Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2603 Love comes from the Red Navy

Seeing that Alsim's life was in danger, those short-sighted 20-gun high-explosive bombs could explode at a very close distance around Alsim at any time, smashing Alsim into pieces with flying projectile fragments and killing him. on the spot.

The combat engineers who had just withdrawn from the dangerous fighting position were anxious. The brothers under Alsim were ready to go up to rescue their company commander. But at the last moment when they were about to rush, they were repeatedly attacked by the accompanying mechanized infantry. He was blocked by big hands.

"Don't move! Let the tanks come and wait!"

"Sukka! Let the tank kill those 20 cannons first. I'm so fucking annoyed! This thing has been beeping non-stop from just now to now. Get rid of this bastard quickly! Don't worry about that! A pile of rubbish!”

As soon as the company commander stood up and leaned against the phone hanging on the butt of the Black Panther, Alsim, who was suppressed by the violent firepower, started shouting loudly, calling for his own heavy firepower to hurry up and kill him first. Take care of him and deal with that bastard on the other side, otherwise your "Battlefield Legend" will really have to be left in this hellish place and beaten to a pulp today.

There was just one thing that neither Alsim, who was shouting loudly, nor the company commander, who picked up the phone and was about to call for tank gun support, expected.

What Alsim called for was not the support of 75mm tank guns, but the fierce bombardment of 130mm naval guns from the Red Navy destroyers.

call out--


The scream that broke through the sky came first, and the roar of the muzzle came later.

The 130 mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade with a muzzle velocity exceeding one kilometer per second struck quickly, almost passing through the air directly above Alsim's head, and flew straight towards the target with a shrill whistle. The target has been accurately hit before the human nerves have time to react.


Crack, crackle, crackle——

The huge explosion was accompanied by the sound of falling masonry debris and large groups of construction debris. It could withstand the direct bombardment of 75mm artillery grenades, but there was no way that the Germans could survive the 130mm semi-armor-piercing grenades of the Red Navy. The firepower point was blown away in an instant, and after just one test shot, it was lifted into the air and scattered in all directions without the need for calibration and refilling.

"On target, done! Comrade Iushkin scores one point first!"

"Very good! Next one! The right turret fire point, semi-armor-piercing projectile loading!"

Iushkin, who succeeded in one shot, howled out excitedly, and the thrill of adrenaline surged through his body. From the commander's position, Malashenko, who had completely witnessed the entire process of the complete destruction of the left turret's firepower point, responded with affirmation, and immediately issued an additional annihilation order.

Malashenko has shown the foresight and foresight that a time traveler should have in many things, and the same is true for the types of ammunition distributed to the IS7 main gun.

When the plan was first designed, Comrade Shashmulin, the father of IS7, had no intention of considering full-caliber semi-armor-piercing grenades, which are exclusive to the Navy when the 130-mm main gun of IS7 is used as a destroyer gun.

But Malashenko asked to stay, saying that this thing would be useful in the future, and there would be a place for it at the end of the war.

Although Shashmulin didn't quite understand it, since it was Malashenko's request, it was natural for the design and development unit to respect the opinions of the frontline troops. It was only natural for Party B to modify the design according to Party A's request, not to mention that it was Marashenko. A "ceiling-level boss" like Ke.

The penetration depth of naval semi-armor-piercing grenades is not as good as that of armor-piercing grenades, and the charge is not as good as that of high-explosive grenades. It is a special type of ammunition that is only designed to attack those with certain light armor protection and cause as much damage as possible in the hull compartment.

Of course, the purpose of Malashenko's request to keep this thing is not to use it to bombard ships or drive the IS7 to confront warships. Your German guy's crazy performance art cannot be equated with the Red Army.

Malashenko had only one reason for leaving this type of naval ammunition for use by IS7: to use it to bomb German fortification bunkers, especially in street fighting.

As long as they are not permanent fortifications like turtle shells, those civilian buildings that use military-standard concrete and steel plates for temporary reinforcement are simply unable to withstand the direct bombardment of 130 semi-armor-piercing grenades.

Ordinary high-explosive grenades will explode directly when hit on the wall. Even if the 130 grenade has a full charge, the damage effect may not be particularly good. When encountering a slightly harder target, it is inevitable that you will have to fire again and explode again. But semi-armor-piercing grenades are different.

This reduced-charge grenade, which operates on the principle of armor-piercing projectiles, is enough to break through the outer defenses of German-reinforced residential buildings and then detonate inside them, rather than exploding upon contact.

Although it is a reduced warhead charge version compared to ordinary high-explosive grenades, the thicker warhead wall occupies a considerable part of the warhead chamber space to increase the armor penetration thickness. But in the final analysis, this is a shell with a grenade name. The warhead charge is much higher than that of a full-caliber armor-piercing projectile, which is enough to destroy most German fortification bunkers from the inside, just like what they are now.

The 20th artillery fire point on the third floor exploded after one shot penetrated the outer layer of defense, like a watermelon that had been hollowed out and a thunder king was stuffed inside. It exploded with a "boom" and splashed all over the sky.

Countless construction waste and 20-gun fragments fell from the sky like rain, and this rain of garbage was not only mixed with the smell of fire and gun smoke, but also mixed with real liquid raindrops, which were exploded by the explosion. Kraut plasma.

Things falling from the sky were scattered all over the ground, and the huge turtle shell-shaped turret of the No. 177 IS7 heavy tank had already completed its turn again, aiming its huge muzzle at the next target.



"Loading complete! Semi-armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"Free dirt plane, let's go!"


The second street blockhouse with severely limited vision had not realized what had just happened. The 20-gun battery on the indoor gun position was only focused on manipulating the artillery and firing wildly. Even the scythe of death was placed on the neck. The Adam's apple is still unnoticed.

It's actually not bad to die like this, at least you don't have to struggle desperately in the terrifying time of waiting for death. This is the greatest kindness given by the enemy.


There was another loud scream of "scoring twice", and another implosion that was exactly the same as the scene just now.

Large masses of construction waste, together with metal fragments, carrying fragments of human tissue, once again flowed down like a waterfall, splashing large amounts of dust. A German machine gun team that was unable to dodge downstairs was buried underneath, along with several infantrymen, and was smashed into a pulp by the "high-altitude projectile".

Malashenko, who had solved the biggest and most difficult problem with two consecutive shots, twisted his lips. The good life of these gangs who only know how to bully the gangsters and thin-skinned Black Panthers will be over with their lives from this moment on. .

"Advance the attack formation! Concentrate firepower to blow up the garbage pile blocking the road at the street entrance, prepare high-explosive bombs!"

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