Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2639 Traffic jam on the front line (Part 2)

"From the second brigade? Damn, that boy Varosha moves so fast! I fucking thought it was Kulbalov's troops blocking this place!"

After asking clearly which unit was in the traffic jam, Malashenko, who didn't talk nonsense, immediately advanced on foot under the leadership of the squad leader, and followed the soldiers to the intersection of the block ahead.

Before he even got there, Malashenko saw a Gas Jeep parked on the side of the road with a car-mounted command radio station and a large antenna plugged into the butt of the car. An officer who looked like a leader at first glance was standing beside the car, leading a group of people around him to point at the map in his hand and discuss the situation.

"No, the speed is still too slow! Clear all the baggage and non-combat equipment transport trucks to both sides of the road, first clear a single lane that can allow heavy equipment to pass, and send the tanks up first! Those naughty tanks are on their way Shelling our defense area, our comrades need tank support."

"All the infantry got off their vehicles and moved forward on foot. The priority of infantry fighting vehicles entering the city will be postponed, and priority will be given to ensuring the passage of tanks. Make arrangements immediately, hurry!"


After explaining the important matters, laying out the orders, and closing the map, the comrade leader was planning to go to the intersection ahead to see how the traffic diversion situation was, and if necessary, take personal command on the spot. It was impossible to drive there. My exclusive command GAZ jeep could only be left on the sidewalk. The only option was to walk over with the soldiers on the road.

"Captain, wait! Comrade Division Commander is looking for you!"


The comrade leader, who was about to leave with a group of people around him, was stopped by the shouting from behind. He subconsciously turned his head in the direction of the sound, only to find a fierce man with "iconic height". Han Zheng was running towards him in small steps.

"Comrade division commander? Why are you here? At this time?"

Unlike the squad leader who rarely sees Malashenko, Comrade Comrade Malashenko, as a senior leading cadre of the leadership division, can still recognize Comrade Ma at a glance, even if he is wearing rags and a hood on his head. The black leather tank cap covering his head is also instantly recognizable.

"No nonsense, how do you arrange the troops to enter the city now? What happened in front and why is the traffic jam like this?"

Although Malashenko asked anxiously, he did not mean to blame, he just talked about the matter.

The comrade commander in front of him also knew that the comrade division commander was not an unreasonable person, and he understood that the situation was urgent, so he chose to explain the situation in as short a word as possible.

"One block further is the battlefield that has not been cleaned up, Comrade Division Commander. There are a lot of scrap iron and garbage, vehicle wreckage piled there, and the wreckage of several Panther IIs that were previously crippled by the first brigade are also lying in the middle of the road. The Germans This medium-sized tank is as heavy as our heavy tanks, and it can’t be pushed even if you push it with the IS6, because the tracks have been broken.”

"Now we can only try to dredge and clear the road while allowing the troops to move forward. We have cleared a one-way passage just enough for heavy equipment to pass. As for the other road, we have to wait until the two tracks of the vehicle are interrupted before driving. Black Panther, who can’t be pushed away without leaving, will go to the other side and talk about it later.”

"I have applied to dispatch the IS7 heavy tank to the city. It has enough horsepower to push that shabby Panther II away. The road in the city cannot be used at all. I have to ask a tow truck to tow that thing away. I don't know if it will be inked. At any time, it cannot affect traffic and troop movement, so we can only do it hard. "


Traffic jams on the roads in the peaceful world of later generations usually happen for a reason. Most of them are caused by a car accident on the road ahead. In fact, the same is true for road traffic on the battlefield.

It's just that the cause of the traffic jam is a bit more hard-core than ordinary traffic accidents.

A Black Panther II, with both tracks destroyed, was lying on the road. It had no ability to walk at all, and its chassis had scratched the floor. With a weight of more than 50 tons and a huge friction force on the ground, even the IS6 of the same weight cannot be pushed up. This medium-sized tank like yours is really mind-numbing.

What makes people even more speechless is that this Black Panther II belongs to the leader himself.

The Guards logo and red five-pointed star on the turret clearly indicate the camp to which this vehicle belongs. It was a "gift" left behind after a fierce battle by the siege team in the previous main attack direction.

People were too busy fighting to clean up this thing, so they could only leave it to the follow-up troops to recover it, while they were busy continuing to rush forward.

There is actually nothing wrong with doing this, it is just a matter of course in standard combat procedures.

The operational regulations of the leading division clearly state that "if the equipment is lost and cannot be repaired on site, the vehicle is allowed to be abandoned for recovery by the follow-up troops." The corresponding combat regulations are that "the follow-up troops should promptly deal with any encounters along the way. Our side abandons the vehicle and promptly repairs it or calls for recycling."

But the problem is that I didn't expect that this overweight piece of junk would cause so much trouble to the follow-up troops. It couldn't be pulled or pushed away. It was so difficult that it made people jump three feet high and jump around in place. The follow-up troops who were also in a hurry had no choice but to call for the heavier IS7 heavy tanks to rush into the city and use brute force to push this thing out of the way.

Unexpectedly, the culprit of such a blockage in front of him was his own Panther II. Malashenko's mind was spinning and he couldn't think of any better solution. He could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, let's do it this way. Where is the IS7 you called now?"

"We have entered the city. We just confirmed with the radio five minutes ago that they are heading towards the crossing. But you have also seen this situation, Comrade Division Commander. There is a traffic jam one after another. The IS7 guy has no chance of rushing over. It’s so easy. You should have to wait another ten to fifteen minutes. I’ve already informed the crew to do it as soon as possible.”

"There is no other way now. I can only give priority to heavy tanks to reinforce the front. The front is in urgent need of heavy anti-tank firepower reinforcements. The Germans have dispatched tanks and are bombarding our defense line. All the infantry got off the car and rushed over on foot. Now we are in the car. It’s not as fast as running, so I can only do this.”

The decision and order issued by the regiment leader are already the best plan that can be thought of and implemented under the current dire situation. After hearing this, Malashenko did not feel that there was anything to add or correct. , after understanding the situation, naturally we can't continue to stay here.

"You stay and command the troops to divert traffic and get the reinforcements to the war zone as soon as possible. Give me another team of people and I will lead them on foot and rush there first."

"Ah? Comrade Commander, you want to walk to the fire line like this? Isn't this too dangerous???"

It is only natural that the regiment leader should have such a reaction. Malashenko does not have the "steel heavy armor" protection that he is usually proud of. After leaving the legendary IS7 No. 177, Malashenko is just an ordinary mortal, made of flesh and blood. It would be inappropriate, very inappropriate, to rush to the battlefield like this. If something bad happens, the leader will Isn't it going to turn upside down?

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