Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2602 Heroic success and passing by

Insufficient firepower, insufficient equipment strength, and especially lack of heavy siege weapons capable of forming a breakthrough

The central siege force, which had never expected to encounter such difficulties, was at a loss for what to do and fell into a dilemma.

The German-made equipment that was originally used specifically to facilitate penetration and camouflage has now become the biggest problem hindering the attack.

The German-made armored combat vehicles with weak firepower and insufficient armor were unable to open up the current situation. Not only the firepower of the Black Panther II was unable to break through the roadblock and garbage pile in front of it, but also the Type 251 half-track vehicle that followed the Panther II. Also a castrate.

Not to mention that this thin-skinned thing doesn’t even have a roof. Even the enhanced 5mm KPV heavy machine gun’s firepower is not enough.

Those crazy Nazi fanatics across the street even set up 20 cannons in the building, and used military-standard concrete and steel plates to stifle their firepower. The KPV heavy machine gun, which can break through ordinary brick walls and light bunkers, is really helpless in the face of such defenses. So what if the defense can be broken? how? Is it possible that the KPV can't be used against the German's 20-gun attack? are you crazy?

Dong dong dong dong——



"Sukka! Let the tank kill those 20 cannons first. I'm so fucking annoyed! This thing has been beeping non-stop from just now to now. Get rid of this bastard quickly! Don't worry about that! A pile of rubbish!”

Alsim, who was pinned behind the wreckage of a Black Panther II by the 20-gun barrage, was unable to move at this moment. If he slipped out even slightly, he would be instantly swept into pieces by the raging and violent 20-gun barrage.

The Black Panther II behind Alsim has been sent, so thoroughly that it cannot be saved.

An anti-tank missile flying from the building at the street entrance hit the front main armor belt of the Black Panther II. The seemingly solid front armor plate of the car was smashed on the spot with a hole that could be inserted with a thumb. .

It is often said that if a person is unlucky, his farts will hit his heels, and the same goes for tanks.

This Black Panther II, which was originally covered with a modular composite armor kit, has been modified and upgraded. Not only does it have an on-board wired phone for communicating with the infantry, but it also has a mounting frame welded to the main parts of the body and turret. Just a few seemingly An unattractive steel bar.

Relying on these carrying frames, which are somewhat similar to the scaffolding on construction sites, Panther 2 is able to wear modular composite armor plates originally developed and designed for Soviet tanks.

An obvious benefit lies here, which further proves the correctness of Malashenko's original choice.

This kind of external modular composite armor plate is very easy to install. As long as there is a mounting frame, no matter what kind of car you have, even if it is a GAZ truck or even a captured Kraut Lightning Opel truck, it can be mounted on key parts for you. Add a few pieces to enhance protection.

Of course, it’s no problem to mount a tracked fully enclosed armored combat vehicle like the Black Panther 2. As long as you weld the mounting frame, everything will be OK.

Any vehicle can be instantly field modified to upgrade its protective performance whenever necessary.

This kind of modification and upgrade does not require returning to the factory, or even a large army-level field repair station close to the front line. The leader's strong team of technicians and reliable equipment hardware are enough to support the modification.

If this Panther II still retains its original external composite armor, then this anti-tank missile is actually not enough to kill the Panther II from the front. Even if the external composite armor plate is blown off, it can at least play a one-time role and save the life of the Black Panther II.

But the reality is that before this Panther 2 was bombarded by anti-tank missiles, it was blasted with 20 guns from the two "turrets" at the intersection.

The crackling 20-mm cannon hit the poor Panther II until sparks shot out all over its body. The fragile optical sight was almost completely destroyed, and almost all of the composite armor plate mounted on the front was blown away. Those crazy Germans aimed at the Black Panther with high-explosive bombs and fired continuously. The continuous bombardment of 20 guns was enough to blow away the small external armor plate.

Without the defensive bonus of the external add-on armor, even its own basic armor was beaten into pits, one after another, like the surface of the moon.

Before the Panther II, which was already reversing, could take a breath, an anti-tank missile flying from the opposite block hit it in the face.

The hot metal jet burned through the sloping upper armor of Black Panther II in an instant, with residual chemical energy damage effects that were scattered after entering the car. Several Red Army tank soldiers standing in front of them were instantly swallowed up by the high-temperature flames that could melt through steel.

"Retreat! This way, retreat! Avoid enemy fire, quickly!"

He called on his brothers to evacuate before the German firepower completely blocked the block, so as to retain more tactical options instead of being trapped in a small corner.

Alsim, who was thinking about his brothers but forgetting about himself, was about to leave on his own and quickly ran away to avoid the limelight. He never thought that the German guy who had just washed the face of Black Panther II would not even stop firing the 20-gun. . Directly pointing the muzzle at Alsim, who was directing the battle at the forefront of the block, the muzzle with smoke remaining immediately began to spit out tongues of fire again.

Thanks to his sharp battlefield intuition combined with his combat talent and rich experience, Alsim, who reacted extremely quickly, had just suppressed a round of enemy fire and covered the retreat of his comrades, and had no time to replace the empty AK magazine. .

He threw the empty gun with no bullets in his hand towards the nearest wreckage of the Panther II that had just been destroyed. The whole person followed behind the gun in mid-air, and immediately jumped forward as if his legs were equipped with springs. Almost like a dog chewing shit, he flew towards Black Panther II's butt, including the man and the gun. Seek cover.

Alsim had just swooped out, and the Germans' fierce 20-gun fire followed shortly after.

With a crackling sound, the trash can where Alsim was crouching and hiding just now was turned into a pile of twisted iron pieces emitting green smoke. If it hit a person, it would definitely tear any body into pieces and turn it into pieces on the spot. A puddle of scarlet mud.

"Uh drink, ha"

Alsim, who once again passed by the "heroic Cheng Ren", leaned behind the wreckage of Black Panther II and reached out to pick up the AK thrown on the ground. The first thing he did was to pull out the empty ammunition. The magazine immediately began to reload.

While reloading, he felt the crazy fire suppression around him, and realized that the German 20-gun barrage that refused to let go of him was following the barrage again. The wreckage of Black Panther 2 was shaking all over, and I could feel the constant explosions in my ears. The cement slag from the street splashed by the 20-gun explosion hit my face, and I felt an instant pain.

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