Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2607 Gone with the Wind

"Every crew is moving forward at full speed! Just knock this pile of garbage away from me, run over and crush those naughty dogs!"



"IS7 moving forward at full speed! Hurrah!!!"

Malashenko's order seemed like a shot in the arm that was directly injected into the hearts of all the crews of the guard company. All the more than ten IS7 heavy tanks participating in the battle all stepped on the accelerator and turned on their horsepower. One after another, they were like arrows. It rushed straight to the center of the block entrance, and the momentum was simply terrifying.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine such a large group of steel behemoths weighing nearly 70 tons rushing forward. Each one of them was carrying a big, thick-tubed cannon, driving on paved roads at nearly 60 kilometers per hour. What is the scene like when someone rushes towards you quickly?

Fortunately, not all the German soldiers who participated in the war died suddenly after this battle. After all, some surviving German soldiers survived the Battle of Berlin and spent the "hard and arduous" labor camp years before being released home and able to live in their later years. Write a memoir to describe your feelings at the time.

"At that moment, I felt like a vase in a glass shop, a red vase, deep red and translucent. And those Russian heavy tanks were like a group of crazed bulls, with veins all over their bodies and muscles bulging, spraying from their nostrils. With white gas like steam locomotives, they swooped towards me in groups.

"At that moment I gave up hope. I had no doubt that the final winner would be them. Anyone who dared to stand in front of those monsters would only end up dead. This was indeed the result. The Russians finally found a way to use it. The road to victory is paved with blood and meat sauce.”

No matter what is written or said in the German memoirs in the future, Comrade Lao Ma neither knows nor cares at the moment.

IS7 heavy tanks that looked like crazed bulls stepped on the accelerator and increased their horsepower output to the limit. How could those steel junk wreckage that had been blown to pieces by the Red Navy's 130mm naval guns stop such a tanker? A group of crazy steel monsters.

The twisted and deformed remains of the Juma were like a mineral water bottle that fell on the road and was run over by a speeding dump truck. It was "mercilessly trampled" by IS7.

The wreckage of the Juma, which had been blown into a twisted shape and looked like a twist, was almost instantly swept under the tracks of the speeding IS7 and violently twisted.

Exploding into a twist-like shape is only the first step. It is completed after being crushed into slag and iron pieces.

The IS7s that ruthlessly destroyed the Juma wreckage were almost unaffected, except for a slight slowdown caused by the tracks hitting obstacles.

The fate of the truck wreckage that followed and continued to block in front of them was not much better. It was like a child's toy truck being hit by a dump truck, or a German guy's truck wreckage being hit by a violent IS7.

The fact that the tonnage is not in the same order of magnitude makes these truck wrecks basically "the same as not." Not only were they knocked away by the IS7 and pushed away, the car bodies that were already structurally fragile were even "broken apart" on the spot. ".

Various parts that were so blackened were directly damaged and fell everywhere. Even the burning rubber tires were like the Hot Wheels under Nezha's feet. They were directly damaged from the wheel hub and carried with them along the way. The blazing fire and billowing black smoke directly hit the German soldiers who were close at hand across the street.

The charge speed of IS7 is so fast that not only medium tanks, but also many light tanks cannot catch up with its speed on paved roads.

Even though they were still too shocked to fully react to the shock of the IS7's sudden attack, the few unlucky German soldiers closest to them were unable to dodge the "Hot Wheels" that were billowing black smoke and coming towards them.

A reaction was half a beat too late, and the final result was death on the spot, and the death was tragic.

Truck tires that look silly, thick, thick, and unattractive are actually very powerful "weapons." If the fragile bones of a human body encounter a tire rolling at high speed, don't expect anything good to happen if it is hit hard. It was over, for example, that was the case with the unlucky guy who was hit in the face by the "Hot Wheels" on the spot.

The flaming tires directly "enchanted" the liquefied rubber with the flames on the face of the unlucky German soldier, and a burst of "anger" instantly transformed into a fire-headed "Ghost Rider".

Before the unlucky German soldier could scream or yell twice, the huge "Hot Wheel" continued to roll down and hit him hard on the chest with a powerful impact.

There was no need or possibility of resuscitation, and a 1.8-meter-tall living person just died on the spot.

His head was burned into a "Ghost Rider", and all the ribs on his chest were crushed and fractured by the impact of the tire. The broken ribs were even forced inward and pierced through the heart under the strong pressure of external forces.

You can even say that the German soldier killed himself. This is indeed true from the direct cause of death. It was indeed his own ribs that completed the fatal blow to the heart.

The unlucky guy who died in such a miserable state threw himself onto the street without saying a word, but the other German soldiers around him didn't even look at him or even think about it.

This does not mean recognizing indifference and ignoring life and death, but the lives of those German soldiers who are still alive are now in danger.

The IS7 heavy tank that crushed the scrap metal and smashed the truck wreckage was unstoppable. The huge body was driven by the terrifying horsepower that was so powerful that it seemed that it should not belong to this era. The remaining "flame enchantment" of the enemy crossed the street in one go, and then smashed into the faces of the German soldiers who were already close at hand.

Good luck never comes alone, and misfortunes never come alone. The fear that comes to you is not just these terrible IS7 heavy tanks.

The tacit cooperation and rapid coordination ability of those Russians may be even more terrifying than the performance of their equipment in the eyes of the discerning and knowledgeable Germans.

Almost at the same time, IS7 used shelling and crushing to forcefully clear away the obstacles and garbage at the street entrance.

Those "little tanks" following these giant steel giants, at least that's what most German soldiers who didn't understand the definition of this equipment called them, had already crossed the street at a speed that could keep pace with the IS7. The "great transformation of living beings" began.

The German soldiers, who had never seen so many infantry pouring out of tanks at once, were horrified. They thought of quickly putting down their anti-tank weapons and reaching for their guns to shoot, but it was too late.

Machine guns, cannons, and even large-caliber tank main guns.

The Red Army armored forces that had crossed the street were not in a hurry to continue advancing. Instead, they immediately stopped and formed a formation, using their maximum output to fire at any moving German target in front of them. I saw that the unlucky German soldiers who had no time to run away were really like scarecrows swept away by a tornado, and disappeared directly with the wind.

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