Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2633 Who doesn’t have a fanboy anymore?

“There is more than one way to kill an enemy, and an opponent you find difficult to deal with is itself a valuable military asset from the perspective of a bystander.

"It's like an excellent weapon. When it's against you, it can cause you great trouble and huge damage. It's true that destroying it can solve the problem. But if you go one step further and destroy it, If a weapon is used for one’s own use and becomes a tool in one’s own hands, what will happen?”

"The future is calling us, Alsim, and we really need such a weapon. And now there is a weapon lying on the ground that wounded us and made us bleed. The wounds on our bodies are proof of its power. This time I want to try to use it for my own use. As long as it is a tool and a valuable military asset, there is a possibility to use it."

"Because it has hurt us and made us bleed, it is logical and more stable to make good use of it, which has become a more possible thing. Many things have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that we sacrificed our comrades and paid At the cost, profit is the main culprit, and the tool that has proven its power will become more useful as long as we can make good use of it.”

"I don't praise how good that Adam is. As you said, he was the culprit who issued the order that cost our comrades their lives and was our enemy. But I also saw some things from him. Although the enemy is true, there is absolutely nothing that can be seen in Na Su.

"He listens to others, understands the truth, cherishes honor, understands the truth, and knows when to talk about the right things. At least he can separate this thing from his own personal honor. This is how he can serve us. The most basic possibility. Sometimes there are things that can be encountered but cannot be obtained. This is opportunity and luck. You know it, even for tools. "

If it were other people, Malashenko would not know and would be too lazy to talk nonsense.

Whether you like to understand clearly, don't understand, or just pretend to be confused because you understand, I don't care who the hell you are? I, the leader, have the final say. If you don't accept it, I'll hold it in. If you can't hold it in, I'll get out. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here.

But Alsim is different, at least in Malashenko's eyes.

Although this is a "big rough" who knows no shit and cannot read a word, he is called a "Siberian barbarian" by his dearest company deputy comrade, and he does it in order to be able to fight and taste the smell of blood spurting and burning fighting spirit. Rejecting promotion, he is just like a prototype of the mad fighting in this world.

But Malashenko still hopes that Alsim will have a bright future. The advantages, strengths, and potential abilities he possesses all determine that he should not stop here. He is fully worthy of a bigger stage. .

He doesn't listen to what others say about him. He is as stubborn as a stupid donkey. As long as he sees something right, eight cows can't pull him back.

But Malashenko, who happens to have Alsim's "most fatal" human weakness in his hands, wants to try it. Even if there is only a slight possibility of success, as long as it can improve Alsim's long-term future, it is very worth it. Tried.

After all, Malashenko didn’t want to see himself carrying a big star on his shoulders one day, and he had to go down to the company to find an old company commander to talk about old times and talk about old times, blowing on each bottle and drinking a bottle of water. This is not a scene where you can burst into tears with snot from your nose.

At least it has to be sitting in the brigade or division headquarters, drinking volts and blowing bottles. Only then can it be said to be in line with the plot line of the script.

The first "lesson" that bears the brunt is to try to make Alsim's mind more flexible, and stop being so accepting of death and purely thinking like a warrior. Malashenko did this with Iushkin, and now he hopes to replicate it with Alsim and achieve success again.

If his ideological realm is not raised, even if Alsim is full of skills and has unlimited potential, he will only be a "super soldier" in the end of his life, a person who can only exist in history books related to Malashenko. The follower in the chapter, the unknown person mentioned in an essay.

But he is capable and should become a legend, Malashenko has no doubt about it.

To be honest, Malashenko did not expect that the basket of words just now would have an immediate effect.

After all, Iushkin had a serious academic background and graduated from a serious tank corps school. He had the cultural and ability foundation to quickly recognize and apply what he learned.

Alsim is illiterate and needs help from others when writing and reading letters home. Malashenko knew that he could not rush for success and could only take his time step by step.

As for now, let’s just call it “the first step towards a great future.” Being able to do well and be solid in the first class is more important than anything else.

"I still can't fully accept it, Comrade Commander, even if I treat him as a dog, I feel unhappy with him and want to change him."

Malashenko was not surprised by the expected answer, but what Alsim said next was a bit interesting.

"But I think this is a problem with my ability to understand. I know that I am uneducated and my level is low. If others can understand me immediately, I have to think for a long time."

"Please rest assured, Comrade Teacher. I think that what I can't accept now is because I don't understand enough and my ideological awareness is not high enough. As long as it is something you want me to understand and do, I will do my best to complete it, regardless of the reason. Don’t discount it. You give me a goal and I will achieve it. I will definitely get your approval no matter it is the past, present or future!”


Okay, things developed again in a direction that Malashenko did not expect.

Alsim doesn't start from his own subjective knowledge. He only believes that "Comrade Commander is the absolute will", and he treats people and things wrong.

I can’t say with absolute certainty that this is necessarily a good thing, but at least it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing so far.

If this can lead Alsim to the right path, then Malashenko will admit it. The process and means can be casual, but the result is more important in dealing with such a "long-standing difficulty" as Alsim.

As long as he doesn't die for a day, he can lead Alsim's way.

To say that one day I will die

Go to hell! People are dead and they still care about those idiots? I just want to live as long as I can, so that's it.

With a satisfied look on his face, Malashenko patted Alsim's shoulder and gave a positive look where his eyes were focused. Even though Alsim was older than Malashenko, he looked younger. There is nothing wrong or awkward at all, only "it should be taken for granted".

"My expectations for you are much more than that, Alsim. When we come together in the future, I believe that I will be able to do it, because I believe in you too. Never give up fighting, whether on the battlefield or off the battlefield, Remember this sentence throughout your life as a human being.”


In Alsim's eyes, which were so excited that he was about to shed tears on the spot, he lowered his head and glanced at the telegram in his other hand. Malashenko, who had always remembered that there was still something to do, then quietly spoke again. .

"Start the train and be my driver. Let's go find comrade political commissar to take care of things."

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