Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2595 War and Youth

"The Russians rushed in and there was a firefight on the first floor! Someone come help!"

"Bullet, I didn't find the bullet! Who has any bullets? Give me one!!!"

"Grenade, watch out for grenades!"


The smoke and dust from the explosion have not yet dispersed, and military boots stepping on the smoke and fire of war have followed closely.

The German soldiers who were scattered all over the place, either throwing themselves or lying dead on the ground, were still alive. The most courageous one even tried to pick up the submachine gun that was dropped less than half a meter away. Even if his legs were blown off, Even though he was seriously injured, he was still crawling on the ground like a maggot.

The first man who led the team to rush in showed no mercy, as if he were a cruel and ruthless cold-blooded animal, born only for efficient killing.

Not even bothering to do the most basic thing of raising a gun to aim, the ruthless man just raised his right hand slightly, pointed the muzzle of the assault rifle at the target, held the gun with one hand, and without the slightest hesitation, he pointed at the half-dead man with his index finger. The wounded soldier pulled the trigger.

Da da da da——

A splash of blood turned into a dance of blood. The wounded German soldier, whose legs were blown off, was killed by gunshots. His back, shoulders, neck, and head were shot almost simultaneously, and he was hit on the spot by four medium-power rifle bullets. He died suddenly and died of breathlessness. He stopped crawling like maggots and made no more movement.

The comrades behind him were pouring into the house. They rushed over and looked around and found that there were only corpses in front of them. Even the deputy didn't say anything nonsense. He knew that Alsim's usual style was like this, treating the enemy as cruelly as slaughtering animals. Likewise, words asking for the next step came out immediately. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"What's next? The second floor or the next one?"

"Go up to the second floor and clean it up. This whole street is ours. Going forward is to cross the road and rush to the intersection. Clean up the second floor first. Follow me!"

"Okay, everyone, keep up! Hurry!"

Contrary to what was expected, there was no violent rain of bullets or grenades thrown down the stairs leading to the second floor, nor was there any shouting in German. Some were not loud. Satisfied.

"Is there no one on the second floor?"

The company officer holding the AK tightly in his hand found the same look in Alsim's eyes. He was sure that his partner was also aware of the strangeness. There was no need to remind him. Uncovering the fog of war in front of him was far more important than talking nonsense at this time. .

Alsim, who didn't like having others stand in front of him in close combat, was at the front of the queue. After getting to the second floor, he clung to the wall, holding the assault rifle in his hand and moving forward little by little. , the soldiers guarding him also pressed against the wall all the way, following closely behind.


It was obviously stupid and wrong to think that there was no one on the second floor. A sudden gunshot from the back room not far away proved all this.

"Grenade ready!"

Without using words, Alsim could tell the warriors following him what to do next with a single gesture.

But just when Alsim, who was on high alert, led his men to the door and threw the grenade into the unclosed room, something unexpected suddenly happened again.





There was a scream, a gunshot, and the sound of a heavy object suddenly falling on the wooden floor. After that, there was no movement.

Alsim, who was holding his fist in mid-air, finally released his hand and slowly lowered it, instead of slamming down his entire fist to give orders as expected.

You ask why?

It was probably his intuition that told Alsim that there was no need to do this anymore, and the scene he saw with his naked eyes after entering the house clearly proved that Alsim's intuition had come true once again.

"Sokka! This coward actually committed suicide and beat his comrades to death."

A corpse with Tianling Gai blooming was sitting on the bedside with its head tilted, plus another corpse lying on the opposite bed with the same blood flowing, and it was also a warm corpse that had just lost its life and had been shot in the head.

Looking again at the Mauser 98K rifle that fell to the floor and collapsed in a pool of blood, it was obvious what had just happened in this room.

"Damn it! This is still a fucking child. The fetal hair hasn't even grown out yet. He doesn't even look like an adult."

"Hey! This is the same. The certificate says he was born in 1929 and is only 16 years old this year."


The "murderer" of the Mauser 98K lying in a pool of blood at his feet was a little older, but he looked like he was barely 18 years old.

The body of a wounded soldier lying on the bed opposite was even younger, and his ID clearly stated that he was just 16 years old.

The boy nearly collapsed in despair and chose to shoot to death another boy who was seriously injured and unconscious on the bed opposite him. That might be his friend or classmate, or of course they might have only known each other for a few days, but at least they were each other's comrades. At that moment, Alsim had just led someone to the second floor.

When Alsim led the team to the door, the "assault boy" who had finished pulling the bolt and loading the gun pointed the gun at himself and held it in his mouth.

Press the butt of the gun against the floor, press the trigger with the thumb of your right foot that you haven't even had time to take off your socks, muster up the greatest and last courage in this life, and press it hard, and then hurriedly press down with a gunshot. Say goodbye to this world that I haven’t had time to recognize yet.

The man was knocked down by the sound of the gunshot, and Tian Ling Gai's disintegrated corpse was tilted to the side of the bed. The rifle in his mouth was also dragged out of his mouth and fell to the ground. He was soon soaked in the pure liquid from the corpse's mouth. In the pool of warm blood dripping from Chun, until Alsim led his comrades into the room.

That desperate howl was the last sound that the young man mustered up the courage to leave to the world. He was forced into the army by La Zhuangding and he couldn't even get a good enough gun.

The fatal weapon lying in a pool of blood, the Mauser 98K rifle soaked in warm blood, seemed to Alsim to be no different from a tattered fire stick. Even the trigger ring of the broken gun was missing and disappeared. Who knows where the naughty gun was pulled from the pile of broken guns and then thrown to this young man.

But just such a broken gun and two tattered military uniforms easily took away the lives of two teenagers who should have gone to school at this age, and it was carried out in the most cruel way of self-destruction.

Alsim doesn't know what caused this

It may be due to fear of the enemy, or it may be caused by the rumors deliberately spread by the Nazis that if they fall into the hands of the Red Army, life will definitely be worse than death.

In short, none of this matters now, and there is certainly no need to figure it out.

Not only because Alsim does not have time, but also because thousands of such things have happened, are happening, or will happen in the near future in this war until the Nazis are completely destroyed.

"Comrade Company Commander, there is something going on downstairs! Someone is yelling in the alley next to you, listen!"

The soldier's reminder brought Alsim, who had been thinking for a moment, back to reality, and the decisive command came out immediately without thinking.

"Prepare explosives! Let these nazis perform our traditional crafts and let them feel the warmth of Stalingrad."

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