the Germans instead of the Red Army. This is the only difference and is limited to So simple.

There was still not much reaction time left for the Germans. It was almost like there was no reaction time at all. The sudden gunshot on the street and the subsequent artillery explosion were just the last knell before fleeing.

"What's going on!? Where's the firefight? Where's the explosion!?"

"Report the situation at the security point! Hey, is there anyone!? Can anyone hear it!? Is there anyone alive? Report the situation!"

"What the hell, where is the enemy!? Are those Russians coming?"

"There were sounds of firefights in Blocks 1, 2, and 3, and all peripheral security points lost contact! We were attacked by a sneak attack, and it was an almost perfect sneak attack!"

Those German soldiers who had just woken up from their sleep were in a state of chaos. They could not even put on the shoes placed beside the bed. They were even kicked away by the man in the bunk next door who was busy putting on his own shoes. .

Similarly, those officers of the National Defense Force who are usually pampered and occupy high positions are not much better.

These upper-class people who usually retain the dignity of the old aristocracy are now confused and panicked. The bad news that comes one after another comes like snowflakes one after another, and they are busy buttoning the coats they just put on. Lieutenant Colonel Adam looked particularly solemn.

"How many troops do the Russians have? What kind of troops are attacking us? Have you found out the enemy's equipment and personnel composition!?"


No one could answer Lieutenant Colonel Adam's question immediately. Apart from the busy figures in the entire combat command room, there was only dead silence and silence that didn't know how to answer.

"Damn it! What else can you losers do besides eating!?"

When he couldn't bear it anymore, he blurted out a curse in an instant. He really wanted to curse people for a while longer to vent his emotions, but he knew that Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who didn't have the time now, had no choice but to go into battle in person. When he came to the city defense map hanging on the wall, he glanced up, down, left, and right, sorted out all the confusing information he had heard so far, and then brought it to the map in front of him.

A very terrifying and incomprehensible reality immediately unfolded before his eyes. Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who couldn't believe that such a thing happened so suddenly, had an extremely bad expression. Every word of the order slowly came out of his mouth like squeezing toothpaste. out.

"This is not a sneak attack by a small group of troops, this is a full-scale attack by the Russians!"

"Send people, send cars, and ask everything you can and can get through the phone! No matter what method I use, please quickly contact the unit closest to the Russians that I can contact. Also pass on my order, Any troops or soldiers in contact with the enemy must not retreat and stay on the spot! Use favorable terrain and street bunkers to block the enemy and be sure to prevent the Russians from continuing to advance!”


The staff officers who took the order immediately took action. The serious, rigorous and efficient work style of the Germans was fully reflected at this moment, although this still could not erase the gloomy worry on Lieutenant Colonel Adam's face.

"We don't have enough troops on hand and must ask for support! Listen to the sound outside, it's the Russians' heavy artillery! They are bombarding us with heavy howitzers. This is at least the firepower that only the Russians at the division level can produce. It can be silent. The Russians who destroyed all our outer security posts are definitely elite. We only have one regiment, so we need to quickly request support!"

The deputy, who had just put on his clothes and didn't even have time to fasten his belt, loudly reminded Lieutenant Colonel Adam. The expression on his face could only be described as "scared to piss his pants" written on his face.

"I understand, but the first priority before reinforcements arrive is to defend! If the defense is breached, we will be completely ruined. I will request reinforcements right now."

Looking at his partner who had already rushed to the phone, the deputy leader who had already reached out and took off the hat from the hanger on the side also assigned himself a task without much thought.

"I'll leave this to you. I'll go take a look at the fire line and find a way to control the situation. Leave it to me."

"Okay, remember to keep in touch!"

Alsim didn't know or didn't care how many Nazi pigs were rushing towards the line of fire. At the moment, he just knew that the group of Nazi pigs in front of him who had just woken up from their sleep were really no better than trash, or even Approximately equal to the same.

"One o'clock direction, two hundred meters ahead! There are German guys running around in the store on the first floor, let the Nazis give it a fuck!"

The Germans have built so many models and various types of tanks. Almost all types and models of German tanks have fought against the leader's division and been captured to a greater or lesser extent.

There is of course a reason why Malashenko was able to select the only favorite model, the Black Panther 2, as the only heavy-duty captured combat equipment to be installed on a large scale under the equipment organization of the leadership division.

This excellent medium tank has almost reached the peak of the technical level in World War II. In time, the Soviet Union will definitely be able to build a better one than this. This is true, but at least the improved and upgraded T43 has not yet been delivered to the troops and put into combat. , the German Black Panther II is the strongest king among medium tanks, even if it is only temporary.

The surging horsepower allowed the Black Panther II, which was running all the way, to reach the shooting position as quickly as possible. The heavily armored, but small-headed and therefore relatively light-weight turret rotated very fast driven by the electric steering gear. The black muzzle was in Alsim. With the "telephone remote control", it can be aimed at the target in just a blink of an eye.

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