Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2593 To hell with your bunker

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Send those naughties to heaven!"



Half a dozen Germans who had just got dressed and got out of bed and were taking guns from the gun cabinet were ruthlessly blown away by the roaring 75mm high-explosive grenades without any preparation.

German-made artillery shells will not be merciful just because the target is the Germans. It is true that the Germans have created the best medium tanks in the world at the moment. This fact cannot be denied. However, this weapon of war, which has been repeatedly polished and modified to the best condition, is now being used against themselves, which is extremely funny.

The arm holding the half-broken gun butt was blown out of the door and fell onto the street. The organ fragments of unknown parts were blown directly to the telephone pole outside the house, like smoked bacon during the New Year. It's still hanging on the wire, hanging there and dangling around.

The high-explosive grenade that hit the house accurately along the display window produced almost the best destructive effect. The high-explosive grenade that exploded close to the face at extremely close range was almost close to the ears of these unlucky Germans. The wall exploded.

It is no surprise that precise and deadly shooting can produce such results.

As the hot shells were ejected from the breech with a "bang", they fell into the shell collection box directly under the breech. They were already tightly held in the arms of the loader, waiting for the next high-explosive shot to be loaded. The grenade was immediately sent out, and along the barrel of the gun, which was still emitting green smoke, he directly held the primer with his hand and pushed it in. The "bang" sound of the breech closing and the metal impact was the most beautiful note of the German's death.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Go on, one more shot! Shoot in from the second floor, there are still people alive inside!"


With sophisticated war machines and an elite vehicle crew capable of killing enemies, the precise combat effectiveness of the German war machines was almost maximized.

The explosive reloading rate of less than five seconds is comparable to that of a human loader. The Slavic man's muscles soared and he threw away his arms to reload at the risk of his life. This 75mm ultra-long fishing rod tank gun, which was originally a single shot, now looks like A semi-automatic firearm with an astonishing rate of fire.

Before the smoke from the first grenade had dissipated, the second high-explosive grenade roared through the air and came in an instant.

Those German soldiers on the second floor who were shaken by the strong vibration of the explosion on the first floor were instantly unstable and fell to the ground. They didn't even have a chance to get up, so they ate the "red version of the German artillery shells express delivery" .

Another high-explosive grenade came along the window sill and exploded directly on the ceiling.

The oblique trajectory caused by hitting low and high made this grenade produce a more terrifying actual damage effect. The storm flames and projectile fragments that exploded on the top of the head were scattered in all directions. Like a destructive shower of blood and fire, the German soldiers on the second floor floor had no time to react.


Flesh and flesh dance together with bricks and stones, and residual limbs fly with flames.

There was a rain of construction debris on the second floor that was completely exploded from the inside out. There were scattered pieces of flesh and blood and construction debris everywhere, falling loudly and hitting the already messy street. superior.

In less than ten seconds, two shots were fired in succession.

More than one squad of German infantrymen in an entire two-story building were wiped out without firing a single shot.

This is already the third Kraut "dormitory" that Comrade Oskin's crew has torn out in today's battle. Even if the number of Krauts who died under the ravages of his Panther's second main gun is not over a hundred, I'm in my seventies or eighties.

This "Tiger King Killer" who is already famous in history is indeed powerful in combat and is worthy of the application and report Malashenko made to Zhukov specifically to recruit him.

The Black Panther II, which is far more powerful than the T3485 car he had in history, and whose overall combat capabilities are not on the same level at all, is now played to a "superb" level in his hands.

In Comrade Oskin's own words.

If the 122 heirloom of the Red Army's heavy tanks is compared to a giant tomahawk that is extremely destructive and equally laborious to use, then the ultra-long barrel 75mm "small gun" on the Black Panther 2 is a fast weapon. And the deadly "soul-stealing sword".

Accurate, high-speed, and lightning-fast, it can even fire at an incomprehensible and incredibly high rate of fire during explosive reloading. As long as your reloader is strong enough, you can continue to exceed the upper limit.

As long as you don't encounter those rough-skinned Germans who are tough and valuable, this 75mm "fishing rod cannon" is no less useful than the Red Army's 122 heirloom, especially when it comes to fighting those Germans. .

If the destructive power is not enough, I will use speed to make up for it. If the target is not completely killed with one shot, I will soon receive the second shot to finish it off.

Flexible and changeable tactical choices are a prerequisite for making good use of the Black Panther II. Unlike the Red Army heavy tanks, which are immobile and stable as a mountain, these are two completely different tactical styles. Because of this, this elite medium tank can often achieve excellent results only in the hands of masters, just like Comrade Oskin's crew.

Those Germans who had not had time to escape from the house were unlucky enough. They did not even see what the enemy looked like, and they even lost their lives without knowing that the tank that smashed them to pieces was a German-made tank.

At the same time, the situation of the German soldiers who had come to the streets and started to fight were not much better.

With Malashenko's extraordinary skills and huge and complex network of contacts, coupled with the leader's special status.

It is not difficult to obtain some rare equipment that is rarely produced but powerful. As long as the war situation requires it, these equipment can be used in any situation and in any necessary battlefield environment.

For example, those KPV 5mm heavy machine guns that were mounted on the Type 251 half-track vehicle after emergency modification of the gun mount.

Since your German guy can even mount 75 guns on a body as small as the 251, it is not too much for me, Malashenko, to mount 5 small guns on it.

This secondary weapon that kills all parties on the IS7 heavy tank has proven its value and strength in brutal battles. Now even if it is moved to a half-track vehicle as a single weapon and used as a main weapon, it cannot be underestimated.

Dong dong dong dong——

A powerful roar with a higher decibel level than the firing of a Deska resounded through the streets.

The scene of several KPV heavy machine guns firing simultaneously can definitely be described as "spectacular". Several fire dragons of red tracer bullets fired violently like whips whipping back and forth on the street, devouring flesh, blood and life.

Everywhere the red tracer flames reach, the results are almost the same.

"To hell with your bunker, Nazui!"

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