Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2594 Horrible Scene

The power of the 5mm ammunition, which was originally used specifically for anti-tank, is indeed extraordinary. This kind of steel-core armor-piercing bullet, which was originally used on anti-tank rifles, has absolutely devastating destructive power among infantry firearms. On the general battlefield, Any common infantry bunker looks almost like a joke in front of it.

The barrages swept through the bunker with crazy screams, sending large pieces of concrete debris flying in all directions. The German soldiers hiding behind them had no time to escape. The deformed warhead tears open the wound, pours into the flesh, and then uses powerful kinetic energy to smash any flesh, blood, and bones it comes into contact with.

"Ah! Legs, my legs."

"Leave him alone! We can't save him anymore. Come back quickly!"

"No way! No way! We will die here if we stay any longer, those Russians are bombarding us with anti-aircraft guns!"

The 5mm beast like KPV is still a standard experimental equipment so far. Except that Malashenko can use his old face and developed connections to get a batch of them for the already privileged leader. , other than the commissioned troops. Ordinary Red Army troops are not even aware of the existence of such a new machine gun, let alone having used it.

If you expect these ordinary soldiers to know something that most of the Red Army field troops don't know, it's basically like fart.

The German soldiers who suffered heavy casualties from shooting through the wall and were left lying on the ground with missing arms and legs were almost stunned. They had seen the terrifying destructive power of the Russian large-caliber heavy machine guns, but this destruction was even more terrifying. The power is obviously better than the stereotypical Russian heavy machine gun.

Deshka's destructive power, which can usually only penetrate light bunkers, can be said to be the younger brother among younger brothers compared to the current situation.

This terrifying destructive power was so powerful that the German soldiers, who were beaten to the ground with missing arms and legs, mistakenly thought that the Russians had pushed up some small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft cannon and were shaking the cannon. Guan blasted through the wall at his own side. And the German soldiers who came to such a conclusion were still convinced, because the destructive power and the violent firing sound were really the same as a machine gun.

"We need to get out of here! Now, now!"

"Leave!? Are you crazy? The firepower of the Russians has blocked the entire street! Now if you get even a little closer, you will be beaten to pieces. You actually want to leave!?"

"Damn it! Then what do you think we should do? Just be locked up in an alley by the Russians, waiting to be mowed down by those machine guns!?"

The tremendous pressure of near death and destruction enveloped all the surviving German soldiers, so much so that several of them were close to collapse because of feeling this terrible pressure.

Screaming, yelling, and venting his violent emotions loudly to his comrades. These incompetent rages on the verge of collapse have no effect on the battlefield where bullets are flying, but other than that, they can't do anything meaningful. No. Sealed in this alley by the violent firepower, if you dare to show your head, you will die, and you will die into a pile of scum, not even a single person is left.

The shouts and angry and desperate howls of several German soldiers did not last long. A group of "living kings of hell" who were about to end their tragic fate were approaching.

"I can't stand it anymore! I want to leave here, and the rest of you can do whatever you want! I can't wait to die here!"

A German soldier who really couldn't stand it anymore took the initiative to stand up, no longer caring about the group of comrades beside him who couldn't even show the courage to fight to the death, and would just sit here, trapped in this damn place, helpless and furious.

He vowed that he had to do something, firmly believing that the battlefield would favor the brave, not the cowards. Even if you die, you must die on the road to hope, instead of hiding in this alley and being beaten into a pile of vague minced meat that cannot be distinguished from animals or humans.

This was a small group of German soldiers who lost their command and were separated from the larger army. There were only a few people who hurriedly ran out before the house was bombed. Not to mention the squad leader, they didn't even have a squad deputy, and they had no command at all. Word.

No one can command this big German soldier holding an STG44 assault rifle. To say the least, in most cases, a coward does not have the confidence and courage to command a brave man.

But sometimes, having courage does not mean being able to run towards hope and win. It is just a chosen path rather than the final result.

That is to say, the big German soldier with the STG44 in his hand had just walked out two steps. He turned his back to his comrades who were looking at his back blankly and was still at a loss. He was planning to move forward and get closer to the edge of the alley. One point, check the situation outside before making tactical choices.

An unexpected explosion suddenly struck from behind.


A scene that everyone present did not expect suddenly happened.

The place where the few squatting or sitting German soldiers were staying, to be precise, the wall beside them, the outer wall of the two-story building next to the alley, suddenly looked like bubbles exploded by a fireworks cannon. The board instantly shattered into countless masonry fragments, splashing and dancing in the flames and impact.

He could expect that enemies might appear in the direction of the alley at any time, but he never expected that a seemingly safe wall next to him would suddenly explode.

There was no time to approach the entrance of the alley, and no time or thought to see what was going on in the world outside the alley.

In the strong blasting impact, Haoxuan was thrown away by a strong back thrust that hit him instantly. He was caught off guard in a hurry. He only relied on his extremely fast reaction speed to hold on and hold on tightly. A lamppost in the box next to him stabilized his position.

The STG44 assault rifle that was originally held tightly in his hand was shaken and flew out, falling directly to the ground about three meters away.

The gun is the life of a soldier, especially on the battlefield, it is simply more important than life.

After stabilizing the position and regaining consciousness, the first reaction was to rush to pick up the gun. I didn't think about anything else and had no time to think about it.

But just as the big German soldier was running towards his weapon, he subconsciously glanced out of the corner of his eye in the direction where his comrades were where the explosion had just occurred.

The "horrible" sight in front of him could almost scare him out of his wits on the spot.

In the still-yet-unsettled explosion smoke, a whole group of Russians armed with assault rifles were filing out of the gap in the blasted wall.

The comrades who had been arguing just now were either reduced to a pile of severed limbs or pieces of flesh, or were completely missing, at least within the immediate field of vision.

The Red Army soldiers who couldn't find the target immediately after the gap appeared looked around and immediately discovered that the German guy who was lucky enough to not be blown up or blown up was trying to pick up the gun. The black hole full of bullets was pointed directly at the gun without saying a word.

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