Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2606 The German guy can’t understand, but the German guy is shocked

It is an indisputable fact that the anti-tank missiles fired by the German army from a street house accurately hit the IS7 heavy tank of the guard company.

But hitting the target is one thing, destroying the target is another. There is no inevitable connection between the two. Even if the German anti-tank pilot who launched the anti-tank missile subconsciously believed that it "exists" "It's also a waste of effort.

An anti-tank missile that went up and hit the target directly hit the center of the outermost additional composite armor plate.

The built-in warhead charge undergoes a rapid chemical reaction under the action of the piezoelectric fuze, transforming it into a stream of hot metal jets that are charged and ejected.

It must be said that this power is indeed enough to penetrate the slightly thin composite armor, and it can even penetrate the bottom plate of homogeneous steel armor underneath the composite armor.

But then what?

If the composite armor plate and the homogeneous steel armor base plate are penetrated together, everything will be fine. Does it mean that the track of the IS7 can be destroyed and the "leg-breaking cause" can be completed? The result is obviously not like this, and it can even be said to be completely contrary to the goals expected by the German advance.

When the metal jet that penetrated two armor plates gushes out of the penetration hole, its remaining chemical energy armor-breaking power has been severely weakened. The energy-packed metal jet has also been dispersed during the armor-breaking process, becoming It is no longer such a straight line with a sharp tip but a bit like an umbrella flower. The last remaining armor-breaking power is basically useless.

More importantly, the new protective armor that replaces the front fender of the track is not strictly next to the track shoe. Because it is necessary to leave some space for mud to splash and prevent it from being smeared to death, it is very necessary to reserve a certain amount of reserved space.

However, this limited space for mud to splash and then fall indirectly plays the role of "gap armor" at this moment.

The metal jet surging out from the homogeneous steel armor base plate is further dispersed and weakened during the forward flight in this reserved space.

The final result is that there is not much armor-piercing depth left, and when the metal jet that has been sharpened by the "gap armor" actually touches the track pad, it cannot be called trying to "drill through" the track. , but "sprayed fire" directly on the tracks.

As an unprecedented super strong presence among the Stalin series of heavy tanks, the prototype design weighs up to 70 tons, and is also equipped with a torpedo boat engine with super horsepower. The IS7 heavy tank can run as fast as it wants. The strength requirements for the running gear are almost demanding. abnormal.

To drive such a heavy giant to fly on paved roads at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, the running gear design of any previous Stalin heavy tanks cannot be directly applied.

Not only the suspension system is enhanced, but the redesigned reinforced track pads are also wider, thicker and made of more materials than any previous Stalin heavy tank. Only in this way can the entire track be connected and assembled with bolts. Reliably drive this steel behemoth with a design tonnage of 70 tons.

Of course, this also brings some indirect benefits. For example, the track pads of the IS7 are the most durable among the entire Stalin series of heavy tanks. Unless it is directly hit in the face by a powerful anti-tank weapon, it may be destroyed only when it encounters zero-range chemical energy blasts or kinetic energy strikes.

Otherwise, even if a smaller-caliber howitzer misses and explodes near the IS7, it will be difficult to stop this steel behemoth with redesigned and specially strengthened walking gear with its legs broken off.

Of course, if this "little spitfire" that has been weakened to the point of being sprayed onto the track pads, the only substantial and effective damage it can cause to the IS7 is just to make some parts of the entire track A piece of track pad was blackened and stained with a bit of solidified material after the metal jet splashed and cooled, that's all.

The anti-tank missile rang out, and the result before us was not only that it failed to break the tracks and limp the legs of the Russian steel monster to stop it.

What made the Germans even more horrified and incomprehensible was that the fenders of the Russian steel monster were still hanging on the tank, properly installed right in front of the speeding and rolling tracks.

If you look closely, you can see that the only damage caused by the anti-tank missile just now was a shallow scattering crater on the outermost layer of composite armor, plus a hole as small as a thumbprint. A point metal jet penetrates the hole.

Your Russian tank is so hard, why the fuck is the fender so hard! ?

The stunned German soldiers on the opposite side didn't understand, they just felt shocked.

Malashenko, on the other hand, smiled instead of getting angry after being beaten on the table tennis table and having his face eaten alive by all kinds of anti-tank ammunition fired by the Germans.

Reports from each crew under his command brought the best results as expected. The seemingly inconspicuous "battlefield soil modification" was not only effective but also very effective. It could even be said to have exceeded expectations.

The original idea was that as long as it could withstand the Germans' conventional anti-tank ammunition, that is, Panzerfaust and Tank Killer, it would be fine. As for anti-tank missiles, it would be normal if it could not block them.

But Malashenko never expected that he had overestimated the power of German anti-tank missiles, to be precise, the power of armor-piercing missiles. Looking at this era without high-speed cameras and insufficient conditions, it is indeed difficult to test the dynamic armor-piercing damage effect of an anti-tank ammunition. Malashenko can only guess based on past experience.

The result is obvious. Malashenko guessed wrong, at least this time his guess was not accurate.

The German's anti-tank missile, in its armor-piercing state, could not destroy the already "huge amount of HP" after penetrating the outer composite armor, the inner lining of homogeneous steel armor, and then being weakened by the gap armor. IS7 heavy tank tracks.

What anti-tank missiles can't do, then the two younger brothers, Iron Fist and Tank Killer, will naturally step aside. Don't think about unnecessary things. If you think about it, it will be in vain. You can only hear a sound when you call it.

This result also means that all conventional chemical energy anti-tank ammunition currently in the hands of the Germans cannot pose any substantial obstacles and threats to IS7 head-on. In the past, it was just that it could not break through the armor, but now it is better. After some modifications, it can no longer even chew the tracks. The days when the IS7's legs could be broken to prevent its progress have become "the good times are only yesterday".

How could Malashenko, who was expecting a huge surprise, let go of such a good opportunity?

Through the commander's periscope, he stared closely at the pile of steel garbage in front of him that had been smashed to pieces, and there were still a few remnants lying on the road, but it was no longer worth mentioning. Then he ordered again, crisply and clearly.

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