Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2617 Classic Moment

"The enemy is retreating! We are almost winning, work harder!"

"Tear apart their defenses and make the final breakthrough! Ula!!!"

"Comrades, follow me! Ula!!!"

When the defense was breached, the fire support points were shattered, and the front line was reduced to nothing amidst the roar of artillery fire.

The last remaining troops dispersed like sheep that were rushed into the sheepfold by tigers. From time to time, they turned around and fired two shots. Most of them just ran for their lives.

As long as the second force is not mentally broken, everyone knows that this battle is unwinnable.

The roaring war machines and terrifying steel monsters of the Russians will devour any flesh they come into contact with like a running meat grinder. The meat minced by the wide and heavy tracks will not be directly stuffed into sausages. , no different from the takeout stuff placed in butcher shops.

And when all this happens, any cautious attack with a tight formation will seem a little too cautious and unnecessary.

The Red Army soldiers who ducked out from behind their own tanks and infantry combat vehicles launched a charge, raising their hands to sweep away the German soldiers who were running around on the street and hopping like rabbits.

One was shot in the back and screamed and fell to the ground. The other just turned around and fired two shots, and his Tianling Gai was shot away. His brains splattered all over the floor.

Scenes like this are happening all the time, and this street that grinds flesh and blood is still devouring fresh lives even if it is not finished at the last moment. It just changed from devouring the lives of both sides a few minutes ago to now grabbing one side and swallowing them to death. However, the corpses that were laid down on the street were all human beings after all, so there was really no fundamental difference.

"Why don't they surrender? Haven't these German guys had enough of guns? Or do the guns taste too good?"

Iushkin, who felt that there was no need to use the main gun anymore, started to watch the show. Due to the huge caliber of the main gun and the limited ammunition capacity, the IS7 heavy tank had to save some fire and try to ensure every shot. Cannonballs can be put to good use when needed.

Launching 130mm high-explosive grenades to kill a few German deserters whose shoes were almost flying away?

Sorry, although the leader division has plenty of firepower, it is not that abundant. This is no longer sufficient but a waste of the motherland's resources.

"Who knows, just wait, no one cares about their life or death except these bastards. I want them alive and dead, as long as they are Nazis."

Malashenko, who was also free due to the smooth development of the war situation, was not very busy at the moment. He was in the mood and had time to chat with Iushkin about anything casually.

There is really no need for the IS7 to push forward when the streets are full of chasing deserters and doing the final annihilation battle. This kind of high-speed steel behemoth that can race on paved roads with just one step of the accelerator does have to be opened a little when there are friendly forces in front of it, but it still cannot completely relax its vigilance.

"Wait a minute, I guess it's almost over. If you don't surrender, you'll really die. It's already here. Look at the guy on the street on the right, his hand is already raised."

"Where is it? Where is it? Let me see!"

As Malashenko said, the German army, which could not hold on any longer and even running away became a luxury, finally chose to surrender, just like many of their comrades and brother troops had done to the leader division before.

A German captain in rags, with a dusty face, and no clean spot from top to bottom on his body. It was either black or red, and the red was probably not his own blood. He was walking down the street with the thing in his hand held high. He walked out of a small house next to him.

As for what that guy is, what else can be used to make the leaders' soldiers who are so excited take the initiative to cease fire in this situation? The wisp of white floating in the wind was much whiter than the darkened faces of the Germans present.

"We surrender and demand protection under international law. We are no longer your enemies. We have all laid down our weapons. We demand basic treatment as prisoners of war!"

"Damn it, Sukka! This German guy doesn't even speak Russian. He should be given a hard time if he doesn't understand. What do you think? Huh?"

If you don't speak Russian but German when you are so shameless, then you probably really don't know how to speak it, rather than being unwilling to speak it to save face. The Germans may be stubborn, but they are not fools. The moment you surrender, you have already lost all face, so what's the use of holding on to it? If you don't have chicken feathers, don't do any bad work.

Ignoring Iushkin's nonsense and not paying attention, he picked up the radio transmitter at hand and immediately gave the order.

"Go up and hand over their guns, and take them into custody according to the normal procedures. We'll get them down first after packing them up."

Malashenko does not have the micro-manipulation master ability to "move the machine gun five meters to the right", but he still has the ability to micro-manage a mechanized infantry with a vehicle-mounted radio station in a squad.

After all, Malashenko was really operating on the frontline battlefield, instead of sitting on the sofa in a big office blowing his beard and staring at him and calling her "mother shit".

After receiving the order, the mechanized infantry soldiers began to take the initiative to put away the broken guns that the Germans had thrown on the ground. For the leading division, they were unwilling to take a second look, let alone rare, or to throw them away. First he kicked him aside and stepped on him, then pointed his gun at the surrendered enemy with his hands raised in the air and started "giving orders."

"Be honest and raise your hands high! Stop making small moves and get over there! Hurry up!"

I can't say that the ratio of high-quality veterans is the highest in the entire Red Army, but there is absolutely no problem in ranking among the top three. The soldiers in the leadership division are still very well educated. There are many people who can speak German, not to mention platoon leaders and squad leaders, but also ordinary soldiers. It is not difficult to command these guys to capture the Germans like bald pigs.

"Okay, it looks like it's almost done. Let's go out and take a look. If you want to come, grab your gun and follow me. Go out and get some air."

From the surrounding blocks further away, intermittent and no longer intense firefights could be heard occasionally. The block in front of Malashenko could be said to have completely disappeared, and no gunshots were heard for a long time.

The German guy's will to fight was indeed broken down neatly and neatly. He didn't drag his feet at all, he voted as he was told, and he was absolutely trustworthy. This was something that Malashenko "liked". I guess if I write anything like a memoir in the future, I will definitely give the Germans a thumbs up for their good habits of "honesty and trustworthiness". At least they are much better than some bow-legged short guys.

"Hey, be careful! Watch out for Kraut snipers! Better wait a little longer!"

Iushkin, who said one thing but actually did another, was obviously duplicitous. He picked up the tank soldier's self-defense AK in his hand. He didn't even bother to open the folded butt and followed Malashenko. Tank's anxious movements are proof of this.

"Watch out! The trash that has been blown to pieces can still shoot bullets. Don't think too highly of them."

Well, actually Comrade Commander didn't care at all, he was just striding towards the prisoners' team.

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