Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2611 Alone

Knight died, leaving behind Lieutenant Colonel Adam, whom he could not let go of until his death.

Alone, he faced Malashenko and his minions, the eagle dogs, who had just taken away the life of his good brother and were still charging furiously.

The blood-stained hands put down the body, which was rapidly hypothermic and gradually cold due to the huge amount of blood loss.

It was only then that the bespectacled military doctor in a white coat and a first aid kit in his hand ran over in a hurry. When he saw Major Knight lying in a pool of blood, he immediately squatted down, put down the first aid kit and planned to start first aid.

"No need, everyone is gone, go save others."


The action of the military doctor was interrupted by Lieutenant Colonel Adam's words. The sound of gun explosions coming from the window was endless and seemed to be getting closer and closer. So much so that not only the sounds of exchanges of fire, but even the shouts of killing were gradually getting louder and louder. Clear.

"Sir, your face needs treatment."


It was only at this moment, when the military doctor reminded him, that Lieutenant Colonel Adam realized that a cut had been made on his face. It was not until this moment that the stinging sensation hit him sharply when he touched it slightly with his hand.

"Don't worry about me. Go and treat others. This is an order."


"As you wish, sir."

Upon seeing this, the military doctor wearing glasses stopped talking and gave no unnecessary advice. He picked up the first aid kit and stood up from the ground and left. Once again, Lieutenant Colonel Adam was left to face all this alone. Touching the familiar and cold body on the ground.

Jingle Bell--

Jingle Bell--

Jingle bell bell bell——

"Answer the phone and go be alone!"

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was half-crouching on the ground, didn't know what he was thinking. Facing the ringing phone not far away, he didn't get up to answer it. Instead, he gave orders.

A staff officer covered in dust, who had obviously just recovered from the shelling, hurried to the table with unsteady steps, picked up the phone that was ringing wildly on the table, and immediately asked questions.

"Hey, command, explain the situation."


Lieutenant Colonel Adam felt that his mind was blank and he couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He fell into a "crash" state for a while. He even had no impression of what the staff officer who was close at hand said after answering the phone. Until the call. When it was over and the microphone was put down, his eyes regained some of their energy.

"The enemy tanks are less than one block away from us. The enemy has dispatched heavy siege assault guns to blast us. There are also a large number of tanks accompanying us, and the firepower is extremely fierce. The defense forces request immediate reinforcements, otherwise the defense line will not be preserved. "


"Otherwise the defense line will not be maintained", this is already a very serious narrative method at the military level.

Adding this sentence at the end, there is some explicit or implicit "threat" meaning hidden in it.

It's like saying "You can either send me support or just wait and lose." There are only two situations when subordinates dare to say this to their superiors.

Either the subordinate is crazy and dares to say such criticism on the phone and openly threaten his boss. Such an idiot is not worthy of commanding the army.

Either the war situation has really deteriorated to the point where I have to say these words, or even these are my last words.

The left and right are about to be mailed. Who cares about whether what he said is in line with the rules before he dies? Not only did he say it was a dead end, but he said there might still be a small chance of survival, then he had nothing to do with it and he had to say the ugly things first.

In short, no matter what the reason is, it is quite bad for the current Lieutenant Colonel Adam and all the German soldiers in this house and even in the surrounding city.

And, let Lieutenant Colonel Adam himself say that he is more willing to believe that the latter possibility of worse situation is the truth.

"Tell Lindemann that reinforcements will be arriving soon and ask him to hold his position!"


The young staff officer wanted to execute the order, but his right hand that had already been placed on the phone seemed to have grasped something as heavy as a thousand catties and could not get his hands on it. He was even more troubled in his heart and did not know how to speak. In the end, he could only turn his head again. He came over and faced Lieutenant Colonel Adam.

"But, we have no available reserves, sir. All the troops are fighting now. How should we send reinforcements?"

"No? How could there be no? You are wrong."

While taking off the big-brimmed hat on his head, he also took off the steel helmet hanging on the wall and replaced it on his head. He picked up the STG44 assault rifle from the table, pulled the charging handle and loaded the bullet. Lieutenant Colonel Adam only had calmness and determination in his eyes. .

"We are the reinforcements, everyone is. I will personally lead the reinforcements for our final battle and the glory of Germany."


The young staff officer, who looked a little bad, was stunned for a moment. He pursed his dry and dusty lips and seemed to hesitate, but in the end he complied with the order.

"Hello? Please pick up Major Lindemann. Yes, this is the headquarters."

“Fasis from Sukabule, try this!”

A total of six seized M24 grenades were twisted into a bundle from temporarily torn rags and thrown out. They were smoking and spinning before being thrown into the room. They landed directly on several people hiding in the closet or It was the face of the German soldier behind the dining table who was pushed over.

"Grenade! Hidden"


There was a loud bang that was far greater than any conventional grenade, along with the blasting dust, it was like an angry earth dragon rushing out of the house. It shook the floor, made the feet tremble, and filled the air everywhere. Dust, gunpowder, and the smell of blood and death.

"Up, up, up! Hurry! Come with me!!!"

"Fuck you, die!"

"There's another one behind the cupboard, kill him! Fire!"

Da da da da da——

The noisy shouts were mixed with the continuous firing of fully automatic weapons like a chainsaw going to work. Before the explosions had subsided, there was another burst of fighting in the room, until the last medium-power rifle shell fell to the ground. After the lingering sound finally dissipated, it was only temporarily quiet.

"One, two, three, four, five-nine, damn! I killed nine people from the living room to the bedroom. Are these gangs simply too crowded to do anything? There are so many people crammed into a bigger place!? No wonder the firepower just happened So fierce."

One of his squad leaders pulled the beaten body with his feet and complained unhappily.

Alsim, who had just replaced a new magazine for the AK in his hand, pulled up a chair and sat down. Facing the bullet casings all over the room and the enemy corpses lying scattered on the floor, he just pretended not to see them. It’s time to quickly light up a cigarette for yourself and relieve your addiction.

"In my hometown, wolves, such cunning and slippery beasts, will only swarm in front of the muzzle of a gun under one situation. They know that the stick in your hand can kill them, but they still have no hesitation."


Before the squad leader could answer the question, Alsim, who was answering the question himself, put away the lighter with the cigarette he had just lit in his mouth, and spoke with "fairy spirit" coming out of his mouth.

"When you are close enough to threaten the Wolf King's life, in their eyes."

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