Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2618 The guy who keeps his mouth shut

"I said, this is not a stroll in the park. The Germans have just surrendered. Are you not afraid of German snipers shooting you when you are walking on the street like this?"

After getting out of the car, Iushkin, who was walking closely beside Malashenko, was still muttering. It was indeed out of good intentions, but all he got in exchange was "disdain" from Malashenko.

"Then let me test you. Do you know why I always dress like this? Or have you ever seen division commanders from other brother armies strolling around the battlefield like me?"


Being asked by Malashenko, Iushkin was speechless for a moment. Iushkin couldn't figure out where Malashenko's question came from and how it was related to the present. To say that he felt inexplicable was probably nothing more than this.

Before Iushkin could continue to think or ask questions, Malashenko spoke slowly again with a slight raise in the corner of his mouth.

"If you are a German sniper, you only have one chance to shoot. After you shoot one bullet, you will be made into meat by countless bullets and shells without even a chance to run."

"I ask you, knowing that the outcome would be like this, would you take this precious and only opportunity to fight a man who doesn't even have a rank mark on his body and is dressed in tatters, as if he just came back from working in the fields? Someone like a rough farmer? Or find a target that looks obviously more valuable? What would you choose? "


Even if he didn't react to Malashenko's last question for a while, Iushkin did hear this sentence clearly, and he quickly realized the hidden meaning in Malashenko's words.

"Wait, you mean"

"Oh~ I understand. Hey, don't tell me it's true!"

"With your appearance, if I were a German sniper, I would rather shoot a platoon leader with military rank than you. Most people will just think you are a coolie when they see you. Oh, yes, just right. You still got out of the tank, you are the unlucky guy who loads the artillery shells, right? You are the one who does the hardest and most tiring job in the whole vehicle and you don't get promoted. "

If you want to say that Iushkin is such a naughty kid, unless it is a critical moment of tension, it is common for him to make random nonsense. After hearing this, Malashenko couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I heard what you said and pretended not to have heard it. Guess how many more bags would be on your head now if Artem and Sergey were here?"


The moment when Malashenko hit his weak point, he seemed a little embarrassed. He wanted to make some excuses, but he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth. In the end, he had to come out and force himself to find such a sentence for himself.

"Look at what you said, doesn't that mean they are not there? Besides, if they were here now, I wouldn't say that."

After hearing such a glib explanation, Malashenko, who felt that he had nothing to say, finally just smiled and let him say whatever he wanted. That was it anyway.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!"

Malashenko, who didn't plan to talk nonsense with Iushkin anymore, had just taken two steps forward when he saw Alsim's "Lengzhong" waving his arms and looking towards him with an excited smile. Run quickly by yourself.

After checking to make sure there was no one around him, Malashenko quickly stepped forward and hooked Alsim's shoulders, as if he were a "good brother" with his arms around his shoulders. He didn't look like a leader at all, but he rushed over in a hurry. Alsim was a little "flattered".

"Comrade Commander, what are you doing?"

"Don't yell! Didn't you see that I didn't even bring a guard? This is a street fight, not a field battle. Who knows where there are Germans who are still alive waiting to fire a cold shot! If you yell louder, you might blame me. This little life is yours, do you understand?”

"Ah this"

If you want to say that Malashenko is afraid of death, and how dare he get out of the car and wander around on the street openly at this time, he is really not the type of person who is afraid of death. If he is really afraid of death, he will sit in a moving armor the whole time. The remote control in the box controls the micro operation.

But you want to say that Malashenko is not afraid of death. At this time, Comrade Ma hates that. What is that?

Ah, yes, it is "very timid".

I had just finished "bragging" to Iushkin about how awesome he was in his outfit, how he was able to hide his blindness, and how he could pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Now he took the initiative to put his arms around Alsim's shoulders and put them there to "call each other brothers", blowing his beard and glaring and saying things like "don't expose yourself", which was almost like writing the word "coward" on his forehead. Topped.

This sharp contrast was noticed by Iushkin on the side and smiled on his lips.

I couldn't help Malashenko, who changed so quickly. Iushkin thought to himself that he had good control and didn't laugh out loud on the spot. However, his secretly amused expression was still accurately captured by Malashenko. The ground saw it.

"Why are you laughing!? What's so funny!? If you laugh again, I'll have to clean the toilet for a month, and you're not allowed to change shifts!"


Once this trump card is used, the effect is really immediate and effective on the spot.

Iushkin was once "unfortunately" punished to sweep the toilet for a week, but he still can't forget that "painful memory" that he will "unforgettable" until now.

The freezing weather that day made the human excrement in the dry toilets freeze to a crisp. The unlucky Iushkin almost cried when he was punished to clean the toilets. He picked up the iron rod used to clean the toilet and poked it at the excrement aggregate that was as frozen as an ice sculpture, but it remained motionless. The frozen surface was too smooth, and Iushkin almost let the iron rod escape. He used too much force and fell headlong into the manure pit.

The sad Iushkin was almost in tears at that time. To say she felt wronged, it was really fucking wronged, like a little daughter-in-law who was kicked out by her husband's family just after they got married and sat on the curb crying.

Because of this, there was that "unforgettable" experience first.

When Malashenko mentioned the word "cleaning toilets" again, Iushkin was so frightened that he trembled all over and no longer dared to laugh and fool around. You have to admit that Malashenko Having one hand is much easier than giving orders as a commander. The latter might be taken as a joke by Iushkin, and he would continue to smile playfully here and be embarrassed online.

"Okay, let's get down to business. How was your battle? Did the combat engineers suffer a lot of casualties? Don't tell me that your people were lying on the floor. My combat engineers are all baby bumps, aren't they? The young men caught all over the street.”

What is unexpected is that Alsim, who always obeyed Malashenko and regarded any questions and orders from the division commander as "imperial edict", changed his mind this time. Instead of answering Malashenko's question, he changed the subject and looked anxious.

"We'll talk about this later. Comrade Commander, please come with me first. We have something urgent to do here!"

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