"Damn it! Damn it! Those Russians, they're everywhere!"

"Then fire everywhere!"

"Shut the fuck up! Shoot, shoot!"

The German army had never seen such a high-speed infantry delivery method, at least not the group of Germans across the block. In other words, all the Germans who had seen this thing had either gone to see the Kaiser or entered a prisoner of war camp. Then he was transferred to a labor camp to dig potatoes and build beautiful Siberia.

These poor German infantrymen's stereotype of the infantry combat mode is still stuck in the era of tanks charging and infantry following, following the steel body with flesh and blood, risking being killed by artillery shells or stray bullets at any time.

This is not the fault of these German soldiers. This is the situation on most battlefields in this era.

Facing an enemy whose combat model was a whole era ahead of its time, these poor German soldiers were puzzled, surprised, and even shocked, and even opened fire desperately while shouting and cursing. Unfortunately, their lives did not leave them much. time.

"Suppressive fire! Two o'clock direction, the red house on the street! Machine gun fire! Request suppressive fire!"

"Copy that, take cover! High-explosive bombs are coming!"

The open infantry cabin door of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle does not require an infantry phone, and can also achieve immediate and effective communication between the infantry outside the vehicle and the crew inside the vehicle, provided that the distance is close enough.

The fire support called by the Red Army soldiers outside the vehicle was quickly in place. The 25mm cannon installed in the small head of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle was quickly aimed at the target along with the rapid rotation of the turret.

The German soldiers guarding the red house shop on the street were still resisting. They picked up various light and heavy firearms in their hands and moved towards the Red Army soldiers who had just gotten off the car and had not yet completely dispersed their formation. The infantry fired wildly, completely unaware that the "little tank" that could hold people in its belly had pointed its long and thin barrel at itself.

"Damn it! We're being targeted"

Dong dong dong dong——

A German infantryman with relatively sharp eyesight and quick hands noticed that something was wrong and tried to alert his comrades by shouting without hesitation, but it was too late.

The barrage of 25mm cannons that hit all over the face and fired at extremely fast speeds was like dancing with whips. The sharp whistling sound of projectiles was accompanied by the crackling sound of high-explosive warheads, almost instantly reddening the street that was already full of bullet holes. The house was filled with dust.

A cement movie, a brick scumbag, a German idiot, and a fool who can’t even make it in time.

Almost everything within the range covered by the high-explosive barrage was ruthlessly destroyed in an instant, with dust flying everywhere.

There were as many as two squads of German soldiers stationed in the red house. One squad was placed at the front desk on the first floor alone to guard this extremely important building at the intersection.

This was a deliberate move for the better in order to strengthen the firepower. At least the Germans believed that it would have a positive effect.

But he never expected to encounter this situation, let alone how it would end.

"The suppression is complete! It's almost broken. Call us if you need it!"


The shuttle went down and smashed almost the entire display window on the first floor. The exploding 25mm high-explosive projectile not only destroyed the glass and wooden frame, but also destroyed and blew up the front door of what seemed to be a small store. Shredded.

"Keep your eyes open and be alert! Let's go!"

The squad leader leading the team waved his hand, and the soldiers who were crouching on the other side of the infantry tank for cover immediately jumped out and ran towards the smashed red house on the street.

Fierce firefights with flying bullets are still continuing. The remaining German troops, which have been severely suppressed by various heavy firepower, still have no intention of giving up resistance. Even now, they still intend to make a last-ditch effort and resist stubbornly.

After passing through the streets where bullets were flying and sweeping like a storm, the squad leader and his soldiers, who cooperated tacitly and moved skillfully, had entered the first floor of the red house. The scene before them was probably the same as Dante's " The hell described in the Divine Comedy is no different from what we see and hear.

"Damn, is this a pork shop? I should have taken two fewer shuttles just now, Suka."

"I don't think so. To be more precise, it should be called a mince shop. It fills you with sausages."

At the first glance after entering the house, it can be said that all kinds of broken limbs and broken arms of different shapes are scattered all over the floor.

The squad leader who led the team raised his leg and took a step forward. As he took this step, he felt that the soles of his feet were a little slippery.

"Okay, stop beeping. Go up and follow me."

The scene in front of me is indeed "not good", but it is not good, and the battle still has to be fought. No matter how bad the working environment is, you still have to "go to work."

The squad leader who led the team called to his soldiers to quickly start their formation, bypassing the wreckage and broken meat on the ground, walking on the bloody ground, walking up the stairs through the corridor that was also beaten to pieces and looked like it was about to collapse. He was fully armed and with high vigilance, he clenched the steel gun in his hand and began to move towards the second floor.

There was a dense exchange of fire, and a fierce battle broke out between the mechanized infantry team led by the squad leader and the remaining German troops on the second floor.

Most of the chaotic sound of gunfire was the sound of Soviet-made firearms firing. It goes without saying who has the superior firepower and whose output is more powerful.

Meanwhile, downstairs on the street.

A group of heavily armed assault forces led by Malashenko continued to fire and fired violently, pouring violent firepower at the houses along the block on both sides of the street.

Shooting at the houses on both sides of the street, this is certainly not a "preventive measure", but there are indeed Germans jumping up and down there, causing trouble.

The German troops who deliberately defended this place and put up a desperate posture not only occupied the buildings on the commanding heights on both sides of the street, but the houses on both sides of the street that continued along the main road leading to the deeper areas were also occupied by the Nazis. .

But I don’t know if it’s because of lack of time or lack of materials.

In short, the Nazi-occupied buildings further along the street have not been reinforced by engineers. They are just civilian houses with firepower points and soldiers placed there.

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