Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2632 The present world and the future

"Comrade Commander, don't blame me for talking too much, but do you really want to use someone like that? Appoint a German, a lieutenant colonel as the leader?"


It must be said that he did not expect such words. Malashenko, who was quite surprised, turned around and found that Alsim was looking at him with an uneasy, but indeed serious and not joking expression. To himself, Malashenko, who of course could guess why Alsim asked such a question, said immediately.

"So, you heard everything just now? Huh?"


Although he admits that this matter may be misunderstood, for Alsim, who values ​​his image in the hearts of his comrades and division commanders more than anything else, it is definitely something he cannot afford to lose.

But the matter has come to this and there is no other way.

Rather than having his image damaged in the eyes of his comrades, Alsim was more afraid of being labeled a "liar" and "dishonest" by his comrades because he refused to admit it. Anyone with a brain knows which of the two consequences is more serious. Compared with the former, Alsim is even more unable to accept that the latter has happened to him. The answer is obvious.

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I heard part of it."

"I just got the telegram and was about to knock on the door. Suddenly I heard you inviting the German to join me. I was stunned. My mind went blank and I was completely confused. I never thought that one day I would actually It's absolutely crazy to be with Nazu and fight side by side.

"I didn't know what to do. I froze in place. Before I could react, you had already opened the door and walked out. You happened to bump into me at the door. This is the whole process. Comrade Commander, please believe me. , I won’t lie to you.”


Malashenko has always believed that human nature has weaknesses, whether in the past life or in this life.

This does not mean that as a time traveler, Malashenko himself is an exception and can avoid the weaknesses of human nature. Malashenko also knows what his weaknesses in human nature are. But at the same time, Malashenko also understands the weaknesses of human nature in many close people around him.

Don't get me wrong, Malashenko has no intention of harming others, and has never thought of exploiting the weaknesses of human nature to harm his own comrades.

However, knowing and understanding such a thing will often be of great help to Malashenko's speech and work.

For example, now, Malashenko, who is well aware of Alsim's human weakness, can say with certainty that "Alsim has no possibility of lying in front of me." You can say that Alsim is cruel and ruthless, but Alsim has actually always retained a piece of "original innocence", especially when he was in front of Malashenko, he was so "pure" that he didn't know what lying was.

"Okay, before I answer your question, let me ask you a question first. Why do you think Adam is a Nazi?"


Malashenko, who had just arrived at the door of the building, stopped and chatted with Alsim who was nearby. He decided to explain this issue to Alsim seriously for at least a short while, as well as the reasons and reasons. Here's why.

Malashenko, who is familiar with Alsim, can confirm that this is very important to him. Alsim's correct values ​​​​and cognitive shaping in this matter are all up to him.

Obviously, Alsim, who stopped face to face with Mara, was very surprised by this, and could even be said to be a little surprised. He did not expect that his comrade, his division commander, whom he always respected and even regarded as a god, would ask such a question. What he was thinking in his heart at this moment has been completely and vividly displayed on his face and in Malashenko's eyes.

"Comrade Division Commander, isn't your Adam a complete Nazi leader? He ordered his Nazi soldiers to be our enemies and fight to the end. Aren't the soldiers who died in the streets all because of his damned Did he lose his life just because of the order? He was a bastard who deserved to be shot! If he was killed, he would not be the one to pay for it!"

Malashenko did not find it surprising that Alsim could say and think this way. It could even be said that it was completely reasonable. This is the simplest emotion and cognition of a soldier.

But sometimes, Malashenko cannot deny that there is a big difference between a general and a soldier, especially in looking at the nature of things, the macro situation, and the long-term development of some things. A big difference.

In short, the position Malashenko sits in and his inherent status as a time traveler destined Malashenko to make more complete plans for the upcoming future.

As for why, there are many things for it, but it is undeniable that it includes "for myself", which is indeed one of Malashenko's important motives.

But now, it is not suitable to say it to Alsim. In fact, Malashenko still has something else to say to Alsim.

"Destroying an enemy physically is straightforward and can eliminate the root of the enemy, but sometimes we might as well think from another angle."

"One day, in the not-too-distant future, the land under our feet will be red and belong to the jurisdiction of our motherland. This is undeniable."

"But due to the situation, because those Western pigs who have always stood against us, even if they shake hands with us temporarily, will definitely stand against us again in the future. It is very likely that we will not be able to write all the lands we touch as the Soviet Union "

"The motherland needs to recover, the soldiers need to recuperate, and the Red Army needs to calm down and heal, heal something owed by the years of war, so as to develop better. War is certainly a means to solve problems, but it is not all All problems can be solved by war."

"Just like you can get ingredients when you go hunting, but you can't go back to the kitchen and kill the ingredients again so that they can turn into a pot of delicious food. You still have to take the trouble to cook. The same goes for the motherland and the world. Likewise, after the war, we still want to develop peacefully. This is the unchanging mainstream.”

"The purpose of telling you this is to tell you that we need one kind or another, probably Germans who are unacceptable to us before to serve for us. But that is not the Red Army, but these Germans who have surrendered to us. The armed forces formed by people themselves are not only a military necessity, but also a political necessity. The so-called politics means that many times you and I can't understand it, but it should happen and it will definitely happen. It may happen, but you and I still can't understand it. Things have not changed for thousands of years.”

"Such a group of Germans will be the first line of defense to guard the peace between us and the Western pigs. They cannot dominate the overall situation, but they must exist. Whether it is military or political, such a chess piece is indispensable. Without it, your The chessboard is incomplete and weaker than the enemy who is also a chess player, and many problems will ensue.”

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