"What's important? What's important at this time? I've already won the battle. Could something be wrong again?"

Malashenko did have such doubts in his heart, but Alsim said so after all. Out of trust in Alsim, a "veteran ruffian" whom he admired for his abilities, Malashenko was willing to believe in his ability and judgment. Rashenko just nodded silently.

"Okay, lead the way."

Understanding the meaning from Malashenko's movements and eyes, Alsim turned around and immediately led Malashenko forward.

Malashenko, who didn't know what was waiting for him ahead, said nothing and just followed Alsim quickly.

The streets were bustling with German prisoners of war who had just surrendered. These unkempt and listless German prisoners of war were no longer as ferocious and violent as before.

No matter how red-eyed and ferocious they were in the previous battle, they were able to survive. After all, these people are just a group of defeated prisoners after the adrenaline rush has faded. They are the same as most of the people in human history. The prisoners are no different.

Malashenko, who was walking and watching, was quite impressed when he witnessed this scene.

But it's not that he lamented the huge contrast between the German troops during the battle and after they surrendered. Malashenko had seen such a scene countless times, and he didn't like seeing it anymore. Almost all the non-SS Germans behaved like this after surrendering, no different from the trembling princes who had taken the medicine in the Qing Dynasty. Not only did they no longer have the courage to fight, but they also started to become more and more afraid of death.

You want to ask why?

That can only be explained by the fact that this is what happens when the adrenaline wave subsides. The fear of death is the instinct that all animals in the world should have, and it was just temporarily obscured by the group fanaticism.

What really impressed Malashenko was the German's "integrity".

Everyone knows that it is important to be honest. Malashenko believes that the people in the National Defense Force, at least the vast majority of them, can be regarded as "models of integrity."


Because when I say I surrender to you, I must be surrendering. I will never engage in any tricks like deceiving others, tricking you into taking the bait, and then using dirty tricks. It is quite strange that a bunch of people really care about "integrity." Malashenko, who thought about the answer to this question over and over again, finally came to the conclusion: "It is estimated that the attack was not thorough enough. It was done, but not completely. This is the current situation of the National Defense Forces."

After all, if you think about it carefully, you German guy is talking about integrity in the matter of surrender. That is a "glorious tradition" inherited from the Prussian era. As a direct descendant of Prussia, the Junker aristocratic Wehrmacht inherited this point "perfectly".

"Here we are, comrade division commander, it's him."


Malashenko, who was thinking about something in his mind, was suddenly interrupted by Alsim's words. He raised his head and took a closer look and realized that it was the destination Alsim mentioned. To be precise, he finally came to a person. The place in front of you has arrived.

He looked up and down at the man in front of him. He looked ordinary, as honest as a rabbit that had just been caught by a hunter and had lost all strength after struggling. He couldn't see what was special about the man in front of him. Malashenko just kept watching. And spoke quietly.

"Is it him? Is he the person you want to take me to? An ordinary German soldier, a prisoner of war?"

This man is neither a senior official nor anything special. Coupled with this "fearful" expression, he is the best interpretation of a "common soldier of the National Defense Forces at the end of the war." If you tell Malashenko now that this man was captured by a young man, Malashenko would probably believe it 100% or even 90% of the time.

"It's him, Comrade Commander. Don't worry, you will definitely be interested in what he knows."

Arsim, who didn't wait for Malashenko to say anything, took the initiative to take a step forward, and blurted out commanding Russian that sounded very stern.

"You, repeat what you just said, right now!"

Alsim, this "stupid big black man", still can't speak German. It is said that he can't even write his own mother tongue. If he is asked to speak German, wouldn't it force Zhang Fei to embroider?

As soon as Alsim said this, a soldier who knew German next to him immediately repeated the translation.

"You, repeat what you just said."

"Wait, no need, I'll talk to him directly."

Malashenko, who felt that it was a waste of time to add an interpreter, interrupted the translator and soldier's question. On the other hand, he also felt that Alsim's brutal expression just now was a bit inappropriate.

The German soldier in front of him, who is all in rags and has a black face, is frightened and frightened. If you scare him a few more times, you will have to say something eloquently. At this time, it is often better to pretend to be a "white face" and speak politely. "Blackface" is more effective at scaring people.

However, it is also possible that Malashenko and Alsim were destined to be "white faces" and "black faces" from the beginning. The important thing is that Malashenko's approach is indeed more effective.

"Okay, don't be afraid, we will treat the prisoners preferentially. Tell us clearly what you know?"

There is no need to hide and tuck away prisoners who have already been captured. As soon as Malashenko comes up, he gets straight to the point and doesn't beat around the bush. He doesn't have time to accompany the German prisoners who are ordinary soldiers and continue to waste them here, so he quickly speaks. After asking, he pulled down.

"Our leader is not dead yet, he is still alive."

"You, what did you say? Your captain?"

Malashenko blinked and repeated it again, as if he mistakenly thought that his ears were not working properly.

But the ordinary German soldier who plucked up the courage to continue speaking soon dispelled Malashenko's suspicion with a positive and firm tone.

"The city defense commander in this area, the commander of the 316th Infantry Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Adam Reinhardt, I said he is still alive, not far from here."


Malashenko confirmed that he had heard correctly. With his fluent German skills, he had no difficulty in understanding what the ordinary German soldier in front of him was saying. He blurted out the words without any change in expression.

"Then what's the purpose of what you said? To report your commander's hiding place? Or do you want to use this to gain some benefits for yourself?"

Although that is what he said, Malashenko guessed that the result should be the latter. This frightened and scared ordinary soldier probably said this because he wanted to get a "gold medal to avoid death". I just don’t know if it’s a lie or not, and how accurate what he knows is.

"I can tell you where he is. He was injured and unable to move, so he was hidden by me. But there is one condition. You must promise me to save him and let your senior official come out as a guarantee."

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