Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2638 Traffic jam on the front line (Part 1)

“There is indeed good news”

"The good news is that Kulbalov's side is not unprepared. He has deployed enough troops at key points where the enemy may sneak in. The Germans tried to penetrate and kill our perimeter security without making any noise. Whistle, but failed.”

"The security force immediately sounded the alarm with gunshots, and then the Germans became angry. If the secret assault failed, they immediately changed to a force attack. The follow-up troops immediately pressed forward. There were tanks and armored vehicles, and there were also large groups of mechanized infantry to follow. The weapon configuration and The ordinary third-rate defense team has nothing to do with it. They seem to be well prepared and should be the group you are looking for. "

"I see, it saves me a lot of trouble."

Malashenko, who put down his telescope, had already witnessed the smoke rising from the outer city. It was the scene caused by artillery fire and explosions igniting the flammable materials in the city. It was consistent with the direction from which the sound of fierce fighting came, and it was enough to It shows that the breaking point of the battle is at that location.

"Contact Kurbalov and ask him to let go and beat me hard."

"Doesn't he have nearly a regiment of troops that have entered the city? Use them all. Don't just block one street corner to defend, use the surrounding blocks as well, light the Germans' flanks, and let these gangs come to the door. He knows how to burn his ass.

"In addition, inform Varosha to let his troops enter from the edge of the city and attack the Germans' flanks and rear from the southwest. I will contact him then and ask him to be on standby to keep in touch. Today I have to organize this carefully. You can’t help shit!”

The strength of the German troops in Berlin is limited. It is not like calling a red alert. The Germans have barracks in Berlin that can give you unlimited troops.

Seize any possible opportunity and try to destroy the effective strength of the German defenders as much as possible. This is what Malashenko has already made a plan and is now planning to do it himself.

After bidding farewell to his political commissar comrades and leaving the division headquarters, Malashenko asked for a car and immediately drove to the direction of the outer city that had just been captured.

Along the way, we encountered many troops that were entering the city or being mobilized urgently. A mechanized convoy of trucks, tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles gathered in a long line and were rushing towards the city.

The artillery fire in the city was raging, and the fighting was as hot as a boiling hot pot. The long steel dragon outside the city was still moving closer to the city, transporting reinforcements.

This stark contrast between inside and outside the city made Malashenko a little anxious. Although the combat order had been issued, he currently had no grasp of the combat trends in the city and did not know the specific battle situation.

This feeling of being suddenly attacked and having the battle situation out of control is quite bad. Malashenko, who has long been accustomed to taking the initiative in the battle situation into his own hands, cannot remember clearly the last time he was tricked by a German. And it is impossible to grasp in time the situation of the battle.

Several soldiers and a company-level instructor were standing on a temporary "command podium" erected at the street intersection to divert traffic. The iron trumpet and small flag in the hands of the instructor were doing their best, but those wide and fat IS6 heavy tanks The speed of entering the city still could not be increased, and a large number of trucks and infantry fighting vehicles followed behind, forming a queue.

It was also because of the severe congestion of mechanized heavy equipment that some infantry troops who knew that the situation was urgent had already got off their vehicles and ran towards the city instead of taking vehicles.

Mechanized vehicles that can greatly improve tactical mobility and provide additional armor protection are now extremely limited in this urban street fighting environment, and tactical mobility is not as good as walking.

The roads built by the Germans are only so wide. No matter how many vehicles you have, you will not be able to drive wherever you want and gallop around the city like you can in cross-country operations.

Cars are blocking the road, so people have to get out of their cars and run on the sidewalk instead.

As for the equipment, it can only be said that I brought everything I could carry with me. The squad machine gun and the backpackable rocket launcher were the limit of the infantry equipment that could be carried on foot. The leader division, which emphasizes heavy firepower, high mobility, and full mechanization, has long ago eliminated the heavy machine guns carried on the shoulders and mounted on wheel carts.

This has not been a problem in past field battles. A sufficient number of infantry fighting vehicle cannons and machine gun firepower on heavy tanks can completely replace the position of infantry heavy machine guns and further strengthen firepower and improve tactical maneuverability.

The mechanized infantry of the leader division is literally a light infantry. Apart from the battalion and company level mortars, the largest tube in their hands is the rocket launcher, and the rest are all kinds of long guns, short guns and small pistols. .

"Quick! Run forward! Comrades, follow up and move quickly!"

As soon as a certain platoon leader got out of the infantry fighting vehicle, he quickly called to his soldiers who had also just gotten out of the infantry fighting vehicle to assemble. They immediately set off as a team and ran on foot on the sidewalk, starting from where they were. The motorcade passed by.

This time, Malashenko, who did not need a driver but drove the car himself, held the steering wheel and rolled down the window. He stuck his head out of the car and looked around. He found that he was not only beside his car, but also on the sidewalks around him. It looked like they were all infantrymen who had gotten off the car and were walking on foot. Their legs were running faster than the various vehicles that were blocked and crawling forward like a snail.

"Damn, what's the point of being stuck in a traffic jam at this time! I don't know how many casualties it will cause if I rush over with light equipment like this. It's a big loss without heavy firepower! The stupid Germans can't make the road wider. ! "

Not only the soldiers, but Malashenko, who was also blocked unnecessarily, couldn't stand it anymore.

It's not okay to continue to be stuck like this and move forward little by little. Who knows whether the battle will be over or ending by the time I drive here.

Malashenko, who was in a hurry, simply stopped writing and picked up the folding stock and shortened barrel AK lying on the co-pilot beside him. It is a standard and rare self-defense model for tank soldiers. For the basic infantry model AK whose production capacity is climbing in the first stage, it is indeed pitiful and not very common.

"Which section do you belong to? Where is your commander? Who is in charge of commanding here?"

He casually stopped a squad leader who was passing by with a team. Malashenko, who did not have any military rank marks on his body and dressed plainly like an urban-rural fringe soil hammer, was not recognized at first.

The squad leader who was leading the team was about to say impatiently, "I'm in a hurry and I don't have time." When he took a quick look with his eyes wide open, he realized that he was actually the division commander. He had a tank cap on his head. It was really not that easy. Recognizable.

"We are from the 2nd Battalion of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Brigade. Here are the troops of our brigade. Our battalion commander is responsible for commanding here. Comrade the division commander, he is right in front."

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