Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2637 The Disappearing Reinforcements (Part 2)

"There is a problem. The dispatch time of these mechanized Germans was two hours ago.

"If they were really coming towards us, they would still be right next to each other in the next city. In two hours, let alone mechanization, these German idiots would be in place even if they were walking down the street. To say the least, their level of mechanization We should go into battle before the war is over and come to support the Germans who have been wiped out. "

"But it's not. That's the problem, and it's unusual. Tell me, what do you think?"

As Malashenko said, the problem is strange here.

The group of mechanized Germans who were dispatched for reinforcements two hours ago have not yet disappeared. Brother, are you collectively scattering on the road, or are you "I will not save you until I die, but the Red Army has an old horse" ah?

There is a saying that the possibility of being frightened back by the original route cannot be said to be completely non-existent. At least as a person involved, Malashenko thinks it is unlikely.

It was such an emergency situation at the time, and the battle suddenly broke out from a secret surprise attack to a violent attack.

With your German guy's sieve-like intelligence system, I can't believe that your German guy can figure out who the friendly soldier next door was beaten by and what the enemy's number is so quickly. Even if you just want to find out, or if you have a chance to find out, the comrades lurking within the enemy will probably not let the German guy succeed so smoothly. Why don't you use the whole false information to fool you German guy and deceive the fool?

This is very strange. What happened to these German guys and they still haven't disappeared yet?

Malashenko was silent as he stared at the map and pondered the matter. The political commissar on the side looked at the map for a moment and then decided to speak first, just as Malashenko requested, he first expressed his opinion.

"There are two possibilities, let me tell you my opinion."

"First of all, the first possibility is that the reinforcements cannot contact the group of German troops you led to beat up. The commander or superior of the team analyzed the situation and decided not to take the risk after weighing the pros and cons and suppressing the troops. Came down and didn’t really enter the battlefield.”

"If this is the case, then they should still be on standby very close to us. Let's see if there is any mention of this situation in the subsequent intelligence sent by the intelligence personnel. We are currently using one-way communication. , only accept but not receive. In order to ensure the safety of lurking comrades, we only accept the messages sent by them in one direction. It is impossible to proactively contact them to specifically confirm this situation. We can only hope that they can pay attention to this aspect. Things will have to wait."

"There is another possibility, worse than the previous one. The enemy has taken a detour."

"We must never forget that we are fighting in the heart of the enemy. The Nazis know the urban terrain far better than we do. Even if we have intelligence support from hidden comrades, they and these Germans are locals after all. This is their advantages.

"They know the weak points in the area where they want to carry out the mission. If they receive the news that they are not eager to rescue people and have been defeated on the battlefield, it will be useless. If I were the German commander leading the team, I would We will immediately adjust our strategy and use all available time and conditions to find a defensive weak point suitable for breakthrough and wait for the next order.”

"As soon as the order is given, an assault can be launched immediately from the most advantageous location. A good commander never sits still and adapts to circumstances. But if this is the case, the trouble will be more difficult."

"We must immediately determine the enemy's possible breakthrough point. We cannot just rely on the intelligence of lurking comrades to help us. A rapid mobile reaction force must also be assigned immediately and be on standby at any time. Furthermore, this can at least prove that the unknown leader The German commander is by no means an idle person, he knows how to take advantage of any available situation in adverse circumstances.”

"In addition, this unit under his command also has strong offensive energy on paper. I'm afraid you will encounter a difficult opponent this time. Malashenko, remember to be more careful."

It’s not like we, Comrade Ma, are bragging.

To put it bluntly, Malashenko actually thought of these possibilities that Comrade Political Commissar thought of.

I just thought of a part of it. No Comrade Political Commissar has thought about it so carefully and comprehensively, and expressed it in language with such rigorous logic and thoroughness. Comrade Political Commissar basically thought of what Malashenko had thought of and didn’t expect. It was all said at once.

Malashenko is now the staunchest supporter of the argument that "having an elder in a family is like having a treasure". It is simply not a happy feeling to have comrade political commissar around.

"You are right, the situation is indeed serious and we cannot take it so lightly."

"Well, if nothing happens, I will go back to the city immediately. You can send a telegram to Kulbalov at the same time, asking him to be more vigilant and seize the time to strengthen his defenses, especially those corners that are easily forgotten. Focus on the weak points of defense.”

"The streets and alleys in this shabby city are densely packed and vertical. We can't let the Germans launch a secret raid on us when the time comes. Those who raise hawks can't let eagles peck their eyes. It would be too embarrassing for Sukka. , if word gets out about this leader’s face, don’t worry about it.”

"By the way, there's also the matter of the rapid mobile reaction force."

"Kurbalov is still busy in the city. This matter will be left to Varosha to handle. You will supervise and supervise the handling. Make it a top priority and seize the time. I won't talk nonsense here. I'll go over and keep an eye on that side of the city, and I'd like to have a good meeting with these cunning scum. The division headquarters is still the same, so I'll leave it to you."

After giving the order as concisely and concisely as possible, he then grabbed the shabby old water cup belonging to the political commissar on the table and drank it all in one breath. His posture was even worse than a cow's drink, and he slapped the cup on the table without even having time to wipe his mouth. Leave on the spot.

"Okay, that's it. Just remember to keep in touch and be friendly."

"Report! Comrade division commander, comrade political commissar, urgent call from the first brigade!"

Grass! This is fucking bad!

Before Comrade Political Commissar had time to finish his words, the communications staff officer who had just sorted out the telegrams and immediately rushed over to report had even finished speaking. Even more unexpected things happened one after another.

Boom boom boom——



Malashenko, who didn't even have time to read the telegram, immediately rushed forward and quickly returned to the ground from the basement. Then he ran all the way to the outside of the church and immediately looked in the direction of the explosion. Look.

"The bad news is that we guessed it right. The Germans wanted to retaliate and used the same secret raid method to deal with us, and they also specially selected the southwest part of the defense zone with the weakest defense. There are all marginalized poor people. The district and various alleys are inherently easy to attack and difficult to defend. It seems that they did make a large detour from the DC area, and everything makes sense. "

Holding the emergency telegram that Kulbalov had just sent in his hand, he hurriedly followed. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was far less in good health than Malashenko, was a little out of breath. Just running quickly for such a short distance already had a rash on his forehead. sweat.

"So there's good news?"

Malashenko just asked subconsciously, but he didn't expect that Comrade Political Commissar's next words actually contained it.

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