Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2604: Violence in the Streets (Part 1)

Two turrets standing on both sides of the street, one on the left and one on the left, were completely blasted into the sky with two consecutive loud noises under the heavy artillery fire of Malashenko's No. 177 Command IS7 heavy tank. Go, fly into ashes and be annihilated.

Having solved the two most troublesome goals at hand, Malashenko's next goal is also very clear: clear out the "man-made garbage dump" that the Germans deliberately left at the street corner to block the road.

The garbage heaps formed by these steel lumps blocking the road are not so easy to clean. They cannot be knocked over, crushed and solved by brute force by pressing the accelerator of a tank and rushing over.

The solid steel horses and the wreckage of the tractor-trailer truck that were deliberately left in the middle of the road were blown up to block the road. I guess they were determined to defend this place and never retreat. There was no need for those trucks anyway, and there was not enough fuel to start them, so they were simply blown up and used as rubbish to block the road. The disgusting tricks of your German guy are indeed quite good. Have a hand.

The magnetic anti-tank mines and anti-infantry anti-personnel mines hung on those iron horses are equally deadly. Not to mention whether the tank can be overturned and smashed when it hits the iron horses, just the various landmines hanging on the iron horses are enough. It’s time to drink a pot. It would be troublesome for a man of steel to charge forward, but it would be even more difficult to expect infantrymen made of flesh and blood to charge forward.

And just relying on the weak 75mm cannon of the Black Panther 2 to blow up this annoying pile of garbage is tantamount to wishful thinking. The biggest shortcoming of the Germans who always like to use small-caliber and high-caliber tank guns is this. After chemical energy, Poor performance is a common problem for almost all German tanks.

But the situation is different now. Now that the Red Navy's 130 Justice is here, the Black Panther II's 75 small cannon can be moved back a little.

"Blow up that pile of garbage for me! Fire! Concentrate the fire!"

At the same time that Malashenko ordered the car to stop and get rid of the two German gun turrets, more IS7 heavy tanks following the command vehicle of the division commander arrived almost at the same time and entered the shooting position.

The muzzles of the black cannons followed the command of the division commander and were pointed at the steel garbage lying in the middle of the road not too far in front of them.

The 130mm high-explosive grenade that had been loaded into the chamber opened fire, rushing straight towards the locked target in the fiery eruption of muzzle fire, and exploded the moment it touched the target.

Boom boom boom——


The powerful 130mm grenade exploded all German mines within the blast range on the spot. The enhanced fire storm and powerful shock wave were extremely powerful. So much so that it not only shattered the solid steel horses, but also blasted each section of steel directly into the sky.

Even the burning wreckage of the German truck next to these resisting horses was blown to pieces. Under the direct hit of the 130mm grenade, it was blown into pieces like a goddess, flying in all directions, and those who were The wreckage of the Juma collapsed and exploded, and a "hot iron rain" fell in an instant.

Looking at the terrifying series of explosions in the middle of the street, with the rapidly spreading shock wave raising large amounts of dust visible to the naked eye, Malashenko, who had absolute confidence in the power of IS7's "Red Navy 130 naval gun", twisted his lips. , raised upward.

With so little rubbish produced by the Germans, it is no more than wishful thinking to stop the rapid advancement of IS7.

"Attention, frontline troops! I am Malashenko. I am now taking over command and obeying orders."

"Now the forward assault troops immediately move to both sides of the road to make way for the attack! Let the heavy tanks charge in front, the medium tanks are responsible for supporting and covering, and the infantry units follow the tanks and prepare for the assault!"

According to the original plan, the middle siege team had a "three-company" configuration of one combat engineer company, one mechanized infantry company, and one medium tank company. When converted into ordinary troops, this is the strength of a standard mechanized battalion. .

The reinforcements brought by Malashenko further strengthened the deployment of troops in the middle that had been selected as the main attack direction. Now there are a total of two tank companies, one medium and one heavy, plus three mechanized infantry companies and a combat engineer company, the total combat organization is 6 companies.

It may not sound like much, but compared to the usual movement of the leader's division, the scene of at least 180 tanks pressing down on the formation can only be considered trivial.

But it should be noted that in the current street fighting environment, it is actually a bit too much to stuff 6 companies of troops in the assault direction of a main street.

Even if the six companies were to count, there would still be more than 20 tanks and 600 or so infantry. If more than 20 cars were jammed together and lined up in a long line on the road in the 21st century, it would look terrible. It is quite visually impressive, not to mention that these are not more than 20 cars but more than 20 wide and fat tanks.

With such a seemingly redundant siege unit launching a massive attack, Malashenko, who had already taken over the command of the frontline field, would certainly not say that he would rush all the troops at once and use the pig attack tactic to line up and charge.

Following Malashenko's order, the Black Panthers, who were at the front and kept firing while holding on to their fighting positions and even fighting back and forth with the Nazis across the street, began to slowly retreat. While retreating and reversing, he did not forget to turn the rear direction of the car, quickly clearing the road at a speed visible to the naked eye, allowing the "big guys" who came up later to take over the fighting position.

"Cars 113 and 112 suppressed the Germans on the opposite street! The rest of the crews follow me and move forward!"

While adjusting the formation, of course they did not forget to suppress the scumbags jumping up and down on the opposite side with heavy firepower.

Two IS7 heavy tanks belonging to the division's security company were assigned to hold on to the fighting position and postpone the advance. With the strong firepower of the 130mm main gun and the violent strafing of the KPV machine gun, they temporarily suppressed anyone on the other side of the block who wanted to "take advantage of others." The "dangerous" Germans made it difficult for them to take care of themselves.

Then, with Malashenko's No. 177 command vehicle as the lead, followed by a large number of IS7 heavy tanks that formed a formation, they immediately moved forward, stepped on the accelerator and passed at the fastest speed those who had already vacated their positions and were leaning on them. The Panther II medium tanks on the street had already completed their battle position changes in less than two rounds of reloading, and had taken their positions at the front of the formation.

"Don't let those big monsters get closer! Fire, fire quickly to disrupt their formation! Kill them all!"

Although they were suppressed by the violent firepower of the 130mm cannon and the 5mm heavy machine gun, the German troops on the opposite side who were also red-eyed did not sit still and wait for death. They tried their best to do what they could, whenever possible. Under such circumstances, pick up any anti-tank weapon that can be fired and launch an attack.

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