Malashenko has not forgotten what happened. He remembers every bit of it in his heart and pretends to be in his mind, and has never forgotten it.

The road we are traveling on now is the end of this protracted war, and it is also a reenactment of the most brutal memories of the war.

Malashenko feels that this is probably a test, and only the strongest can pass this test and stand at the final pinnacle of victory. The cruelest memories of the battle have been re-enacted and presented to the eyes in an extremely real manner. It is indeed like the strongest and final BOSS before the final chapter after going through many dangers and hardships.

"We have to beat this or we won't win."

"Show us your courage, Iushkin, Seryosha, Artyom and Sergei."

"The legend of No. 177 has never ended, it is just continuing. The courage to move forward bravely and fearlessly is our strongest strength. Overcome those evil beasts and memories that make ordinary people timid, and let everything in front of us dare to stand in the way. See how powerful we are.”

"The No. 177 crew still has the leader, we will never disappear!"


Iushkin stretched out his hand and wiped the lighter to connect himself. When necessary, Iushkin must give himself a lighter. The words Malashenko just said were still echoing in his ears. There were some things he had to admit. Just blurt it out.

"I said that if this car had a convertible top, I could jump out right now and show it to you, do you believe it? I'm so excited that I'm almost in the sky. Fortunately, I don't have high blood pressure, otherwise my blood pressure would be high with excitement."


"Look, this is you. Comrade Iushkin, whom we are familiar with, is back. Fun is always included in every sentence. No. 177 train crew has always brought human flesh and self-propelled entertainment broadcasters, from the great motherland The latest product produced by the collective factory in the capital Moscow - No. "Comrade Iushkin".

Pfft hahahaha——

With Iushkin taking the lead, it would be much easier for Malashenko to speak out.

In fact, this is the case. People cannot forget the past, but they cannot always live in the past.

The sacrifices of the past deserve to be remembered, but failing to win the current battle would be a blasphemy against the past and disrespect for the victims.

As Malashenko said, the No. 177 crew is never as simple as just a few people getting together and finishing.

This is a legend, a legend that will be recorded in history as "never fade away" by future generations.

Soldiers remember the dead and then fight for the living. The glorious past carries hopes and legends leading to victory.

This is the No. 177 crew, the strongest and most elite ace crew in the entire leadership division and even the entire Red Army tank force.

The strong do not pride themselves on being strong, but every move leads to the journey of being strong, just like the road of battle that begins at your feet.

"Cover me! Change the magazine!!!"

"Throw grenades! Blow them up!"

"Sokka! These idiots are crazy. They are trying to kill people one after another. It's like hitting the muzzle of a gun! Bah! How many more are there that are not included in this list!?"

The middle siege unit, which had made the most rapid progress and had the highest combat efficiency, and had been designated by Malashenkochin as the main attack direction, was in trouble.

A platoon of Red Army soldiers approaching, along with three Panther II vehicles spread out in a "pin" shape along the wide main road, were all suppressed on the opposite side of the street and unable to move.

The extremely vicious Nazi fanatics carefully arranged a protective barrier of the core defense circle on the opposite side of the main street of the neighborhood.

The sidewalk from one side to the road to the other side was completely dug out, as if everything except the buildings on both sides of the street had been cut in half by a giant sword.

The German soldiers who fought to the death set up complete defense fortifications in this cut "trace".

There are machine gun positions, steel-concrete bunkers with armor plates, a 75mm medium anti-tank gun half-buried in a pit with only its barrel exposed on the horizon, and both sides of the street have been used by Nazi engineers to use steel plates and military-standard concrete. The secondary reinforced commanding heights were used for defense, each of which looked very much like the earth-hammer turrets that their East Asian allies liked to build on other people's territory.

A large number of obstacles were placed in the middle of the street leading to the opposite block. Barbed wire was wrapped around the barbed wire, anti-infantry mines were hung on the barbed wire, and magnetically detonated anti-tank mines were hung under the poles. It was like a chrysanthemum. They were embroidered with steel nails and were armed to the point of death.

What's even more terrible is that those idiots didn't know what method they used to install two single-mounted 20mm anti-aircraft guns on the commanding heights of the buildings on both sides of the street, and sealed the windows with cement and steel plates, leaving only a window. A small firing port to vent your firepower.

I don't know how the hell I got such a heavy thing upstairs.

Disassembled into parts, hoisted upstairs and then reassembled?

Maybe, anyway, it's not important. What's important is that the suppressive firepower of this thing now makes it impossible to raise your head, and even the thought of getting a little closer will result in being beaten into a pulp.

This level of defense caused the siege troops in the middle to hit the iron plate. They suddenly encountered huge resistance, and the originally fierce offensive was blocked almost instantly.

The scheming Nazui is very good at choosing places. The buildings on both sides of the street are interrupted and no longer continue at the entrance of the block. To go further, you have to cross the road and cross the street intersection. The method of using infantry to clean the buildings on both sides of the street one by one is simply not feasible.

The infantrymen who lost the cover of the buildings close to each other would be reduced to a pulp by the Germans' torrential firepower of all calibers before they could cross the road.

The central siege team tried to use tanks to hit the ground and force a breakthrough, but it still didn't work. It didn't work at all.

The 75mm tank gun has certain destructive power but is limited to a "certain" power. At this time, it suddenly became the biggest weakness.

The destructive power of the 75mm high-explosive grenade is not to mention the defensive firepower that destroyed the steel-concrete structures reinforced by the Germans on civilian buildings. Solid horse-repelling stakes cannot be blown up at once, and it often takes repeated shots to destroy one.

But the problem is that there are more than one horse-resistance stakes used to hinder the advancement of the troops, but they are connected one by one and form a nest. In addition, it is probably used by the Germans to drag these horse-resistance stakes and set up obstacles in an emergency. The truck simply stayed in the middle of the street and exploded into wreckage blocking the road.

Such a group of obstacles composed of scrap metal cannot be cleared away in a short time with the firepower of Black Panther II.

In other words, even if the Black Panther II's 75-meter cannon blasted away such a group of scrap metal, the mission time would have already exceeded the "acceptable range" set by Malashenko in advance. What's more terrible is that the shells will The two naked Black Panthers will probably fight with machine guns next, which is no joke.

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