Chapter 2610 "2"

"Adam! Adam! Oh no, the Russians are beating, the Russians are beating!"


One second he was sitting in front of the map hanging on the wall to assess the battle situation, and the next second a sudden and strange sudden change made Lieutenant Colonel Adam who turned around couldn't help but frown.

"Stand still and speak humanly. Look at you. You look like a thief on the street who only cares about running away after his hands are dirty."


Before they even said a few words during the meeting, he was given the description "like a thief". The German major, who felt a little embarrassed for a moment, blinked, as if he didn't know how to speak. After thinking for a moment and organizing his words, he hurriedly stopped. Di said repeatedly.

"It's the Russians, and those Russians are already here!"

"You are talking nonsense, Nate. Of course I know that the Russians are coming. At this time, if they are not Russians, can they be Japanese?"


Seeing that the man in front of him hadn't figured out what he meant, the Major who was called Knight immediately became anxious. He slapped his thigh and said immediately.

"What are the Japanese and Russians? I mean those Russians have broken through the Schlöfer Street defense line. Our defense troops suffered heavy casualties! The Russian tanks are already bombarding our defenses. They are coming!"


Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was originally taking out a lighter from his pocket to light a cigarette, was stunned when he heard this. It was as if he had been cast by some kind of magic to restrain his body. His whole person became immobile and his face was still. The words that came out of his mouth afterwards were full of shock and confusion. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

"What did you say!? The Russians have broken through and are shelling our last defenses early???"

"Did you think I meant the Russians were here?"

call out--

"Get down!!!"

Major Knight had not finished speaking, and Lieutenant Colonel Adam's shocked expression had not yet calmed down.

A sudden high-pitched scream broke the conversation between the two, roaring in an instant. At the moment when he was thrown to the ground by the guard with quick eyes and quick hands, and protected with his body, he didn't know how big the caliber was, but it was obvious from the formation. A large-caliber grenade, which was definitely not small, seemed to explode in my ears.


"Cough! Puff cough cough, cough cough cough -"

I don’t know how close this large-caliber grenade exploded, but it was not too far away, so that just the debris and dust from the ceiling shaken by the explosion shock wave fell all over Lieutenant Colonel Adam’s face and mouth, which was almost full. Full of teeth.

"Where did the Russians come from, and where is the location of the shelling!? Give me a report on the damage!"

Qiang struggled to get up from the ground and was already giving orders.

It was only when he stood up under the protection of the guards that Lieutenant Colonel Adam discovered that Major Knight, who had been talking to him properly just now, had fallen into a pool of blood less than three steps away from him.

"Damn it! Nate!!!"

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, whose emotions were suddenly aroused, screamed famous words, stepped forward, picked up his comrade from the floor where the warm blood was flowing, and took him into his arms. After a sudden look, he discovered that Major Knight's neck had been torn open with a gash almost as long as half a hand, and blood was pouring out.

"Adam Adam"

"I'm here, I'm here! What are you going to say?"

"Military doctor! Doctor! Where the hell did they go!? Get me someone quickly!!!"

The dying person in his arms was trembling and making sounds, while the person holding the dying person was shouting for help, as if the louder the voice, the better he could save his good brother.

"It's useless. Stop screaming. I can't be saved. I know what I am like."

The huge shrapnel that struck at high speed pierced the carotid artery but did not break the throat. Because of this, the blood on his neck was like turning on a faucet. When Adam covered it with his hand, it spurted out from between his fingers. Major Knight, who couldn't hold back, could still speak. At least, he still had time to leave his last words.

"Shut the hell up! Stop pushing me. The more I push you, the faster I'll die!"

"Haha, it's useless, I know I can't save it."

"Shut the hell up! I beg you, okay!?"

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was so excited that his nerves were about to collapse, was about to raise his head and shout again, but saw his good brother with blood in his arms hand his blood-stained right hand to him.

"Take it"


Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who didn't know what Knight was holding in his fist, subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it. What fell from his unclenched fist into his palm was so unexpected.

It was a medal, to be precise, a Russian medal, not a German one.

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who has been fighting on the Eastern Front for three years, is fortunate enough to know Russian and is relatively familiar with the Red Army's medal styles.

But he had never seen this thing in front of him before.

I can only say that I have seen people who look similar to this one, but I have never seen one that is exactly the same.

This is a slightly different Guards medal. The red star engraved in the center of the medal is next to a Guards flag flying high. But the text written on the Guards flag is very special. It is not the common "Guards", but another Russian word that has never been seen on medals.

"Leader Master?"

Lieutenant Colonel Adam tried to spell out the Russian word and read it out loud subconsciously. This seemingly unintentional move made his whole body tremble the next second, which could even be said to be terrifying.

"Luckily, they were picked off from the bodies of the Russians who were beaten to death. We fought them off once in the house, but that was it."

"Listen, Adam, this is not an opponent you can handle. All of us combined can't handle these Russians."

"It's the leader of the division, the "Iron Butcher" Malashenko of Stalin's security forces. He has already come to Berlin. Now it is his troops who are attacking us outside. You must survive and don't die in vain. Even if you take my place, You too"

Before he could finish his words, Major Knight had already driven west and was killed on the spot.

Or Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was holding the warm corpse of his comrade and howling.

Both of them guessed one thing correctly. The special Guards badge stained with the blood of the Germans was indeed a unique style exclusive to the leadership division, and represented the unique and special honorary title of the leadership division.

The "2" on the back of the medal means that the medal was awarded for the second time in 1944. It is intended to be awarded to all soldiers, commanders, and political workers of the leading division who made outstanding contributions and achieved a major victory in the Battle of Cherkasy in western Ukraine.

First, this medal fell into the hands of the Germans. In addition to representing a Red Army soldier who participated in the Battle of Cherkasy, he fell on the eve of victory and died under the city of Berlin.

It also indicates that the "Iron Butcher" Malashenko, who in the eyes of the German army is "violent and violent, and killing people is no more difficult than drinking water", has already named his weapon, which has killed countless German soldiers, the "Leader Division" The butcher knife was inserted into the city of Berlin and began to stir and cut the meat.

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